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Date   : Sat, 02 Mar 2002 20:25:20 +0000
From   : "W.Scholten" <wouter.scholten@...>
Subject: Abasic


I had already OCR'ed the entire tublink ad, so here it is:

  Advanced BASIC                      for BBC B/B+/Master
  Tubelink is proud to offer the most powerful version of BASIC
  ever written for a 6502-based BBC micro.  Advanced BASIC
  (formerly Archie BASIC) is a new version of BASIC, for the BBC
  micro models B/B+/Master with 6502 second processor or
  Turbo, and is compatible with Acorn's new Archimedes BASIC.
  Just look at some of the features it has to offer...
    Over 35 new keywords
    New program loop structures (CASE, WHILE, etc)
    Multi-line'IF' statements
    New graphics commands (CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, etc)
    New error handling and TRACE debugging modes
    Instant on-screen help on keywords and status
    New statements and functions
    Mouse support (new MOUSE keyword)
    New string handling features
    INSTALL and LIBRARY commands for procedures
    Extended assembler
    Includes Aoorn's very latest 1987 Hi-BASIC
  Advanced BASIC can even be used to run Archimedes
  programs on your model B/B+/Master, or alternatively for writing
  programs which could be run on an Archimedes micro.
  Advanced BASIC is supplied on disc for loading into a sideways
  RAM system, or on 16k EPROM, together with comprehensive
  user guide and 1987 Hi-BASIC on disc under license from
  Acorn. (To use extended graphics commands on B/B+ requires
  Acorn's GXR ROM.  Mouse commands require suitable driver
  ROM, eg.  Chauffeur or AMX Super ROM).  State make and
  model of second processor in use.  Full leaflet on request.
  C'29.95 on 40/80 track disc - E34.95 on 16k EPROM
  Unique offer: Advanced BASIC and PMS B2P 65CO2 second
  processor for just Ell 5 - saving El 5 on the normal RRP.
  Includes Advanced BASIC, second processor, instruction
  guides, and Tube Toolkit ROM.  Add E5 if Advanced BASIC ROM
  version required. (B2P is only suitable for model B use.)
  EXROM: The Extension ROM                        for B/B+/Master
  Tubelink's EXROM effectively doubles the BBC micro's
  operating system adding many usefulutili@..., and featuring
  unique facilities if used with a second processor..
    Extended Osbyte/Osword calls - Filing system utilities
    Sideways ROM saveaoad - UNPLUG/'INSERT ROMs
    Full 65CO2 disassembler - Memory management tools
    Tube on/off commands - Extended Hi-BASIC system
    Memory transfer functions - Suitable for DFS/ADFS/Net
  El 4.95 on disc for sideways RAM - El 8.95 on 16k EPROM
  When ordering, please say which version of Hi-BASIC you have

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