> LaBelle 1.01  By George Speller  (C) The Micro User ( B/B+/M/C/E/A/T 2 Modified by J.G.Harston < Uncompressed version F: P7 Z1(-P)<&4700 =-(&4700-(-P)):"LaBelle" d TDP n init x 7 mainmenu  M%=1 7:setup:params  M%=2 7:file  M%=3 3:edit  M%=4 7:print  M%=42 0,5):os M%=5:' *FX4  : params max%=height%/13 maxlines%=height%/15 !lf%(1)=15:lf%(2)=28:lf%(3)=32  lf%(4)=32 "9len%(1)=maxlen%:len%(2)=maxlen%:len%(3)=(maxlen%*3/5) ,len%(4)=(maxlen%*3/10) 69inset%(0)=0:inset%(2)=0:inset%(3)=(maxlen%-len%(3))/2 @!inset%(4)=(maxlen%-len%(4))/2 J flag1% totlf T flag1%= ^ h: r init |*KEY0 |!|A *KEY1 |!|B *KEY2 |!|C *KEY3 |!|D *KEY4 |!|E *KEY5 |!|F *KEY6 |!|G *KEY7 |!|L  *FX4,1 F$="No file"  abort%=  exit%=  flag1%= .tit$=129+157+131+141+"LABELLE "+156 = data$(25),type%(25),style%(25),len%(4),inset%(4),lf%(4) height%=270 maxlen%=60 & totlf%=0 0pmargin%=0 :pitch%=324 Dclear$=maxlen%," ") N params X B%=0 max% btype%(B%)=1:style%(B%)=1 ldata$(B%)=clear$ v B%  option$(8) / Set up,Filing,Edit label,Print Label,Quit  N%=15  option$(N%)  N%  23;11,0;0;0;0  :  title 12,1)tit$'12,2)tit$  : mainmenu  *FX21  title  28,0,24,39,6  N%=15 *line(N%,32,156,135) 4 N% >line%=1:select%= Hline(line%,132,157,135) R \oldline%=line% fG%= p" G%=138 line%=line%-(line%<5) z" G%=139 line%=line%+(line%>1)  M%=G%-48 $ M%<6 M%>0 line%=M%:select%=  G%=42 M%=42:select%=  G%=13 M%=line%:select%= line(oldline%,32,156,135) line(line%,132,157,135)  select%=  G%=(10)  : !line(N%,newcol%,back%,col%) K 10,N%)newcol%;back%;col%;N%;" ";option$(N%);27,N%);156;13,N%);  :  display  28,0,1,79,0 $ F$; .8 10,1)"|";10+inset%(3),1)"|";10+inset%(4),1)"|"; 8S10+len%(4)+inset%(4),1)"|";10+len%(3)+inset%(3)-1,1)"|";10+maxlen%-1,1)"|"; B L mark V28,10,24,79,2 ` j N%=0 maxlines% t& inset%(type%(N%)),N%)data$(N%); ~ N%  :  setup  title Kcvpitch%=pitch%:cvheight%=height%:cvpmargin%=pmargin%:cvmaxlen%=maxlen%  28,0,24,39,6 ) 3)"Label pitch 1/216 in.";cvpitch% * 3)"Height in 1/216 in...";cvheight% , 3)"Margin in characters..";cvpmargin% *3)"Width in characters...";cvmaxlen%    31,0)pitch%   pitch%>=0 pitch%<=648 pitch%=0:pitch%=cvpitch%  31,0);pitch%;(3); ( 2 31,1)height% < height%>=0 height%<=594 F height%=0:height%=cvheight% P 31,1);height%;(3) Z height%=0 pmargin%<100  31,2);pmargin%;(3);   31,3)maxlen%  maxlen% >=0 maxlen%<=60 ! maxlen%=0 maxlen%=cvmaxlen%  31,3);maxlen%;(3)  :  file  title *. 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