ARM assembler reference manual ARM Evaluation System Acorn OEM Products ARM assembler Part No 0448,008 Issue No 1.0 4 August 1986 (c) Copyright Acorn Computers Limited 1986 Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in, this manual may be adapted or reproduced in any material form except with the prior written permission of the copyright holder. The only exceptions are as provided for by the Copyright (photocopying) Act, or for the purpose of review, or in order for the software herein to be entered into a computer for the sole use of the owner of this book. Within this publication the term 'BBC' is used as an abbreviation for 'British Broadcasting Corporation'. • The manual is provided on an 'as is' basis except for warranties described in the software licence agreement if provided. • The software and this manual are protected by Trade secret and Copyright laws. The product described in this manual is subject to continuous developments and improvements. All particulars of the product and its use (including the information in this manual) are given by Acorn Computers in good faith. There are no warranties implied or expressed including but not limited to implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for purpose and all such warranties arc expressly and specifically disclaimed. In case of difficulty please contact your supplier. Every step is taken to ensure that the quality of software and documentation is as high as possible. However, it should be noted that software cannot be written to be completely free of errors. To help Acorn rectify future versions, suspected deficiencies in software and documentation, unless notified otherwise, should be notified in writing to the following address: Customer Services Department, Acorn Computers Limited, 645 Newmarket Road, Cambridge CBS 8PD ARM assembler All maintenance and service on the product must be carried out by Acom Computers. Acom Computers can accept no liability whatsoever for any loss, indirect or consequential damages, even if Acom has been advised of the possibility of such damage or even if caused by service or maintenance by unauthorised personnel. This manual is intended only lo assist the reader in the use of the product, and therefore Acom Computers shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of any information or particulars in, or any error or omission in, this manual, or any incorrect use of the product Econet(r) and The Tube(r) are registered trademarks of Acom Computers Limited. ISBN 1 85250 003 Published by: Acom Computers Limited, Fulbourn Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge CBl 4JN, UK ARM assembler Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Description of the ARM CPU 1 1.2 The assembler 3 1.3 Installing A Asm 4 1.4 Conventions used in this manual 4 2. CPU instruction set 6 2.1 Addressing modes 6 2.1.1 Relative addressing 6 2.1.2 Indexed addressing 6 2.1.3 Register addressing 6 2.1.4 Implied addressing 7 2.1.5 Immediate addressing 7 2.2 Types of indexing 7 2.2.1 Pre-indexing 7 2.2.2 Post-indexing 8 2.2.3 Write back on pre-indexed instructions 8 2.3 Condition testing 9 2.4 Branch instructions 10 2.4.1 Branch 10 2.4.2 Branch with link 11 2.5 The barrel shifter 12 2.5.1 The shift types 13 2.5.2 Logical shift left 13 2.5.3 Logical shift right 14 2.5.4 Arithmetic shift right 14 2.5.5 Rotate right 14 2.5.6 Rotate right with extend 15 2.6 Data processing 15 2.6.1 Instruction syntax 16 2.6.2 Data processing instruction summary 21 2.6.3 The ADR instruction 21 2.7 Single data transfer 22 2.7.1 Instruction syntax 22 2.8 Block data transfer 24 2.8.1 Instruction syntax 25 2.8.2 Stacking 27 iv ARM assembler 2.8.3 Special points 31 2.9 Supervisor calls 33 2.9.1 Instruction syntax 33 3. The assembler 34 3.1 Symbols 35 3.2 Expressions 36 3.3 Numeric constants 37 3.4 The number equating directive * 38 3.5 The register equating directive RN 38 3.6 Assembler operators 39 3.6.1 The arithmetic operators 39 3.6.2 Boolean logical operators 40 3.6.3 Bitwise logical operators 40 3.6.4 Shift operators 40 3.6.5 Relational operators 41 3.6.6 String operators 41 3.6.7 Operator summary 43 3.7 Store-loading directives 44 3.7.1 Syntax differences 44 3.8 The ALIGN directive 45 3.9 ?label 45 3.10 Literals 46 3.11 Laying out areas of memory 46 3.11.1 Counter values 48 3.12 Variables 48 3.12.1 Global variables 48 3.12.2 Other useful variables 50 3.13 Local labels 50 3.14 Error handling directives 53 3.15 The ORG and LEADR directives 54 3.16 The END directive 54 4. Conditional assembly, 55 4.1 Conditional assembly 55 4.2 Repetitive assembly 57 4.3 Evaluating logical expressions 58 4.4 Macros 59 4.4.1 Local variables 61 4.4.2 The MEXIT directive 61 4.4.3 Default values 62 4.4.4 The macro substitution method 62 ARM assembler 4.4.5 Nesting macros 63 5. Assembling, link files, printing 64 5.1 The command line 64 5.2 Assembling a program 66 5.3 Linking source files 67 5.4 The object file 68 5.5 The SYMBOL command 68 5.6 The XREF command 69 5.7 The WARNING command 69 5.8 The QUIT command 69 5.9 Assembler print commands 69 5.9.1 WIDTH n 70 5.9.2 LENGTH n 70 5.9.3 TERSE 70 5.9.4 Dynamic print options 71 5.9.5 TTL 73 5.9.6 SUBTTL 73 6. Appendix A 74 6.1 ARM instruction set 74 7. Appendix B 78 7.1 AAsm and ObjAsm error messages 78 8. Appendix C 85 8.1 Example AAsm file 85 9. Appendix D 87 9.1 ObjAsm directives 87 9.1.1 AREA 87 9.1.2 IMPORT 88 9.1.3 EXPORT 88 9.1.4 ENTRY 88 9.1.5 KEEP 89 9.1.6 DCD 89 9.1.7 Literals 89 9.1.8 Branch destinations 89 9.1.9 ObjAsm error messages 90 10. Appendix E 91 Modes and registers 91 10.1 Mode 0: 91 10.2 Mode 1: 92 10.3 Mode 2: 92 10.4 Mode 3: 92 ARM assembler 10.5 Changing modes. 93 11. Appendix F 94 Source code examples 94 11.1 Using the conditional instructions 94 11.2 Pseudo-random binary sequence generator 96 11.3 Multiplication by a constant 96 11.4 Loading a word from an unknown alignment 99 11.5 Sign/zero extension of a half word 99 11.6 Return setting condition codes 100 ARM assembler vii 1. Introduction This document is a reference guide to the assembler for (he ACORN RISC Machine (ARM). It is assumed that the reader is familiar with other relevant ARM documentation: • ARM system user guide ARM hardware reference manual • ARM software reference manual • TWIN reference manual 1.1 Description of the ARM CPU The ARM is a 32-bit single chip microprocessor which has a reduced instruction set architecture. There are five classes of instruction: (1) Branches (2) Data operations between registers (3) Single register data transfers (4) Multiple register data transfers (5) Supervisor calls The ARM has a 32-bit data bus and a 26-bit address bus. An instruction pipeline is used to hold consecutive instructions and fetch, decode and execute phases of instructions occur in parallel. All instructions are designed to fit into one 32-bit word and all instructions have been made conditional. The processor can access two types of data: bytes (8 bits) and words (32 bits). The program counter PC is 24 bits wide and counts to &FFFFFF. However, two low-order bits (both zeros) are appended to the PC value and a 26-bit value is put on the address bus, thus quadrupling the total count to &3FFFFFC. The memory capacity of the ARM system is 64 Mbytes, or 16 Mwords. ARM assembler Chapter 1 The program counter is always a multiple of four because of the two appended zeros, and so it follows that instructions must be aligned to a multiple of four bytes. Instructions are given in one word, and data operations are only performed on word quantities. Load and store operations can operate on either bytes or words and these instructions can put a full 26-bit address, with bits 0 and 1 set as required, on to the address bus. The ARM normally operates in a mode of operation called user mode, and in this environment the programmer sees a bank of sixteen 32-bit registers, RO to R15. Nine other registers exist and they are used when the ARM is in Interrupt Mode, Fast Interrupt Mode, or Supervisor Mode. A full explanation of the ARM interrupt capability and of its four modes of operation is given in the ARM Software Reference Manual, but the register map and an explanation of the ARM Modes is reproduced in Appendix E of this guide. Of the sixteen registers 0-15, only R14 and R15 are regarded as having specific purpose. R15 contains the Program Counter (PC), and the Processor Status Register (PSR), and R14 is the subroutine link register, which receives a suitably modified copy of R15 on a branch with link instruction. Special bits in the processor's instructions allow the PC and PSR to be treated together or separately. The PSR contains the flag bits N, Z, C and V. These are the Negative flag, the Zero flag, the Carry flag and the overflow flag respectively. The CPU software manual contains information on the PSR and flags. ARM assembler Introduction 1.2 The assembler The assembler has the following features: • Full support of the ARM instruction set Global and local label capability • Powerful macro capability • Comprehensive expression handling Conditional assembly • Repetitive assembly Comprehensive symbol table printouts Link-file capability Pseudo-opcodes to control printout The ARM assembler AAsm produces object files which can be immediately executed using the *objectfilename command. A variant of AAsm, ObjAsm, creates files which can be used by the ARM linker. The purpose of the linker is to take programs which have been written in several portions, resolve all unknown references, and create a single image which can be run. The program parts may be written in a mixture of assembler and compiled languages, and the linker deals with the separate results of all compilations and performs any necessary cross-referencing. ObjAsm object files cannot be executed directly: they must be handled by the linker. Details of ObjAsm are given in appendix D of this guide. ARM assembler Chapter 1 1.3 Installing AAsm AAsm is supplied on a 5.25 inch floppy disc in Acom ADFS format It can be loaded either directly from the ARM A* prompt by typing aasm or run as a task under the TWIN editor. 1.4 Conventions used in this manual AAsm has its own interpretations of the punctuation symbols and special symbols which are available from the keyboard. These are: !"#$%& * @ ([{}])!:.,: +_/*=< >?_ This often makes it difficult for the user to determine precisely which characters on the printed page are explanatory or descriptive, and which (if any) are the ones which AAsm will accept as having the correct syntax. A typewriter-style typeface has been used to indicate both text which appears on the screen and text which can be typed on the keyboard (for example, AAsm source code). This is so that the position of relevant spaces is clearly indicated. The syntax of AAsm instructions is shown in meta-language form, using an italic typeface for variable items (for example, filename, register) and a non-italic typeface for fixed items (for example, ALIGN, RRX). Both general and specific examples of syntax and screen output is given - there are occasions where the full syntax of an instruction and its accompanying screen appearance would obscure the specific points being made. It follows therefore that not all the examples given in the text can be used directly since they are incomplete. ARM assembler Introduction Curly brackets { } enclose optional items in the syntax. For example, AAsm accepts a three field source line which may be expressed in the form: {label} {instruction} {; comment} Note that there is a compulsory space between the first two fields. A specific example of the three fields taken from an assembly listing is: L321 ADD Ra,Ra,Ra,LSL #1 ;multiply by 3 The {label} is L321 , the {instruction} portion is ADD Ra,Ra,Ra,LSL #1 and the {;comment} is ; multiply by 3 . (Chapter 2 explains the ARM instruction set and there the instruction field is explained in more detail.) In actual program examples, curly brackets have a special meaning and do not indicate an optional item. Function keys (such as fl) and control keys (such as tab) often need to be pressed by themselves or in combination with the shift and Ctrl keys. To indicate this, these keys are printed in boxes. This maintains consistency with the TWIN reference manual. For example: Press the RETURN key [RETURN] Press the ESCAPE key [ESCAPE] Press the DELETE key [DELETE] Press the COPY key [COPY] ARM assembler 2. CPU instruction set 2.1 Addressing modes ARM instructions operate on data stored in 32-bit registers and external memory. Addressing refers to the method whereby the address of this data is generated in each instruction. The ARM has three memory addressing modes: program-relative, base-relative (indexed addressing) and implied. However, other modes can be synthesised and there is little difference in speed between the various modes. 