'Printer' Program version 1.30 ============================== This program allows you to easily print out text files, and also has a feature to extend the highlights in VIEW files. Running the program is fairly simple, and the questions asked are fairly straight-forward. At the 'File:' prompt, you can also enter '*' commands by making the first character a '*'. When you run the program is run, you are asked for your options, and from then onwards, you only change the options if you want to. You can set paged mode by pressing CTRL-N at the 'File:' prompt. You can print a specified number of pages using the 'First page' and 'Last page' questions. The unprinted pages will appear on the screen only. The program runs ok with PAGE at &1900, and it tries to use shadow screen mode if it can. If it can't find enough memory to use MODE 0, then it uses MODE 3 instead. The beginning of the program has the codes for controlling the printer. If you have a non-EPSON compatible printer, then you can change these by following the REM statements. VIEW Highlight 2 extensions =========================== The BPrinterb program can use VIEW's highlight 2 as an escape code to select a certain effect. This gives you much more flexability than just the two highlight codes on their own. You use this by putting highlight 2 followed by another character. Eg *Ithis is in italics*i would be set as italics (the stars here are just stars. You would use highlight 2 which just looks like a star). This is a complete list of the character set, showing which codes I've allocated so far. Currently it's just some of the letters. :  (Space) - nothing !: ! Pling - nothing ": " Quote - nothing #: # Hash - nothing $: $ Dollar - nothing %: % Percent - nothing &: & Ampersand - nothing ': ' Apostrophe - nothing (): (Style '()') characters - nothing *+: * Star, + Plus - nothing ,: , Comma - nothing -: - Minus - nothing .: . Dot - nothing /: / Slash - nothing 01: 0 Zero, 1 One - nothing 23: 2 Two, 3 Three - nothing 45: 4 Four, 5 Five - nothing 67: 6 Six, 7 Seven - nothing 89: 8 Eight, 9 Nine - nothing :;: : Colon, ; Semicolon - nothing <>: