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Date   : Thu, 07 Oct 1982 03:36:00-EDT
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Mit-Mc>
Subject: TYPE15 "misfeature" actually feature

I noticed your message to Leor telling about a "misfeature" in TYPE15.
You said if the printer was togged with the control-P when the file
was typed out it did not go to the printer, only the console.  This
was not a mistake, it was deliberate!  TYPE15 uses BIOS output instead
of BDOS in order to get around the *misfeature* in CP/M that causes it
to echo characters during output if any are typed.  This is particularly
important on a Remote CP/M system where it's likely that some noise
will be received by the modem while a file is being typed.  Your
solution is to recompile it using BDOS output -OR- use my "SWAP"
program which temporarily transposes the console and list JMPs in the
jump table at the start of the CBIOS.  Another way is to implement
IOBYTE and use STAT to reassign the console output to the printer.
Actually, if you have USQ (the Greenlaw UNsqueezer) you can say USQ -
filename.type and the output will go to the list device if you have
done control-P prior to entering USQ.
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