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Date   : Sat, 03 Mar 1984 23:09:00-PST
From   : ABN.ISCAMS@usc-isid
Subject: MDM724


MDM724, as downloaded in .ASM form from SIMTEL20 MICRO:<CPM.MDM7>, works
perfectly.  (I expected no less!)  I used the old original overlay for my
Morrow Decision I (not the easiest computer to interface with port I/O),
and it meshed right in.  (Good idea, that constancy with the same overlays.)

I added one wee little thing for you people trying to work via micro and MDM7xx
through a TAC.  As you know, the TAC has an Intercept Character (mine uses the
@ sign), and it WILL choke up during normal uploads unless special precau-
tions are taken (change the intercept sign to something unused, turn it OFF!,
etc.).  I got a simpler fix, and it takes about a couple dozen bytes.

At the two parts in MDM where it gets ready to send a character out as part of
a file upload (T mode and S mode), simply check the character to be sent.
If it's your intercept character...send it twice!  I'll be pushing up a more
thorough patch in a couple of days that'll add a toggle to your MDM menu, so
you can turn the character on and off, or change as needed.  (Don't want to be
sending two @'s to your local CBBS!)

Exact locations for the simple quick-fix are:

         CALL SPEED
         POP D
         MOV A,M
         CPI EOFCHAR
***Here's where to put the little patch:
         CPI '@'               ;is it the Intercept Char?
         CZ MODOUT     ;yup, let the MODOUT segment do its thing.

...and fall right through to the rest of the stuff.
The only thing cut out is SPEED, but you shouldn't need that just to
reach to the TAC.

That takes care of a Terminal T mode send; now for the error-trapping
send (S)...
Way down, find...
MONOUT: ....
NOMONOUT:POP PSW       ;doing this 'cause the char involved is in A
         PUSH PSW

*** Here's where we put the TAC Trap...

        CPI '@'                ;is it the Intercept char?
        JNZ SENDW              ;nope, skip this mess
TRAP:   CALL SENDRDY   ;we have to check for modem ready too.
        JNZ TRAP       ;we're in effect duplicating all in SENDW since we
        POP PSW        ;can't call SENDW to do the work for us.
        PUSH PSW       ;gotta put it back where SENDW expects to POP it.
        CALL OUT$MODDATP       ;send the @ out the first time...
                               ;...and fall through to
SENDW:  CALL SENDRDY           ;...send it the second time.
        JNZ SENDW
        POP PSW

Here's an actual demo -- I fired it right up into XED on my host through
my TAC here at Ft Bragg.  Engaged F I S (flow control in the TAC so it'll
XON/XOFF MDM724 immediately and not overflow the TAC keyboard buffer).
As you can see, the @'s made it just fine.  Watching it on the screen
as it uploaded, I could see 2, 4, 6, and 8 @'s upload.

This is to test out the World Famous Toad Hall TAC Trap newly installed
in MDM724.COM.
@  one at
@@ two ats
@@@ three ats
@@@@ four ats

Sorry for overflowing your mailboxes, but sure do work good!

David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
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