2.1.1 Relative addressing Relative addressing uses a group of bytes within the instruction to specify a displacement from the address of the current instruction to which a program branch is to occur. The programmer supplies the target address, from which a 24-bit displacement value is calculated by the assembler. The offset values permitted are sufficient to allow the entire memory map to be addressed. For example: B LABEL 2.1.2 Indexed addressing This mode of addressing uses a displacement or index which is added to a base register to form a pointer into memory. Any ARM register can be designated as the base register and, being a 32-bit register, can point to any address in the memory map. For example: LDR RO,[R8,I12] The index can be an immediate value, 12 bits in length, or the contents of a 32-bit register (which has possibly passed through the barrel shifter). All bits are taken as the index, with a completely separate bit determining whether the index is added to or subtracted from the value in the base register. 2.1.3 Register addressing Register to register operations are involved in this type of addressing, with the source and destination registers being specified by bit patterns within the instruction. For example: ADD RO,RO,Rl ARM assembler CPU instruction set 2.1.4 Implied addressing This is a special case where the instruction automatically generates an address and branches to it. For example: swi i 2.1.5 Immediate addressing In this type of addressing, the actual operand is contained in the same word as the instruction. The operand is an 8-bit quantity rotated right by an even amount. For example: MOV RO,I8 Examples of other valid immediate constants are: 11 tiFF I43FC ;This is &FF rotated right by 30 tiSOOOOOOO /This is 2 rotated right by 2 #6FC000003 ;This is 4FF rotated right by 6 Examples of invalid constants are l&ioi , which cannot be obtained by rotating an 8-bit value, and t&lFE , which is an 8-bit value rotated by an odd amount but not an 8-bit value rotated by an even amount. Further details of the operation of the barrel shifter are given in section 2.5. 2.2 Types of indexing 2.2.1 Pre-indexing In a pre-indexed addressing instruction, the CPU modifies the base address by the index before the function of the instruction is performed. The AAsm syntax for this is [Rn,offset] and the calculation within the square brackets is performed first to establish the target address, the offset being either added to or subtracted from the value held in register Rn. ARM assembler Chapter 2 2.2.2 Post-indexing This is a variant of indexed addressing in which the value held in Rn is used as the target address and Rn is modified by the index after the function of the instruction is performed. In this case the syntax is [ Rn], offset and the operation is known as post-indexing. It follows that for post-indexing to have any value whatsoever, the value generated by [Rn],offset must be written back into Rn so that it is available for the following instruction, which may well be another post-indexed instruction. Post-indexing therefore has automatic write back. If the base address is to be preserved, it must be deliberately saved. 2.2.3 Write back on pre-indexed instructions Write back does not occur implicitly in pre-indexed instructions, but it can be requested by adding an exclamation mark (!) to the assembler syntax. The base address is, of course, lost when the value in Rn is modified in this manner. For example: STR Rl, [R0,#4]! Pre-indexing and post-indexing work in conjunction with write back to form the basis of a set of powerful multiple move and stacking operations. These are explained later. ARM assembler CPU instruction set 2.3 Condition testing Every instruction in the ARM repertoire is conditional. The default condition is 'always' but any other condition can be requested by adding the appropriate two character condition mnemonic to the standard form. Because branches which are taken cause breaks in the pipeline they often waste time needlessly, when a suitable conditional instruction sequence would be better. As an example, the coding of IF A=4 THEN B:=A ELSE C:=D+E might be conventionally achieved using five ARM instructions: CMP R5,I4 ;test "A-4" BNE LABEL ;iŁ not equal goto LABEL MOV R6,R5 ;do "B:-A" B LAB2 ;jump around the ELSE clause LABEL ADD RO,R1,R2 ;do "C:-D+E" LAB2 /finish whereas, using the condition testing instructions, the same effect may be achieved using three instructions: CMP R5,I4 ;test "A-4" MOVEQ R6,R5 ;if so do "B:-A" ADDNE RO,R1,R2 ;else do "C:-D+E" If the condition tested is true, the ARM instruction is performed. If it is false, the instruction is skipped and the PC is advanced to the next memory word; this takes one 'S-cycle' of processor time - the first example takes at least twice as long as the second example. (An explanauon of S-cycles and other ARM timing details can be found in the ARM Hardware Reference Manual.) The ARM has the ability to test for 16 conditions. These are grouped in pairs of opposites. ARM assembler Chapter 2 Mnemonic Condition Condition of flag(s) EO EQual Z set KE Not Equal Z clear cs Carry Set / unsigned higher or same C set cc Carry Clear / unsigned lower than C clear MI negative (Minus) N set PL positive (PLus) N clear vs oVerflow Set V set vc oVerflow Clear V clear HI Higher unsigned C set and Z clear us Lower or Same unsigned C clear or Z set GE Greater or Equal (N set and V set) or (N clear and V clear) LT Less Than (N set and V clear) or (N clear and V set) or Greater Than ((N set and V set) or (N clear and V clear)) and Z clear LE Less or Equal (N set and V clear) or (N clear and V set) or Z set AL ALways any KV NeVer none Note: the assembler implements HS (Higher or Same) and LO (LOwer than) as synonymous with cs and cc respectively, giving a total of 18 mnemonics. After the instruction is obeyed, the ALU will output appropriate signals on the flag lines. On certain instructions the flags set the condition code bits in the PSR; for other instructions the flags in the PSR are only altered if the programmer permits them to be updated. 2.4 Branch instructions The Branch instruction takes a 26-bit word offset, allowing forward jumps of up to +&2000004 and backward jumps of up to -&1FFFFF8 to be made. This is sufficient to address the entire memory map, as the calculation 'wraps round' between the top and bottom of memory. The programmer should provide a label from which the assembler will calculate a 26-bit offset. 2.4.1 Branch The instruction syntax is: ^{condition} programrelativeexpression For example: B LABEL ; branch to LABEL BNE LABEL1 ;if not equal goto LABEL1 10 ARM assembler CPU instruction set Note that in the absence of the condition mnemonic, a branch always is performed. The branch offset must take account of the prefetch operation, which causes the PC to be two words ahead of the current instruction. The ARM assembler handles this automatically. For example, the calculated jump offset in the following piece of code is 000000 even though the jump is to a label two PC locations ahead. code generated Label Mnemonic Destination EAOOOOOO LI BEQ L2 XXXXXXXX XXX xxxxxxxx L2 xxx 2.4.2 Branch with link The instruction syntax is: BL/condition} programrelativeexpression Whenever branch with link is specified, 4 is subtracted from the contents of R15 (including the PSR) and the result is written to R14. Thus the value written into the link register is the address of the instruction following the branch and link instruction. Therefore after branching to a subroutine, the program flow can return to the memory address immediately following the branch instruction by writing back the R14 value into R15. Subroutines can be called by a BL instruction. The subroutine should end with a MOV pc,Ri4 if the link register has not been saved on a stack or LDMXX Rn, (PC) if the link register has been saved on a stack addressed by Rn. These methods of returning do not restore the original PSR. If the PSR does need to be restored, MOV PC,R14 can be replaced by MOVS PC,R14, or LDMXT Rn, (PC) by LDMxr Rn, {PC}A. However, care should be taken when using these methods in modes other than user mode, as they will also restore the mode and the interrupt bits. The last in particular may interfere unintentionally with the interrupt system. ARM assembler II Chapter 2 2.5 The barrel shifter The ALU has a 32-bit barrel shifter capable of various shift and rotate operations. Data involved in the data processing group of instructions (detailed in section 2.6) may pass through the barrel shifter, either as a direct consequence of the programmer's actions, or in other cases, as a result of the internal computations of the assembler. The barrel shifter also affects the index for the single data transfer instructions (detailed in section 2.7). Because of the importance played by the barrel shifter, its operations are described prior to the formal introduction of the opcodes that use it. The shift mechanism can produce the following types of operand: (1) An unshifted register. Syntax: register For example: RO (2) A register shifted by a constant amount, in the range 0-31, 1-31 or 1-32 (depending on shift type). Syntax: register, shift-type lamount For example: RO,LSR fi (3) A value which is the result of rotaing a register and the carry bit one bit right. Because the carry is included in the shift, 33 bits (rather than 32 bits) are affected. The shift type is always rotate right. Syntax: register, RRX For example: RO,RRX (4) A register shifted by n bits, where n is the least significant byte of a register. Syntax: register, shift-type register For example: Rl, LSL R2 (5) A constant constructed by rotating an 8-bit constant right by n*2 bits, where n is supplied as a 4-bit constant The shift type is always rotate right. Syntax: ^expression For example: #s3FC Note: the shift is invisible to the programmer, who should merely supply an immediate value for the data processing instruction to use. 12 ARM assembler CPU instruction set The assembler will evaluate the expression and reject any number which cannot be expressed as a rotation by an even number in the range 0-255. If the requested constant is in this range, the assembler always constructs it as an annotated value, even if there are other possibilities. (6) A constant constructed as in (5), but specified explicidy. Syntax: I constant, shift amount For example: 14,2 The shift amount should be an even number in the range 0-30. This can be important for setting the carry flag on an operation which would odierwise not update it. For example: MOVS R0,#4,2 produces the same result as MOVS R0,#l but because the first instruction does a rotate right of two bits the carry flag is cleared, whereas it is not altered by the second instruction. Note that only forms (1), (2) and (3) are valid for index values in single register transfers. 2.5.1 The shift types LSL Logical Shift Left LSR Logical Shift Right ASR Arithmetic Shift Right ROR Rotate Right The mnemonic ASL may be freely interchanged with LSL . 2.5.2 Logical shift left C <- - bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb <- - 0 Rm, LSL tn shift contents of Rm left by n which may be 0 to 31 bits. Rm, LSL Rs shift contents of Rm left by the least significant byte of Rs. If the shift amount is zero, no shift is performed and the carry flag is not altered. If the shift amount lies in the range 1 to 32, the carry flag is set to b(32-n). If the shift amount is greater than 32, the carry flag is set to zero. ARM assembler 13 Chapter 2 2.5.3 Logical shift right 0 - -> bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb - -> C tn Shift contents of Rm right by n which may be 1 to 32 bits. Rm, LSR Rs Shift contents of Rm right by the least significant byte of Rs . If the shift amount is zero, no shift is performed and the carry flag is not altered. If the shift amount lies in the range 1 to 32, the carry flag is set to b(n-l). If the shift amount is greater than 32, the carry flag is set to zero. 2.5.4 Arithmetic shift right --- > xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb - -> C Rm, ASR tn Shift contents of Rm right by n which may be 1 to 32 bits. Rm, ASR Rs Shift contents of Rm right by the least significant byte of Rs . The n most significant bits become equal to b31 (that is, on every single shift.bit 31 is duplicated). If the shift amount is zero, no shift is performed and the carry flag is not altered. If the shift amount lies in the range 1 to 32, the carry flag is set to b(n-l). If the shift amount is greater than 32, the carry flag is set to b31. 2.5.5 Rotate right I I - -> bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb - -- >C /?m,ROR fn Rotate contents of Rm right by n which may be 1 to 31 bits. Rm, ROR Rs Rotate contents of Rm right by the least significant byte of Rs . If the LSB of Rs evaluates to zero, then no shift is performed and the carry bit is not altered. Otherwise the carry is set to the last bit rotated into b3 1 . 14 ARM assembler CPU instruction set 2.5.6 Rotate right with extend I I - -> bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb - - ->C /?/n,RRX Rotate right the contents of Rm and the carry flag by 1 bit only. 2.6 Data processing There are sixteen data processing instructions. ADC ADd with Carry ADD ADD AND bitwise AND BIC Bit Clear CMN CoMpare Negated CMP CoMPare EOR bitwise Exclusive OR MOV MOVe MVN MoVe Not ORR bitwise OR RSB Reverse SuBtract RSC Reverse Subtract with Carry SBC SuBtract with Carry SOB SUBtract TEQ Test EQuivalence TST TeST and mask Except in the cases of MOV and MVN, the operation is performed between a source register Rn and an operand. In the cases of MOV and MVN, only an operand is needed. The source register can be any one of the 16 registers, and the operand can be any operand that the barrel shifter can produce (see section 2.5 for details). Note that any shifting is done before the operation is performed. Some instructions use the bit held in the ALU's carry flag and add it into the operation. The result of the operation is placed in the destination register, which may be any one of the 16 registers. ARM assembler 15 Chapter 2 The result of the operation affects the N and Z flags, and may also affect the C and V flags. However, the ALU doesn't copy the contents of its flags to the relevant parts of the Processor Status Register (PSR) unless the S bit is set In the case of the four instructions CMN, CMP, TEQ and TST the assembler always sets the S bit since these instructions would be meaningless if their results were not copied to the PSR. In the case of the remaining 12 instructions, the programmer may request that the ALU flags are copied to the PSR, by including the letter s in the source line. This forces the PSR update. For example: ADDS R2,RO,Rl ;Add the contents of Rl to the contents of RO and ;put the result in R2. Modify flags N, Z, C and V. 2.6.1 Instruction syntax The data processing instructions use three different types of syntax, depending on which opcode is being used: (1) MOV and MVN opcode{condition} {s} destination, operand {condition} A two-character condition mnemonic. In the absence of the condition mnemonic, AL is assumed. {s} is optional: it sets the S bit in the instruction. If s is specified, N and Z are set according to the value placed in the destination register, and C is set to the last bit shifted out by the barrel shifter, or is unchanged if no shifting took place. V is unchanged. destination must be a register. operand may be any of the operands that the barrel shifter can produce. MOV causes the operand to be placed unchanged in the destination register. MVN causes the operand to be evaluated and its bitwise inverse to be placed in the destination register. For example: MOV RO,Ri,LSL#2 16 ARM assembler CPU instruction set The contents of register 1 are shifted left by 2 bits and transferred to register 0. For example: MVN R2, R3 Register 2 is set to the bitwise inverse of the contents of register 3. (2) ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, RSB, RSC, AND, BIC, ORR, EOR opcode{condition} {s} destination, operandl, operand! {condition} A two-character condition mnemonic. In the absence of the condition mnemonic, AL is assumed. {s} is optional. It sets the S bit in the instruction. If s is specified, then N and Z are set according to the value placed in the destination register. For ADC, ADD, RSB, RSC, SBC and SUB, C and V are set according to the result of the arithmetic operation. For AND, BIC, EOR and ORR, V is left unchanged and C is set to the last bit shifted out by the barrel shifter, or is unchanged if no shifting took place. destination must be a register. operandl must be a register. operand! may be any of the operands that the barrel shifter can produce. ADD addition is performed on operandl and operandl. The result is stored in the destination register. ADC addition is performed on operandl and operandl and the carry flag. The result is stored in the destination register. This instruction can be used to implement multi-word additions. SUB operandl is subtracted from operandl. The result is stored in the destination register. SBC if the carry flag is set, operandl is subtracted from operandl. If the carry flag is clear, operandl-operandl-1 is calculated. The result is stored in the destination register. This instruction can be used to implement multi-word subtractions. ARM assembler 17 Chapter 2 For example: SUBS R4,R2,RO ;Do least significant word ;of subtraction SBC R5,R3,R1 ;Do most significant word, ; taking account of the borrow ,-This does the 64 bit subtraction ; (R5,R4)-(R3,R2)-(R1,RO) The result is stored in the destination register. RSB operandl is subtracted from operand!. The result is stored in the destination register. RSC if the carry flag is set, operandl is subtracted from operandl. If the carry flag is clear, operand2-operandl-l is calculated. The result is stored in the destination register. AND a bitwise AND is performed on operandl and operand!. The result is stored in the destination register. Bic bitwise inversion is performed on operandl, then a bitwise AND is performed on operand! and the result of the inversion. The result is stored in the destination register. ORR a bitwise OR is performed on operandl and operand!. The result is stored in the destination register. EOR a bitwise Exclusive OR is performed on operandl and operandl. The result is stored in the destination register. For example: ADD RO,R1,R2 ;RO=R1+R2 ADDS RO,Rl,fl ;RO-R1+1 and set N,Z,C,V 18 ARM assembler CPU instruction set (3) CMN, CMP, TEQ, TST opcodef condition} {s} operand!, operand! {condition) a two-character condition mnemonic. In the absence of the condition mnemonic, AL is assumed. operandl is a register. operand! may be a register or an expression. There is no need to specify s because for these instructions the assembler will ensure the necessary flags are set. s may be specified in the syntax and it will be accepted provided that P has not also been specified. For example, CMPSP and CMPPS will not be accepted. CMP operandl is subtracted from operandl. Flags N, Z, C and V are altered. CMN operand! is added to operandl. This compare allows a negative data field to be created for a compare. Flags N, Z, C and V are altered. TEQ a bitwise exclusive OR is performed between operandl and operandl. TST a bitwise AND operation is performed between operandl and operandl. In the case of TEQ and TST the N and V flags are altered according to the result, V is unchanged and C is set to the last bit shifted out by the barrel shifter, or is unchanged if no shifting took place. For example: CMP RO,R1 ;Compare the contents of RO with Rl CMP R0,is80 /Compare the contents of RO with &80 {?} there are special forms for CMN, CMP, TEQ and TST in which the result of the operation is moved to the PSR even though the instruction has no destination register. In user mode, the N, Z, C and V flags are set from the top four bits of the result. In other modes, the N, Z, C, V, I and F flags are set from the top six bits of the result and the mode bits from its bottom two bits. ARM assembler 19 Chapter 2 Invoking this special form is done by adding p to the instruction. One reason for wanting to modify R15 in this way would be to change modes. For example: TEQP R15,#0 ;change to user mode Note the treatment of R15 as the first operand, described in note (2) below. Note: the CPU takes certain actions whenever the destination or any operand is R15. These are as follows:- (1) If R15 is the destination register: 24 bits move to R15 if the S bit is not set. These bits become the new program counter (PC). In user mode, 28 bits are moved to R15 if the S bit is set; these are the 24 PC bits and the N, Z, C and V flags. In other modes all 32 bits are moved to R15 if the S bit is set (2) If R15 is the first operand in a two operand instruction: R15 is presented to the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) with the PSR bits set to zero. (3) If the second or only operand is R15 (possibly shifted): R15 is presented to the barrel shifter or ALU with the PSR bits unchanged. (4) R15 is the rotation register R15 is presented to the barrel shifter with the PSR bits set to zero. In the case of an instruction such as MOV R0,fVALUE, the assembler will evaluate the expression, and produce a CPU instruction to load the value into the destination register. This may not in fact be the machine level instruction known as MOV, but the programmer need not be aware that an alternative instruction has been substituted. An example is MOV Rn,f-i which the CPU cannot handle directly. The assembler will accept this syntax, but will convert it and generate object code for MVN Rn, to which results in Rn containing -1. Such intcrconversion also takes place on the BIC/AND, ADD/SUB, ADC/SBC and CMP/CMN pairs of instructions. 20 ARM assembler CPU inslruclion set 2.6.2 Data processing instruction summary Mnemonic Meaning ADC Add with Carry ADD Add AND And BIC Bit Clear CMN Compare Negated CMP Compare EOR Exclusive Or MOV Move MVN Move Not ORR Logical Or RSB Reverse Subtract RSC Reverse Subtract with Carry SBC Subtract with Carry SUB Subtract TEQ Test Equivalence TST Test AND Mask Operation Flags Affected Rd:= Rn+operand+C N.Z.C.V Rd:= Rn+operand N,Z,C,V Rd:= Rn AND operand N.Z.C Rd:= Rn AND (NOT(operand)) N.Z.C Rn+operand N.Z.C.V Rn-operand N.Z.C.V Rd:= Rn EOR operand N.Z.C Rd:= operand N.Z.C Rd:= NOT operand N.Z.C Rd:= Rn OR operand N.Z.C Rd:= operand-Rn N.Z.C.V Rd:= operand-Rn-1+C N.Z.C.V Rd:= Rn-operand-1+C N.Z.C.V Rd:= Rn-operand N.Z.C.V Rn EOR operand N.Z.C Rn AND operand N.Z.C Note: Rd is the destination register; Rn is a source register. 2.6.3 The ADR instruction Syntax: ADR register, expression Produce an address in a register. ARM does not have an explicit 'calculate effective address' instruction, as this can generally be done using ADD, SUB, MOV or MVN. To ease the construction of such instructions, the assembler provides an ADR instruction. The expression may be register-relative, program-relative or numeric. If the expression is register-relative, an ADD register,register2,t constant or SUB register, register2,t constant instruction will be produced, where register2 is the register that the expression is relative to. If the expression is program-relative, an ADD register, PC, I constant or SUB register,PC, iconstant instruction will be produced. ARM assembler 21 Chapter 2 If the expression is numeric, a MOV register, I constant or MVN register, It constant will be produced. In all three cases, an error will be generated if the required immediate constant is out of range. If the program has a fixed origin (that is if the ORG directive has been used), then the distinction between program-relative and numeric values disappears. In this case, the assembler will first try to treat such a value as program-relative. If this fails, it will try to treat it as numeric. An error will only be generated if both attempts fail. 2.7 Single data transfer This group of instructions is used for moving data between registers and memory. LDR (LoaD Register) loads a register from a memory location, while STR (STore Register) stores a register to a memory location. Both instructions may use pre-indexed or post-indexed addressing; in the case of prc-indexed addressing write back may be used. The amount of data transferred may be either a word or a byte. Special versions of the post-indexed instructions also exist which cause the TRANS pin of the ARM to be active throughout the data transfer; these are useful for loading or storing user data areas from the supervisor state in a memory-managed system. For register to register transfers see the data processing section, and the MOV instruction in particular. 2.7.1 Instruction syntax Pre-indexed instruction (possibly with write back) opcode{cond}{B} register, [base{, index} }{\} Post-indexed instruction opcode{cond}{B}{i} register, [base] {,index} opcode may be LDR or STR, and must not be omitted. {cond} may be any of the two-character condition mnemonics listed in section 2.3. If omitted, AL is assumed. 22 ARM assembler CPU instruction set (B} if present the transfer will be of just one byte. If omitted, a full word is transferred. Note that transfers of words to or from non-word-aligned addresses have non-obvious results. Note that a byte load will clear bits 8-31 of the destination register. {1} if present the TRANS pin will be active. Note that T is invalid for pre-indexed addressing. {index} is the index to be added to or subtracted from the base register. If omitted, #0 is assumed. If used, it may have two forms: (a) ^{immediate value) the immediate value must lie in the range -4095 to 4095. (b) {-} {index register} {jhift} the shift may be omitted, in which case no shifting is assumed. The allowed shift types are those listed under (1), (2) and (3) in section 2.5. Register controlled shifts are not allowed. The minus, if specified, means that the index value is to be subtracted. An alternate form of the syntax where an expression provides the offset is: opcode{cond) {B} register,expressionf!} The expression may be a program address (program-relative expression) or a register-relative expression. The assembler will attempt to generate an instruction using the appropriate register as a base and an immediate offset to address the location given by evaluating the expression. The offset value must lie in the range -4095 to 4095. If out of range, an error will be generated. {'.