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Date   : Wed, 09 Jan 2002 12:56:55 -0000 
From   : owner-bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: Best ROM for messing with discs?

ROMS: I can recommend Advanced Disc Toolkit (ADT) or Disc Doctor, also ADI
(Advanced Disc Investigator) copies *most* protected disks. A friend had a
better utility in the form of a program called Cyclone which seemed to cope
with every disc protection imaginable except it didn't run on my BBC -
something to do with it needing the old disk controller chip, I think.

For general file investiagtion lots of hex dumping programs and the like
were published in Electron User, Beebug etc. Browse through the downloads on
the 8BS site. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Adcock [mailto:krisa@...]
Sent: 09 January 2002 12:07
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Best ROM for messing with discs?

Afternoon all,

Can anyone recommend a utility ROM (or even a utility disk) for messing with
discs? I mean, I want to see the contents as a hex dump, do copying of
protected discs, editing, etc ...



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