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Date   : Sat, 11 Jan 1992 05:54:54 GMT
From   : csus.edu!wupost!cs.utexas.edu!tamsun!tamuts!jdb8042@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu (John Donald Baker)
Subject: Re: Kermit for CP/M

The PCPI interface with the SSC (or equivalent) is a bit more complicated
than the "ordinary" Apple CP/M (as kludged by MacroSloth).

It involves passing commands and data between the 6502 and the Z80 (each of
which live in their own little worlds.

I am not personally familiar with the ordinary Kermit program itself.
When I use the kermit protocol, it's via Dave Goodenough's QTERM v4.3e.

The drivers for QTERM for the Applicard/Starcard/ACE-80 should be very
instructive in how that system operates and you should probably be able to
lift the individual routines form input, output, ready, DTR on/off, etc.
right out of the QTERM overlay and patch it in to the Kermit overlay.

That is, in fact how I brought ZMP 1.5 up on my Apple //e with PCPI
Applicard as no pre-written driver existed--only the blank supplied by
Ron Murray.  If you go that route, you will have to convert Dave's
ZSM assembly syntax to something more convetional (ASM, MAC, M80, etc)
but I did it with little or no trouble and I'm don't do that sort of
thing very often.

Contact me if you have any questions on PCPI stuff in general.  If you
would like more info on QTERM, talk to me or Dave Goodenough (dg@pallio.UUCP)
or you can find out more by sending mail to:


put the following lines in your message:

/send help to <your address>
/send index to <your address>

I could mail you the individual overlay to QTERM so you could study it.

Hope this helps.

John D. Baker  ->An Apple 3.5", 5.25", 8" PCPI Applicard ZCPR3 nut//
Internet:  JDB8042@{tamuts|rigel|sigma|summa|zeus|venus}.tamu.edu
UUCP:  The Black Box: ...buster!blkbox!jdb8042 [(713) 480-2686|-2685 (2400)]
BBSs:  JOHN BAKER on Z-Node #45 [(713) 937-8886],
The Vector Board [(716) 544-1863], PIC of the Mid-Town [(713) 527-8939]
Karnage: "Fire at will!"  /  Wil (desperately dodging a hail of automatic
  weapons fire): "AAAAIYEEEE!!"  /  Karnage: "No, no.  Do not fire at Wil, he
  is my Second Mate.  FIRE AT THE SEA-DUCK!!"

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