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Date   : Thu, 12 Dec 1985 06:30:51 GMT
From   : George Wilson <georgew%tekgvs.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Help with Kaypro Serial Port

       Here is a question for the Kaypro people out there.
       I have a early Kaypro IV and would very much like to initialize
       the serial port.  Iam working on writing a terminal program for
       a special host.  The host needs to have the communications setup
       a special way.  From the documentation provided Iam not able to
       figure out how to communicate with the registers of the SIO.
       When I run my terminal program it does not send or receive any
       characters from the serial port.  My program sets the baud rate
       bye writing a hex 0E to port 0.  This should set me up for 9600.
       This is true if the system was reset.
       If I run one of my existing terminal programs, like SMODEM, and
       exit after it has initialized the serial port my program runs
       just fine.
       The system comes with a book that gives the port numbers and
       their functions as follows:
       Port#           Function
       0               Baud rate
       4               R/W port for characters
       6               Status/Control
       Is there something Iam missing in the documentation?
       Is there some example program I could look at?
       If it matters Iam programming in LMI Z80FORTH.
       Please reply to me at   (503) 627-6596  or (503) 645-0765
       Thanks Jed
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