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Date   : Thu, 15 Aug 1996 16:33:51 +0100
From   : angus@...
Subject: AMPLE/Music 5000

>Is anyone still using the Hybrid music system? Am I the only person left
>who still finds it useful??

I have one, which I turn on and play with occasionally. (Occasionally because
I don't get much free time anyway :-()

>I am looking for any M5000/M2000 related stuff, including the Amplinex
>discs and any musical creations, perhaps with a view to setting up a www
>sit one of these years. I am especially keen to get hold of the Amplinex
>utilities, including the full-screen editor and the perhaps mythical MIDI-in

I've got a couple of M5000 modules and documentation available from
http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/ajcd/beeb/, which give M500 compatibility and
simple waveform and envelope creation.

>Incidently, I am using the system in conjunction with a MIDI module and an
>Apple Mac and finding it flexible and useful. Anyone else using the MIDI
>side of the system?

I have a MIDI module, but no other devices, because I recently bought a job
lot of stuff in order to get the MU4000 keyboard and the expander box.

I wrote to Hybrid to ask for a system software upgrade (they said a certain
version would work over the phone), but got no response; has anyone heard
anything out of them recently? It doesn't really matter to me, because they
said it was a software issue, and I have the tools to modify their modules
anyway, but others don't. I suppose one can't expect customer support for a
product that probably ceased shipping years ago...

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