} if present, write back will be done, register will assume the value of register+index, or register-index, as appropriate. ARM assembler 23 Chapter 2 If the contents of register are not destroyed by other instructions, the continued use of LDR ( or STR) with write back will continually move the base register register through memory in steps given by the index value. Note that '!' is invalid for post-indexed addressing, as write back is automatic in this case. For example: STR Rl,PLACE ;generate program-relative offset to ;address PLACE STR Rl,[BASE,INDEX]! ;store Rl at BASE-HNDEX (both ; register contents) and write ; back address to BASE STR Rl, [BASE],INDEX ;store Rl at BASE and write back ;BASE+INDEX to BASE LDR Rl,[BASE,#17] ;load Rl from contents of ;BASE+17 ;Don't write back LDR Rl, [BASE,INDEX,LSL #2] ;load Rl from contents of ;BASE+INDEX*4 2.8 Block data transfer This group of instructions is used for moving data between a number of registers and memory. LDM (LoaD Multiple registers) loads one or more registers from a block of memory, while STM (STore Multiple registers) stores one or more registers to a block of memory. The action of storing or loading may be preceded or followed by incrementing or decrementing the memory address. Write back may also be specified. 24 ARM assembler CPU instruction set 2.8.1 Instruction syntax opcodefcond)type base{\), (list}{"} opcode may be STM or LDM. [cond] may be any of the two-character conditional mnemonics listed in section 2.3. If omitted, AL is assumed. type is a two-character mnemonic indicating one of eight instruction types. It may not be omitted. The types are FD, ED, FA, EA, IA, IB, DA and DB and their description differs depending on whether they are appended to STM or LDM: STMDB Decrement Before the store STMDA Decrement After the store STMIB Increment Before the store STMIA Increment After the store LDMDB Decrement Before the load LDMDA Decrement After the load LDMIB Increment Before the load LDMIA Increment After the load STMFD Push registers to a Full stack, Descending (Pre-Decrement) STMED Push registers to an Empty stack, Descending (Post-Decrement) STMFA Push registers to a Full stack, Ascending (Pre-Increment) STMEA Push registers to an Empty stack, Ascending (Post-Increment) LDMFD Pop registers from a Full stack, Descending (Post-Increment) LDMED Pop registers from an Empty stack, Descending (Pre-Increment) LDMFA Pop registers from a Full stack, Ascending (Post-Decrement). LDMEA Pop registers from an Empty stack, Ascending (Pre-Decrement) ARM assembler 25 Chapter 2 A full stack is one in which the stack pointer points to the last data item written to it. An empty stack is one in which the stack pointer points to the first free slot in it A descending stack is one which grows from high memory addresses to low ones. An ascending stack is one which grows from low memory addresses to high ones. base, which may be any register, is the base register. It must be specified. {\} the optional '!' will force base to assume the value of base +4*(number of registers), or base -4*(number of registers), as appropriate. list is a list of registers separated by commas, or a register range indicated by a hyphen, or a combination of both. For example: R1,R2,PC R1-R10 R1-R9,R12,PC {*} is optional. It has different effects for STM and LDM. For STM: it causes the user mode registers to be transferred, whatever the current mode. For LDM: if R15 is in the list of registers, only the 24 PC bits are normally loaded. Coding A causes the N, Z, C and V flags to be loaded as well as the PC in user mode, or all 32 bits to be loaded in other modes. Thus, return from interrupt or return from swi using LDM will normally have the " coded. For example: STMIA Rn,{RO,R1,R2,R3) which may also be written: STMIA Rn,(RO-R3) LDMIA Rn,{RO,R1,R2,R3) which may also be written: LDMIA Rn,(RO-R3) 26 ARM assembler CPU instruction set Provided that the contents of Rn and of the stack have not been corrupted by another instruction, the LDMIA instruction will reverse the effect of the STMIA instruction and recover the contents of the four registers from memory. '!' may be used to update the pointer Rn, so that it remains pointing to the memory location after the last increment. For example: STMIA Rn!,{RO,R1,R2, R3) To recover the register contents would now require: LDMDB Rn!,{RO,R1,R2,R3) 2.8.2 Stacking Push to stack Various forms of STM and LDM may be used to save the ARM registers on a stack. The opcodes generated for the various styles of stacking and unstackings are no different from those of the STMDB/DA/IB/IA and LDMDB/DA/IB/IA instructions, but the syntax is different. There are four types of instruction which push register values on to a stack. They are: STMFD Full stack, Descending STMED Empty stack, Descending STMFA Full stack, Ascending STMEA Empty stack, Ascending Write back is almost always required in stacking applications, but it must be coded explicitly. Worked examples of STMEA and STMFD will now be given. (1) STMEA For example: STMEA Rn!,{R6, R3,R7,R8) which may also be written: STMEA Rn!,{R6-R8,R3} ARM assembler 27 Chapter 2 •-• Prior to the instruction, it is assumed that a stack holding three values *-~5 already exists, and that Rn is ready to push more values on to it: | 3 ; : • j Rn->| |<-which is empty I I V3 | Ł-5 I V2 | I I VI | stack base ^~S _J The stack is ascending, and the location currently pointed to is deemed •-• to be empty. Then, after STMEA Rn!, {R6,R3,R7,R8} the stack | grows. •-• |<-Rn R8 | R7 I R6 | R3 | V3 | V2 | VI I stack base 28 ARM assembler CPU instruction set Notice that register values are stacked in register order. This is always the case and cannot be altered. The lowest-numbered register always occupies the lowest memory location and registers are placed on, or removed from, the slack starling with the lowest-numbered register. This can be seen in the next example, which shows the order of stacking following two 'full slack descending' instructions. (2) STMFD For example: STMFD Rn!,{R6,R3,R7,R8) STMFD Rn!, {RO-R4} | |<- Rn before 1st instruction I R8 I I R7 I I R6 I | R3 |<- Rn after 1st instruction I R4 I I R3 I I R2 I I Rl I | RO |<- Rn after 2nd instruction I I ARM assembler 29 Chapter 2 Pop from stack There are four types of instruction which pop register values from a stack. They are: LDMEA Empty stack, Ascending LDMFA Full stack, Ascending LDMED Empty stack, Descending LDMFD Full stack, Descending Worked examples of LDMEA and LDMFD will now be given. (1) LDMEA To pop all values from the following stack (set up by the STMEA Rn, {R6-R8,R3} example), use: LDMEA Rn!,(R1-R7) •m^f^-^m ^^p^J _J I I V7 I V6 I V5 I V4 I V3 I V2 I VI |<-Rn stack base The following transfer would take place: VI -> Rl V2 -> R2 V3 -> R3 V4 -> R4 V5 -> R5 V6 -> R6 V7 -> R7 Rn •* stack base 30 ARM assembler To recover one set of the saved registers from the following stack (set up by the previous STMFD Rn!, {RO-R4} example), use: LDMFD Rn!, (RO-R4) After the pop operation, Rn will point to location Lx. 2.8.3 Special points (1) When the base register is in the list of registers. The base register may be pushed on to the stack and if write back is not in operation, no problem will occur. If write back is in operation, the STM is performed in the following order: write lowest-numbered register to memory. perform the write back. write other registers to memory in ascending order. Thus, if the base register is the lowest-numbered register in the list, its original value is stored. Otherwise, its written back value is stored. If the base register is popped from the stack, the pop operation will continue successfully: the entire block transfer runs on an internal copy of the base, and will not be aware that the base register has been loaded with a new value. (2) LDMFD R8 R7 R6 R3 <- Lx R4 R3 R2 Rl RO |<- Rn ARM assembler CPU instruction set Chapter 2 (2) When R15, the PC register, is in the list of registers. When R15 is pushed on to the stack, the PSR is saved as well. When R15 is popped from the stack, the PSR is only included if the symbol A is coded following the register list The part of the PSR included will in any case only be that which may be modified in the currently selected ARM mode. For example: LDMFD SP!,{FP,PC}A (3) When the base register is R15. When the PC is used as the base register, the PSR bits form part of the 32-bit address. Unless all flags are zero and the interrupts enabled, an address greater than &3FFFFFF will be formed. This is an address exception, and will cause the address exception trap in the ARM to be entered. Write back is switched off when the PC is the base register. (4) The register list is always effectively sorted into ascending order. This means that instruction sequences such as: STMIA RO,{R1,R2} LDMIA RO,{R2,R1} do not swap the contents of Rl and R2. (5) In order to force the saving of the user mode registers when executing in a different mode, * should be coded following the register list. For example: STMFD RO,{RO-R15}" (6) The operation of placing or removing registers to or from the stack starting with the lowest-numbered register is independent of stack type and exists to ensure that if a data abort occurs during the instruction, the PC is preserved. 32 ARM assembler CPU instruction set 2.9 Supervisor calls These instructions are used extensively in the ARM Development System to communicate with I/O devices. 2.9.1 Instruction syntax The syntax is: swi expression The CPU will save the contents of R15 less 4 in R14 of the SVC register set, then set the PSR register to SVC mode and sel flag I. The PC will then be loaded with the value 8 causing a jump to that address to be made. expression the CPU will ignore the expression, but it may be decoded by other system software and used to determine what action is to be taken. The expression may have up to 24 bits (that is take values 0-&FFFFFF). For example: swi si "Hello world",10,13,0 ALIGN code continues... In the development system, this will send the message "Hello world" to the output terminal. The significance of the assembler directive ALIGN is explained in chapter 3. ARM assembler 33 3. The assembler Whenever the ARM assembler is required to generate opcodes representing program instructions, the general style of a three field line is used. {label} {instruction}{; comment} The label and instruction fields are separated by one or more spaces; if the line starts with a space, label is absent. {label} is optional; if present, it defines a symbol which is set equal to the address of the instruction assembled. If label is absent, then the address used is the current value of the instruction location pointer. This may not be word-aligned, for example, when the last directive was one of the store-loading directives detailed in section 3.7. However, using a label with an opcode instruction ensures that the address generated is word-aligned. {instruction} is optional; if present, it defines the instruction to be assembled. See chapter 2 for the syntax of instructions. {; comment}, if present, is started by the first semi-colon on the line (ignoring semi-colons inside string constants). The semi-colon and the rest of the line are ignored by the assembler. Two special cases of this syntax, both of which are ignored by the assembler, are worth noting: (1) A completely blank line is valid, and may be used to make the text more readable. (2) A line may start with a semi-colon, the entire line being comment. AAsm will treat a tab character (09) in a source file as a space (20), and will accept both line feeds (OA) and carriage returns (OD) as line terminators. The combinations OAOD and ODOA are treated as a single line terminator. 