MakeLP data format 0: flg: b7 esc escape flag b6 lf needs autolinefeed b5 ff do FF at end of page b4 fflf do LFs at end of page b3 high VIEW highlight extensions b2 pound1 translate CHR$(96) to '`' b1 pound2 translate CHR$(163) to '`' b0 endff do a FF (or LFs) at end of text 1: plen: b7-b5: b5-b3 of grafM, 48+(b4-b0 EOR16): page length 2: tlen: b7-b5: b2-b0 of grafM, 48+(b4-b0 EOR16): text length 3: xflg: b7 esc2 escape flag b6 xtr currently unused b5-b0 grafP if grafP=0, grafP and grafM invalid 4: typ: 0: Type I string information 1: Type IIa string information 2-79: Type IIb string information grafM and grafP can only be 64..127 Type I string information: if esc=1, all strings have CHR$27 prepended; if esc=0, CHR$27 are explicit for each string { offset to string } for each string { if string <> "" { string } } the first string offset is always 0, giving typ=0 Type II string information: if esc2=0, strings terminated with b7=1; if esc=1, all strings have CHR$27 prepended; if esc=0, CHR$27 explicit if esc2=1, CHR$27s are explicit; if esc=0, strings terminated with &00; esc=1, terminator is &FF Type IIa string table: for each string { if string <> "" { code-63, string } } terminator &FF the first string is always code 64, for '@', giving typ=1 Type IIb string table: for each string { if string <> "" { code-31, string } } terminator &FF the first string can be any code from 33 upwards, giving typ>1