34 ARM assembler The assembler 3.1 Symbols A symbol is a group of alphanumeric characters which represents a number, logical value or string value. A label is a special type of symbol: the number it represents is not always immediately known to either the programmer or the assembler, but is generated as the assembly takes place. Other symbols are assigned values immediately by assembler directives. The assembler recognises a label by its position on the line. The first character of the label occupies the first column of the line. All symbols must start with a letter, A-Z or a-z; lower-case letters may be used and will be treated as different from their upper-case counterparts. Numeric characters and the underscore character '_' may be embedded in the symbol. Symbols may also be the same as mnemonics: this is not recommended, as it is likely to be confusing to the programmer, but the assembler will distinguish between a symbol and a mnemonic by their relative positions on the program line. Symbols can be any length (but the line length may not be more than 255 characters) and all characters are significant. A special syntax using enclosing I bars allows any character to be placed in a symbol. This allows the use of labels which are compatible with the output of compilers, which may use other characters within their symbols. The enclosing bars are not seen as part of the symbol. For example: I interpret.p$interpretS | is one such symbol or label. ARM assembler 35 Chapter 3 3.2 Expressions Expressions are combinations of simple values, unary and binary operators, and brackets. The order of evaluation of expressions is determined firstly by bracketing, secondly by precedence rules, and in the absence of either, is from left to right. Specifically, any bracketed sub-expression will always be evaluated before being used as an operand to an operator, and any operand with a binary operator on both sides will always be used as an operand to the higher precedence operator, or if they have equal precedence, to the left hand operator. Every simple value has a type associated with it, as does every operand produced at any stage of the expression evaluation, including the expression result. The types of operand are: numeric values, string values, logical values, program-relative values and register-relative values. For an expression to be syntactically correct, every operator must be provided with operands of the correct types. Numeric values are unsigned integers in the range 0 to &FFFFFFFF. Overflow is ignored when doing calculations with numeric values (-1 evaluates to &FFFFFFFF, for instance). Comparisons are always unsigned comparisons, which may have counter-intuitive results in some cases (for example, -1>1 evaluates to 'true'). In a few places this manual contains such statements as "The immediate value must lie in the range -4095 to 4095'. The values are presented this way for clarity, but the accurate interpretation of this example is "The immediate value must lie in the range 0 to &FFF, or &FFFFF001 to &FFFFFFFF. String values are strings of from 0 to 256 bytes, each of which may take any value in the range 0 to 255; the byte values are usually ASCII printable characters in practice. The assembler will convert a string of length 1 into a numeric value if necessary, as described below in section 3.3. Logical values are 'true' and 'false'; these constants can be input to the assembler as {TRUE} and (FALSE). Program-relative values are simply offsets from the program origin. All labels on instructions and stand-alone labels are therefore program-relative values. In the case where the program has a fixed origin the distinction between numeric values and program-relative values disappears. 36 ARM assembler The assembler Register-relative values are offsets from a base register, so in particular the difference of two such values is a numeric value. Simple register-relative values can be defined using the two operand form of the " directive and the t directive (see section 3.11). Internally within the evaluation of an expression a register-relative value may acquire a base of a signed sum of registers, but by the time the evaluation of the expression is complete this must have collapsed to either a numeric value or an offset from a single register. Register-relative values for which the base register is the PC are always converted into program-relative values. 3.3 Numeric constants The ARM assembler can accept numbers given to it in any of three forms: 123456 ; decimal constants &A1F40 ; hexadecimal constants n_xxxx ; number in the form base n e.g. 2_101 is binary 101 n may be between 2 and 9 It will also evaluate a quoted ASCII character (for example, 'A') to a number if necessary. ARM assembler 37 Chapter 3 "• 3.4 The number equating directive * •-j Numeric values are assigned to symbols by the * directive or, alternatively, ^-j by the EQO directive. Program-relative values can also be assigned by * or I EQU. ^-j Syntax: j label * numeric or program-relative-expression • For example: " - MASK EQU SFFOOFFF /create a mask FRAMESIZE * 4*((framebase+3)/4) /calculate FRAMESIZE LINEFEED * SOA ;equate LINEFEED as SOA 1 LJ LABEL SWI 16 LABEL2 * LABEL-4 ;from framebase - • 3.5 The register equating directive RN The directive RN is used to assign a register number 0-15 to a symbol. Syntax: label RN numeric expression For example: Reg2 RN 2 TempStore RN 3 SL RN 4 si RN SL A register name is taken to be a constant when included in an arbitrary expression, but only register names are valid where a register is required. 38 ARM assembler •^ The assembler All register names must be defined. Many examples in this manual assume that PC, RO, RI, R2, and so on are valid register names. To make this the case it is first necessary to use the RN directive at the beginning of the source code, thus: RO RN 0 Rl RN 1 R2 RN 2 R15 RN 15 PC RN 15 3.6 Assembler operators The ARM assembler provides an extensive set of operators for use in expressions. The syntax of many of these resembles their counterparts in high level languages. Binary operators act on two operands and are placed between the operands. For example: VALOE-2 1:SHL:EXPONENT Unary operators act on one operand and are placed before it. For example: -VALUE :LNOT:FLAG 3.6.1 The arithmetic operators + add/unary + binary or unary subtract/unary - binary or unary * multiply binary / divide binary : MOD : remainder after division binary For the purposes of division and remainder all values are treated as 32-bit unsigned integers. + and - act on numeric, program-relative and register-relative expressions, the others act only on numeric expressions. ARM assembler 39 Chapter 3 *- • 3.6.2 Boolean logical operators * - J - I Logical AND binary : LOR : Logical OR binary • :LEOR: Logical Exclusive OR . binary __J :LNOT: Logical NOT unary * j These act on logical expressions. r- • 3.6.3 Bitwise logical operators ^ -• :AND: bitwise AND binary _ | :OR: bitwise OR binary * •* :EOR: bitwise Exclusive OR binary _ | :NOT: bitwise NOT unary These act on numeric expressions. The operation is done independently on each bit of the binary expansion(s) of the operand(s) to produce the binary expansion of the result. 3.6.4 Shift operators :ROL: ROtate Left binary :ROR: ROtate Right binary :SHL: SHift Left binary :SHR: SHift Right binary These act on numeric expressions. The first operand is shifted or rotated by an amount given by the second operand. The SHIFTS are logical rather than arithmetic. 40 ARM assembler ^m The assembler 3.6.5 Relational operators equal binary > greater than binary >- greater than or equal binary < less than binary <- less than or equal binary <> not equal binary /- not equal binary These act between two operands of the same type. Thl allowable types are numeric, program-relative, register-relative and string. They produce a logical value. For details of how string comparisons are done, see section 4.3. 3.6.6 String operators Concatenation (binary) :CC: joins (concatenates) two strings. expression! :CC: expression! where expression 1 and expression! are strings. For example: "ABCD":CC:"EFGH" gives "ABCDEFGH" Slicing (binary) expression!: LEFT : expression! expression!: Rl GHT: expression! where expression! is a string and expression! is numeric. "sssss" :LEFT:n returns the n left-most characters from the string "sssss". "sssss" -.RIGHT:n returns the n right-most characters from the string "sssss". For example: "EGBDF":LEFT:1 returns "E" "EGBDF":RIGHT:! returns "F" Length (unary) : LEN : expression returns the length of a string expression. Conversion (unary) : CHR : expression returns a string of length 1 having ASCII Code expression. The expression must be numeric. ARM assembler 41 Chapter 3 :STK:expression returns an eight digit hexadecimal string corresponding to an expression , if the expression is numeric. :STR: expression returns the string TRUE or FALSE if the expression is logical. 42 ARM assembler The assembler 3.6.7 Operator summary The precedence or relative binding of an operator is given as a number from 1 to 7 where 7 indicates the highest binding power. Note that unary operators are evaluated from right to left + 7 +A Unary plus - 7 -A Unary negate LNOT 7 : LNOT: A Logical complement of A NOT 7 :NOT:A Bitwise complement of A LEW 7 :LEN:A Length of string A CHR 7 :CHR:A ASCII string of A STR 7 :STR:A Hexadecimal string of A * 6 A*B Multiply / 6 A/B Divide MOD 6 A:MOD:B A modulo B LEFT 5 A:LEFT:B the left most B characters of A RIGHT 5 A: RIGHT :B the right most B characters of A CC 5 A:CC:B B concatenated on to the end of A ROL 4 A:ROL:B Rotate A left B bits ROR 4 A:ROR:B Rotate A right B bits SHL 4 A:SHL:B Shift A left B bits SHR 4 A:SHR:B Shift A right JS bits + 3 A+B Add A and B - 3 A-B Subtract B from A AND 3 A:AND:B Bitwise AND A and 5 OR 3 A:OR:B Bitwise OR A and B EOR 3 A:EOR:B Bitwise exclusive OR A and B = 2 A=B A equal to B > 2 A>B A greater than B >- 2 A>=B A greater than or equal to B < 2 A" ;loads 62 into one byte of memory PROMPT2 DCW ">" ;loads 62, and then 0 into 2 bytes PROMPTS & ">" ,-loads 62,then 0,0,0 into 4 bytes Loading memory with nulls has its own directive: Syntax: {label} % numeric expression For example: BLANKS % S400 ;store IK of nulls 3.7.1 Syntax differences In AAsm, DCD can only take numeric expressions. In ObjAsm, DCD can take a program-relative expression, even when the code does not have an absolute origin. 44 ARM assembler The assembler 3.8 The ALIGN directive After using memory filling directives such as: - "a long string" ;messages 1,2,3,4,5 ;a long list % VALUE4/SIZE ;nulls the program counter doesn't necessarily point to a word boundary, which it must do if the file is to continue with program instructions. The alignment of the PC to a word boundary is automatic if an instruction mnemonic is encountered after the tables. The assembler will insert up to three nulls to achieve automatic alignment However, there are occasions when an alignment needs to be forced. ALIGN on its own will set the instruction location to the next word boundary. However, ALIGN can take two optional parameters: ALIGN {power-of-two} {.offset-expression} 4 is the power-of-two default and 0 is the offset-expression default, so ALIGN on its own will increment the PC to the next word boundary. Other values will force the PC to align to any particular boundary needed by the programmer. These extra arguments will only rarely be needed. ti 3.9 ?Iabel ilabel is used to interrogate a label and so find out how many bytes of code were produced on its defining line. For a label on a line containing an opcode mnemonic the length is 4, for a label on an otherwise blank line the length is zero. For DCD, DCW, DCB and % directives, the length is the combined length of all the operands. For example: STORE & 1,2,3,4,5 ;5 words into STORE STORELENGTH * 7STORE ;?STORE evaluates to 20 ARM assembler 45 Chapter 3 3.10 Literals The directive LTORG (literal origin) is used to define an area in which to place literals. Literals are addressed using PC relative addressing so large programs may need several LTORG directives. Literals are intended to enable the programmer to load immediate values into a register which might be out of range as MOV/MVN arguments. The syntax for their use is: LDR register, -expression The assembler will then take certain actions. It will, if possible : (1) Replace the instruction with a MOV or MVN, or (2) Generate a program-relative instruction and if no such literal already exists within the addressable range, then place the literal in the next literal pool. Literal values are stored in a literal pool which is either at the end of the file or immediately following the next LTORG directive. Duplication of values in the pool will be avoided, provided that any possible duplicate expressions are evaluable on pass 1. 3.11 Laying out areas of memory The assembler can lay out areas of memory. The start address of such an area is given by the A directive. Syntax: * expression The origin of the storage area is set to expression, and a storage-area location counter @ is also set to expression. The expression must be fully evaluated on the first pass of the assembly, but may be program-relative. In the absence of a A directive, the @ counter is set to zero. Space is reserved by the # directive. Syntax: {label} I expression 46 ARM assembler The assembler For example: LABELl I n /reserve n bytes , code . code LABEL2 t 4 /reserve 4 bytes, ;attached to the end of LABELl's store Every lime # is encountered, the label is given the value of @, and then @ is incremented by the number of bytes reserved. The @ counter may be set to another value any number of times by the repeated use of A and so storage areas can be easily established anywhere in memory. A special extension of A allows a register to be attached to the base address of a storage area: A expression, register The register introduced by this extra parameter is taken to be implicit in all symbols deflned by any # directives which follow, until cancelled by another A directive. In this case expression must be an absolute value. For example: SB RN 10 ;SB is register 10 0,SB ;0-0 Start # 0 ;i.e. [SB,#OJ Frame t 4 ;i.e. [SB,#0] StaticBase I 4 ;i.e. [SB,14] StaticBase Offset * StaticBase-Start The subsequent # directives are therefore generating register-relative symbols. This means that later in the source program, it becomes possible to quote any symbol containing an implicit register name in a load or store instruction and the pre-indexed form of opcode will be generated. ARM assembler 47 Chapter 3 For example, the valid line: LDR [SB,#StaticBase_Offset] can be replaced by the shorter line: LDR RO,StaticBase and the same code will be generated by the assembler. 3.11.1 Counter values The current value of the assembler's program location counter is referred to by the dot symbol '.' while the current value of the storage-area location counter is, as has already been noted, the '<§>' symbol. Since these symbols are not particularly obvious (especially when appearing in expressions) they may, if the programmer wishes, be replaced by (PC) and (VAR) respectively. 3.12 Variables Symbols have a fixed value attached to them, derived from the first or second pass of the assembly process. It is also possible to define symbols which have a value which changes as the assembly proceeds. Such symbols are called variables, and the ARM assembler has two types, local variables and global variables. Global variables can operate over the entire source file, whereas local variables are accessible within the confines of a macro expansion. Local variables are described in section 4.4. 3.12.1 Global variables Variables must be declared before they are used. The three types of global variable are arithmetical, logical and string, declared by respectively GBLA, GBLL and GBLS. These symbols may now be used in expressions like normal symbols. The directives SETA, SETL and SETS are provided to alter the values of both global and local variables. Synlax: GBLx variable name Syntax: variable name SETA: expression 48 ARM assembler The assembler For example: count SETA count+1 message SETS "media error" count and message can be used as required in the source file: space I count string = message Any attempt to use them as labels will, quite rightly, cause the syntax checker to issue error messages: they have been declared as global variables and will not therefore be accepted as labels. However, if the $ symbol is prefixed to them, variable substitution will take place before the line is passed to the syntax checker. Logical and arithmetic variables will be replaced by the result of applying :STR: to them. String variables will be replaced by their value. For example: GBLS A GBLA B GBLL C ;three variable types declared A SETS "Labname" B SETA 1 C SETL {TRUE} ;and duly set ,-without $ they are rejected as labels A ADD RO,RO,R1; syntax error! ;with $ they are accepted $A AND RO,R1,#8 L$B AND R2,R3,tl6 $C AND R4,R5,#32 After the assembler has performed variable substitution, its own internal conception of the last three lines of source can be considered as: Labname AND RO,R1,#8 L00000001 AND R2,R3,#16 TRUE AND R4,R5,#32 ARM assembler 49 Chapter 3 3.12.2 Other useful variables The variables (PC) and {VAR} have already been explained, but there are three other useful variables which take the bracketed form of {name}. These are {TRUE} and (FALSE), which are logical constants, and {OPT} which is the value of the currently set printer output option. (The printer option values are shown in section 5.9.4.) A simple but extremely useful way of using {OPT} is to use it to store the currently set printer options, force a temporary change in printing mode, and then, later in the source code, to restore the original value of (OPT). For example: GBLA AS_WAS AS_WAS SETA {OPT} ;start of long section of code ;e.g. a macro OPT 2 ;turn off listing! lots of code OPT AS_WAS /restore print option ;end of long section of code 3.13 Local labels Although normal labels may not begin with a digit, there is a special form of local label which bears a number in the range 0-99. Such labels have limited scope; their scope being delimited by ROUT directives. 50 ARM assembler The assembler The syntax to begin a new local label area is: {label} ROUT in the label and instruction fields respectively. The start of the source is the start of the first local label area. The local label definition syntax is: numberfroutinename} in the label field. The number must lie in the range 0-99. routinename need not be present, but if it is it will be checked against the label on the last ROUT directive. If no label is present on the last ROUT directive, yet a routinename has been provided, an assembly error will be generated. The syntax for the local label reference syntax is: % {x}{y}n{routinename} % The % symbol introduces a local label reference. It may be used anywhere where an ordinary label reference is valid. {x}{y} The optional letters x and y tell the assembler the direction and/or level for the search of the location of the local label. The {x} character: absent look backwards and forwards for the label B look backwards for the label F look forwards for the label searches for a local label will never go outside the current local label area -that is, they will never go past a ROUT directive. The same local label may be defined many times. The assembler always uses the first matching local label that it finds in its search. The {y} character: absent look at this macro and all levels towards the source A look at all macro levels T look only at this macro level The number n is the number given to the local label. {routinename} is optional but if used, makes the source listing more readable. If present the assembler will check it against the routine's label. ARM assembler 51 Chapter 3 NORMLABEL ROUT ;The routine is between the ROUTs. ;Its name is NORMLABEL, but the /naming of the routine is optional 00 /Local label 00 BEQ %OONORMLABEL /Branch if equal to 00 01 /Local label 01 NEXTROUTINE ROUT Local labels can be used anywhere in the source file and are particularly useful for the macro label uniqueness problem. 52 ARM assembler The assembler 3.14 Error handling directives As an aid to error trapping, the ASSERT directive is provided for use inside and outside macros. The syntax is: ASSERT logical expression For example: ASSERT TEMPI < TEMP If the logical expression returns a true result then nothing happens but a false result will generate an error during the second pass of the assembly. The error message is "Assert failed at line xxxxxx" A similar directive ! is inspected on both passes of the assembler. This time an arithmetic expression is evaluated: ! arithmetic expressionjtring expression If the arithmetic expression = 0, no action is taken on pass 1 and the string is printed out as a warning on pass 2. No error is generated. If the arithmetic expression o , 0 an error is produced and assembly halts after pass 1. The arithmetic expression is evaluated on pass one, so forward referencing is not permitted. The string expression is printed as a warning or error, if produced. ARM assembler 53 Chapter 3 3.15 The ORG and LEADR directives The program starting point is determined by the ORG directive. The syniax is: ORG absolute-expression For example: ORG ilOO ;or START * Si 00 ORG START At most one ORG is allowed in the entire source and no ARM instructions or assembler store directives can precede the ORG directive. ORG sets the program location counter, the symbol for which is '.'. For AAsm, ORG also sets the load and execute address for the code file. In the absence of an ORG directive, the program is considered to be relocatable; the program location counter is initially set to 0. AAsm (but not ObjAsm) has a directive called LEADR, the load and execute address. LEADR can be used with or without the ORG directive to indicate the address at which the program should load and run. If ORG is present, then LEADR will override its effect on load and execute addresses; the purpose of the directive is to enable a default run address to be set for relocatable binary output. The syntax is: LEADR absolute-expression , for example: LEADR &1000 3.16 The END directive Processing of an input file stops on encountering END . If the input file was part of a nested piece of assembly, invoked by a GET directive (see section 5.3), then assembly will continue within the file containing the GET, at the line following the GET directive. Otherwise the current pass will stop. If this was the first pass, and no errors have been generated, then assembly will proceed to the second pass starting again in the original source file. Failing to end a file with an END or LNK (see section 5.3), is an error. Any source after END or LNK will be ignored by the assembler. 54 ARM assembler 4. Conditional assembly, repetitive assembly and macros 1-4 4.1 Conditional assembly The [ and ] directives mark the start and finish of sections of the source file which are to be assembled only if certain conditions are true. The basic construction is IF. . .THEN. . .ENDIF, but ELSE is also supported, giving the full IF. . .THEN. . .ELSE. . .ENDIF conditional assembly. The start of the section is t logical expression and is known as the IF directive. I is the ELSE directive and 1 is the ENDIF directive. If the logical expression yields a false result, the assembler immediately searches for the | or ] directive and will only continue assembly when one of these is reached. Lines conditionally skipped by these directives are not listed if -TERSE is given to the command line, or TERSE ON is given to the action prompt, or by default. If -NOTERSE is given to the command line, or TERSE OFF is given to an action prompt, then conditionally skipped code will be listed. A block being conditionally assembled can itself contain more [ | ] directives, that is conditional assembly can be nested. It is also valid to place more than one ELSE directive within an IF block. For example: here is a notional data storage routine which can either use a disc or a tape data storage system. To assemble the code for tape operation, the programmer prepares the system by altering just one line of code, the label SWITCH . ARM assembler 55 Chapter 4 DISC * 0 TAPE * 1 SWITCH * DISC ...code... [ SWITCH-TAPE ...tape interface code. 1 [ SWITCH-DISC ...disc interface code. ] ...code continues... or alternatively, [ SWITCH-TAPE ...tape interface code. ...disc interface code. 1 ...code continues... The IF construction can be used inside macro expansions as easily as it is used in the main program. 56 ARM assembler Conditional assembly, 4.2 Repetitive assembly It is often useful for program segments and macros to produce tables and to do this they must be able to have a conditional looping statement. The ARM assembler has the WHILE...WEND construction, and its use is much the same as the similar form found in high level languages, taking the syntax: WHILE logical expression to start the repetitive block and WEND to end it. For example: GBLA counter counter SETA 100 WHILE counter >0 something.... counter SETA counter-1 WEND Since the test for the WHILE condition is made at the top of the loop it is possible that the source within the loop will not generate any code at all. See section 4.1 for details of when conditionally skipped lines are listed. ARM assembler 57 Chapter 4 4.3 Evaluating logical expressions The ARM assembler provides six relational operators and four Boolean operators which can be combined in various ways to form logical expressions. The relational operators are: operator meaning equal to > greater than < less than >- greater than or equal to <- less than or equal to <> or /= not equal to The operands may be string, numeric, program-relative or register-relative expressions, but must be of the same type. Note that a length 1 string will be coerced to a numeric value if necessary. When the operands evaluate to numbers, the comparisons are unsigned. When using strings as the operands, the results are not always so straightforward unless the simple case of o or = is being used: A < B if and only if A is a leading substring of B A > B if and only if B < A A <- B if and only if A < B or A-B A >- B if and only if B <- A For example: "XY":C "XYZ" "XYZ" "XYZ" gives TRUE "XYZ" gives FALSE "XY" gives TRUE "C" gives FALSE "C" gives FALSE "C" gives FALSE 58 ARM assembler Conditional assembly, The logical operators :LOR:, :LAND:, :LEOR: and :LNOT: perform the normal logical operations. Thus: • expressionl :LOR: expression2 gives TRUE if either expression is TRUE. expressionl :LEOR: expression2 gives TRUE if one of the expressions is TRUE but not both. expressionl :LAND: expression2 gives TRUE if both expressions are TRUE and FALSE otherwise. :LNOT: expression gives TRUE if the expression is FALSE, and vice versa. 4.4 Macros A macro facility allows similar pieces of code to be repeated throughout the program. It can also be used to generate identical pieces of code in situations where for some reason a call to a subroutine is not the optimum solution. A macro must be able to change the code that it generates in accordance with parameters passed to it. Syntax: MACRO The fact that a macro is about to be defined is given by the directive MACRO in the instruction field. This is immediately followed by a macro prototype statement which takes the form: {$ label} macroname $ parameter,$ parameter,$ parameter,... {$ label} is optional. If present, it is treated as an additional parameter. Parameters are passed to the macro as strings, and substituted before syntax analysis. They are optional and any number of them may be given. ARM assembler 59 Chapter 4 A short example will illustrate the use of a macro: MACRO $label MACRONAME $num,$string,$etc $label ....lots of.... code - $num - $string "the price is $etc" 0 MEND MACRONAME is Ihe name of this particular macro and $num, $string and $etc are its parameters. Other macros may have many more, others may have none at all. The body of the macro now follows, with $labei being optional, even if it was given in the macro prototype statement. Note that $etc will be substituted into the string "the price is " when the macro is used. The macro ends with MEND . The macro is called by using its name. Missing parameters are indicated by commas, or may be omitted entirely if no more parameters are to follow. Thus MACRONAME may be called in various ways: MACRONAME 9,"disc",7 MACRONAME 9 MACRONAME ,"disc", 60 ARM assembler Conditional assembly, The $ symbol may be used in a string, provided that it is marked by a $$ escape sequence, for example: "the price is $$$etc" The $$ will be interpreted as a real $, and then $etc will be correctly interpreted as the parameter. This illustrates the important point that macro parameters will be substituted wherever they occur in the macro's body. 4.4.1 Local variables Local variables are similar to global variables, but may only be referenced within the macro expansion in which they were defined. They must be declared before they are used. The three types of local variable are arithmetical, logical and string, declared by respectively LCLA, LCLL and LCLS: LCLA symbol ;Arithmetic type, initialised to zero. LCLL symbol ;Logical type, initialised to FALSE. LCLS symbol ;String type, initialised to a null string. New values for local variables are assigned in precisely the same way as new variables for global variables, that is using the directives SETA, SETL and SETS . This would be given in the following form: variable name SET* expression 4.4.2 The MEXIT directive Normally macro expansion terminates on encountering the MEND directive, at which point in time there must be no unclosed WHILE/WEND loops or pieces of conditional assembly. Early termination of a macro expansion can be forced by means of the MEXIT directive, and this may occur within WHILE/WEND loops and conditional assembly. ARM assembler 61 Chapter 4 4.4.3 Default values Syntax: $parameter=default value | For example: in the macro prototype statement of the MACRONAME macro "*--j above, it is possible to write $nunv-io and then when calling the macro a I vertical bar symbol 'I' causes the default value 10 to be used rather than the value $num, so: MACRONAME |,"disc",7 will be equivalent to: MACRONAME 10, "disc", 7 Quotes are used around the default value if embedded spaces or leading or trailing spaces are needed as part of the default string, for example: $string<-" a default string " If the default string needs to be in quotes itself, then a double quote is used to distinguish the substituted quotes from the discarded quotes, for example: $string- hello world""" will ultimately be substituted into the macro as "hello world". 4.4.4 The macro substitution method Each line of a macro is scanned so it can be built up in stages before being passed to the syntax analyser. The first stage is to substitute macro parameters throughout the macro and then to consider the variables. If string variables, logic variables and arithmetic variables are prefixed by the $ symbol they are substituted by putting in a string equivalent of them. Normal syntax checking is performed upon the line after these substitutions have been performed. 62 ARM assembler ,^m Conditional assembly, In certain circumstances it may be necessary to prefix a macro parameter or variable to a label. In order to ensure that the assembler can recognise the macro parameter or variable, it can be terminated by a dot '.' The dot will be removed during substitution. For example: MACRO $T33 MACRONAME $T33.L25 lots of code MEND If the dot had been omitted, the assembler would not have related the $T33 part of the label to the macro prototype statement and would have accepted ST33L25 as a label in its own right - which was not the intention. 4.4.5 Nesting macros The body of a macro can contain a call to another macro; in other words the expansion of one macro can contain references to macros. Macros may be nested up to a depth of 255. ARM assembler 63 5. Assembling, link files, printing 5.1 The command line The assembler is loaded by entering aasm on the ARM command line, which has the effect of bringing up the assembler command level prompt, which is: Action: In assembler command level a number of commands can be used: Asm Print Symbol Width number Length number Terse Warning filename Quit Xref Help 64 ARM assembler Assembling, link files, printing Capital letters indicate minimum abbreviations. It is possible to add keywords to the aasm command to duplicate the effects of most of these assembler level commands. -FRom filename specifies source file -TO filename specifics object file -warning filename duplicates WARNING filename -Print duplicates PRINT ON -NOPrint duplicates PRINT OFF -Quit causes QUIT after the assembly -NOQuit does not cause QUIT after the assembly -Terse duplicates TERSE ON -NOTerse duplicates TERSE OFF -Xref duplicates XREF ON -Noxref duplicates XREF OFF -width number duplicates WIDTH number -Length number duplicates LENGTH number The defaults are -NOPRINT -NOQUIT -TERSE -NOXREF -WIDTH 131 -LENGTH 60. -FROM and -TO have no effect unless both are specified. If both are specified, an assembly is performed immediately using the specified files. The parameters belonging to -FROM and -TO may be specified without specifying the key words. ARM assembler 65 Chapter 5 5.2 Assembling a program The prompt may be followed specifically as in - Action : ASM Source filename : filename Object filename : object-filename or more succinctly - Action : A filename object-filename The assembler will load the file and aucmpt to assemble it, indicating that it is running a first pass. Any discrepancies in the format or syntax of the source will be detected and the appropriate error message, line number, and the offending line itself will be printed. Linked source files will be fetched if the primary source asks for them to be included. If no errors are detected, the second pass will be started and an object file will be built up. A complete list of error messages is given in appendix B. 66 ARM assembler -^^ Assembling, link files, printing 5.3 Linking source files The GET directive in the source file is used to include a secondary source file within the current assembly. The syntax within the source code is: GET filename In this case assembly continues in the original source when assembly of the secondary source file is complete. The secondary source file must be terminated by an END or LNK directive, and may include further GET directives. In the following example the primary file is called f ile_a : SYMl * SYM2+100 ....file_a code... . GET file b ....more file_a.., code END This is the secondary file, f ile_b SYM2 * 200 END Symbol SYMI takes the value 300. There are two points to notice in this example: f ilejb has no ORG statement and so the program counter merely continues its increment as filejb is assembled. Had the secondary file been given an ORG of its own, an error would be flagged. file_b must have an END directive, whereupon control passes back to file_a. Alternatively, the secondary file can be called using LNK: LNK filename ARM assembler 67 Chapter 5 Now, when the secondary file is assembled, there will be no return to the primary file. LNK is generally used to split large source files into sequences of smaller more manageable ones. GET is generally used for inclusion of standard code such as macro libraries. 5.4 The object file The object file can be loaded and executed by the command: *RUN filename 5.5 The SYMBOL command After an assembly all the symbols encountered can be listed if the SYMBOL command is given. Typing SYMBOL brings the prompt Option: onto the screen. The valid options are A, N, s and HELP. Usually, SYMBOL will be typed with the option letter (or HELP) on the same line. SYMBOL A gives an alphabetic listing of the symbols and their hex values. SYMBOL N gives a numeric listing of the symbols and their hex values. SYMBOL S gives no automatic symbol list but instead prompts for a symbol name. The name will then be printed, together with its value. To return from this prompt to the option prompt type a dot '.' Symbols declared but unused are marked with a '*' The format of the symbol table is designed, as neatly as possible, to fit the current WIDTH and LENGTH settings. To return from the option prompt to the action prompt type quit. 68 ARM assembler ^-(tm) Assembling, link files, printing 5.6 The XREF command XREF ON is a command to the assembler which causes it to collect (on the next assembly) cross-reference information for all the symbols used. When the SYMBOL command is next used, not only will the actual values of the symbols be supplied but also information on where the symbol was defined and where it was used (line numbers within macros and line numbers within files) will be given. The XREF OFF cancels the effect of XREF ON. Typing XREF on its own prints the prompt Option: onto the screen. The valid options are XREF ON, XREF OFF and HELP. b* 5.7 The WARNING command WARNING filename specifies a file which will receive all error warnings from the assembler. This file will be closed when the assembly has finished. Typing WARNING on its own prints the words Error file name: onto the screen and so prompts for a filename to be entered. Note that typing WARNING HELP creates a filename called 'HELP'. 5.8 The QUIT command QUIT, if specified, causes the assembler to terminate. 5.9 Assembler print commands Assembler source code may be viewed directly from the TWIN editor, or from within the assembler using the command PRINT ON. This command turns on the assembler screen listing, and on subsequent assemblies, the source code, object code, memory addresses and reference line numbers will be printed on the screen. PRINT OFF turns this facility off. Typing PRINT on its own brings the prompt Option: onto the screen. The valid options are PRINT ON, PRINT OFF and HELP. The default condition is PRINT OFF. ARM assembler 69 Chapter 5 5.9.1 WIDTH n The width of the output can be specified using this command, n should be a number between 1 and 254, and for screen output WIDTH 80 is probably the most suitable choice. If a source line has characters and spaces giving it a length greater than n, the excess is printed on subsequent lines. The default for n is 131, which is a convenient width for many printers. If no number is given, the prompt Value: is put on the screen. 5.9.2 LENGTH n The number of lines output per page can be specified using this command, n should be a number between 1 and 254. After n lines have been output, the assembler gives a form feed command which steps the printer onto the next perforation (assuming that continuous paper is used and has been properly loaded) and clears the screen on the computer. Page lengths of between 60 and 70 are suitable for most sizes of stationery. The default for n is 60. If no number is given, the prompt Value: is put on the screen. 5.9.3 TERSE TERSE ON, which is the default, ensures that code which is conditionally not assembled is not printed. TERSE OFF allows the printing of unseleclcd code. Typing TERSE on its own prints the prompt option: onto the screen. The valid options are TERSE ON, TERSE OFF and HELP. 70 ARM assembler Assembling, link files, printing 5.9.4 Dynamic print options The output of the listing can be controlled at assembly time by directives placed in the source code, provided that the PRINT ON command is in force. OPT n There are 14 options which take effect as they are encountered in the listing, n is a numeric expression. It may be any of the following, or any sum of them; for example, OPT 1025 will turn on both pass one and normal listing. OPT 1 Turn on listing. OPT 2 Turn off listing. OPT 4 Page throw. Issues an immediate form feed and so starts a new page. OPT 8 Reset the line number counter to zero. OPT 16 Turn on the listing of SET, GBL and LCL directives. OPT 32 Turn off the listing of SET , GBL and LCL directives. OPT 64 Turn on the listing of MACRO expansions. OPT 128 Turn off the listing of MACRO expansions. OPT 256 Turn on the listing of MACRO calls. OPT 512 Turn off the listing of MACRO calls. OPT 1024 ARM assembler 71 Chapter 5 -- - Turn on the pass one listing. fr~^ OPT 2048 I Turn off the pass one listing. | OPT 4096 k-• Turn on the listing of conditional directives. -* OPT 8192 I Turn off the listing of conditional directives. *"~ • The default settings are: ^ • listing on | SET, GBL, LCL OH t I macro expansion on | macro calls on Ł I pass one listing off 1 conditional directives on. ^ I 72 ARM assembler l*~- Assembling, link files, printing 5.9.5 TTL Syntax: TTL string This directive creates a title which will be used on all subsequent pages until either the assembly is complete or another TTL directive creates adifferent title. TTL on its own creates a title consisting of a blank line. 5.9.6 SUBTTL Syntax: SUBTTL string This directive creates a subtitle, which will be printed directly beneath the title. As with TTL, its effect remains until a new SUBTTL is issued. If two or more TTL or TTL/SOBTTL combinations occur before the next page break, only the latest of the combinations will be obeyed. Forcing a new page immediately after a TTL will ensure that the title is printed and it may be necessary to do this if different titles separated by only small quantities of source listing are required. ARM assembler 73 6. Appendix A 6.1 ARM instruction set There are 16 instructions determined by the bit-pattern in B24-B27, divided | into 5 classes. f- • 74 ARM assembler Appendix A B27 B26 B25 B24 Mnemonics Instruction type 1 0 1 0 B ) BRANCH } BRANCH WITH LINK 1 0 1 1 BL 0 0 0 X various } DATA } PROCESSING } GROUP 0 0 1 X various 0 1 0 0 LDR/STR } SINGLE ) DATA TRANSFER ) GROUP 0 1 0 1 LDR/STR 0 1 1 0 LDR/STR 0 1 1 1 LDR/STR 1 0 0 0 LDM/STM | BLOCK DATA ) TRANSFER post inc/dec | BLOCK DATA | TRANSFER pre inc/dec 1 0 0 1 LDM/STM ; 1 1 1 1 SWI SUPERVISOR CALL 1 1 0 0 • , 1 ) reserved I for future ) expansion 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 • Bits 31 to 28 encode the condition. The basic instruction set is expanded by altering the pattern of the remaining 24 bits. The main AAsm mnemonic combinations are as follows: ARM assembler 75 Chapter 6 THE ROOT INSTRUCTIONS All carry the optional conditional postfix {cc}. Branch Group B{cc} Branch BL{CC} Branch with Link Data Processing Group ADC/CC/ Add with Carry ADD{CC} Add AND/ccjl Bitwise And Bicfcc} Bit Clear CMtt{cc} Compare Negated CMP/CC/ Compare EOR{CC} Bitwise Exclusive Or tAOVfcc} Move MVN/CC/ Move Not om{cc} Bitwise Or RSB/CC/ Reverse Subtract RSC{CC} Reverse Subtract with Carry SBC{CC} Subtract with Carry SUB{CC} Subtract TEQ{CC} Test Equivalence TST{CC} Test and Mask S may follow these mnemonics. P may follow CMP, CMN, TST or TEQ. S - - Set Condition Codes. P - - Make Rd=R15 for CMP, CMN, TEQ and TST. S is included by the assembler for CMP, CMN, TEQ and TST. 76 ARM assembler Appendix A Single Data Transfer Group LDR/CCJ STR^CCJ B or T may follow these mnemonics. B - - perform a byte transfer, not a word transfer. T - - Set the Translate bit Block Data Transfer Group LDM/CC/ SfMfcc} One of the suffixes DA, DB, IA, IB, EA, ED, FA, FD must follow. Supervisor Call swi/ccj ARM assembler 77 • • 7. Appendix B '__| 3 7.1 AAsm and ObjAsm error messages | Area directive missing I An attempt has been made to generate code or data before the first area * • directive. | Area name missing I The name for the area has been omitted from an AREA directive. >--I Bad alignment boundary I An alignment has been given which is not a power of two. -^ • Bad area attribute or alignment 1 Unknown attribute or alignment not in the range 2-12. Bad based number A digit has been given in a based number which is not less than the base, I for example: 7_8. ^""- Bad exported name J The wording following the EXPORT directive is syntactically not a name. *-* Bad exported symbol type ^ | The exported symbol is not a program-relative symbol. I Bad expression type ^ • For example: a number was expected but a string was encountered. | Bad global name - • An incorrect character appears in the global name. -E Bad hexadecimal number I The & introducing a hexadecimal number is not followed by a valid r- • hexadecimal digit. | Bad imported name *""" >j The wording following the IMPORT directive is syntactically not a name. 1 Bad local label number 1 A local label number must be in the range 0-99. Ł~Ł Bad local name m An incorrect character appears in the local name. * • 78 ARM assembler ^m Appendix B Bad opcode symbol A symbol has been encountered in the opcode field which is not a directive and is syntactically not a label. Bad operand type For example: a logical value was supplied where a string was required. Bad operator The name between colons is not an operator name. Bad register name symbol A register name is wrong. Bad register range A register range from a higher to a lower register has been given, for example: R4-R2 has been typed. Bad rotator The rotator value supplied must be even and in the range 0-30. Bad shift name A syntactically incorrect shift name. Bad symbol Synlax error in a symbol name. Bad symbol type This will occur after a # or * directive and it means that the symbol being defined is already assumed to be of a type which cannot be defined in this way. Branch offset out of range The destination of a branch is not within the ARM address space. Code generated in data area An opcode has been found in an area which is not a code area Data transfer offset out of range The immediate value in a data transfer opcode must be in the range -4095 <= e <= +4095. Decimal overflow The number exceeds 32 bits. Entry address already set This is the second or subsequent ENTRY directive. Error in macro parameters ARM assembler 79 Chapter 7 The macro parameters do not match the prototype statement in some way. External area relocatable symbol used A symbol which is an address in another area has been used in a non-trivial expression. Externals not valid in expressions An imported symbol has been used in a non-trivial expression. Global name already exists This name has already been used in some other context Hexadecimal overflow The number exceeds 32 bits. Illegal line start should be blank A label has been found at the start of a line with a directive which cannot be labelled. Immediate value out of range A register to register opcode cannot perform a suitable rotation on the value supplied to bring it into 8-bit range. Imported name already exists The name has already been defined or used for something else. Incorrect routine name The optional name following a branch to a local label or on a local label definition does not match the routine's name. Invalid line start A line may only start with a letter character (the first letter of a label), a digit (the first character of a local label), a semi-colon or a space. Label missing from line start The absence of a label where one is required, for example in the * directive. Local name already exists A local name has been defined more than once. Locals not allowed outside macros A local variable has been defined or set in the main body of the source file. MEND not allowed within conditionals A MEND has been found amongst [ I ] or WHILE/WEND directives. Missing close bracket A missing close bracket or too many opening brackets. 80 ARM assembler Appendix B Missing close quote No closing quote. Missing close square bracket A ] is absent Missing comma Syntax error due to missing comma. Missing hash The hash preceding an immediate value has been forgotten. Missing open bracket A missing open bracket or too many closing brackets. Multiply defined symbol A symbol has been defined more than once. No current macro expansion A MEND, HEX IT or local variable has been encountered but there is no corresponding MACRO . Numeric overflow The number exceeds 32 bits. Register symbol already defined A register symbol has been defined more than once. Register value out of range Register values must be in the range 0-15. Shift option out of range The range permitted is 0-31. 1-32 or 1-31 depending on the shift type. String overflow Concatenation has produced a string of more than 256 characters. String too short for operation An attempt has been made to manipulate a string which has insufficient characters in it Symbol missing An attempt has been made to reference the length attribute of a symbol but the symbol was omitted or the name found was not recognised as a symbol. Syntax error following directive An operand has been provided to a directive which cannot take one, for example: the T directive. ARM assembler 81 Chapter 7 Syntax error following label A label can only be followed by spaces, a semi-colon or the end-of-line symbol. Syntax error following local label definition A space, comment, or end-of-line did not immediately follow the local label. Too late to set origin now The ORG must be set before the assembler generates code. Too many actual parameters A macro call is trying to pass too many parameters. Translate not allowed in pre-indexed form The translate option may not be specified in pre-indexed forms of LDR and STR. Undefined exported symbol The symbol exported is undefined Undefined symbol A symbol has not been given a value. Unexpected characters at end of line The line is syntactically complete, but more information is present. The semi-colon prefixing comments may have been omitted. Unexpected operand An operand has been found where a binary operator was expected. Unexpected operator A non-unary operator has been found where an operand was expected. Unexpected unary operator A unary operator has been found where a binary operator was expected. Unknown opcode A name in the opcode field which is neither an opcode nor a directive, nor a macro. Unknown operand An operand in the bracketed format {PC} (VAR) (OPT) (TRUE) {FALSE} is not of the correct form. Unknown or wrong type of global/local symbol Type mismatch, for example, attempting to set or reset the value of a local or global symbol as logical, where it is a string type. 82 ARM assembler Appendix B Unknown shift name Not one of the six legal shift mnemonics. The acceptable syntax for the various directives is shown in this table: [ no label I no label ] no label ! no label t optional label * (EQU) label - (DCB) optional label % optional label DCW optional label s, (DCD) optional label no label END no checking performed LNK no checking performed GET no label ORG no label OPT no label TTL no label SUBTTL no label RN label an expression is expected takes no expression takes no expression two expressions are expected an expression is expected an expression is expected an expression list is expected an expression is expected an expression list is expected an expression list is expected expression and optional register expected a filename is expected an expression is expected an expression is expected an expression is expected ARM assembler Chapter 7 WHILE WEND MACRO MEXIT MEND GBLA GBLL GBLS LCLA LCLL LCLS SETA SETL SETS ASSERT ROUT ALIGN LTORG LEADR no label no label no label no label no label no label no label no label no label no label no label label label label no label label no label no label no label an expression is expected lakes no expression takes no expression takes no expression takes no expression a symbol is expected a symbol is expected a symbol is expected a symbol is expected a symbol is expected a symbol is expected an expression is expected an expression is expected an expression is expected an expression is expected takes no expression one or two expressions expected takes no expression an expression is expected 84 ARM assembler 8. Appendix C ;-• 8.1 Example AAsm file Switch on the computer. The ARM A* prompt appears. Load TWIN from the filing system by typing: TWIN [RETURN] Type the following into TWIN, placing [RETURN] as necessary at the end of each line. ; -> test ORG &1000 SWI 17 END This source file is now saved using the name taken from the ; -> line at the lop of the TWIN file. Note that filename follows the -> (dash, greater than symbols), and that -> must be on line one of the TWIN document. Next, obtain an ARM command line and load the assembler. *aasm [RETURN] The screen will show: ARM stand alone Macro Assembler Version x.xx Entering interactive mode Action: To which responses should be made which culminate in the following display being achieved: Action: ASM Source file name: test Code file name: testc Pass 1 Pass 2 ARM assembler 85 Chapter 8 Assembly complete No errors found Action: Bolh passes ran, with no errors reported. The program may now be executed by leaving AASM: Action: quit And the program can be run: *testc testc will now run, finishing very quickly. 86 ARM assembler 9. Appendix D 9.1 ObjAsm directives ObjAsm is the ARM Assembler which creates Acorn Object File code. The new directives of ObjAsm listed here should be read in conjunction with the ARM utilities user guide explaining Acom Object File (AOF) code. 9.1.1 AREA This directive gives a name plus optional attributes and alignment to the area in which the code/data following is to be put The basic form of the directive is AREA symbol. The symbol is the name of an area and as such it is an external symbol which can be used in the link phase of processing: other programs may import the symbol and make use of it The value of the symbol may be taken to be Offset zero from the start of the area. A list of attributes may follow the symbol thus: AREA symbol{,attr}{,attr}....{, align^xpression} The attributes, many of which are self-explanatory, are as follows: ABS Absolute : this area has a fixed position in the memory map. REL Relocatable : this area may be relocated by the linker. PIC Position Independent Code : this code may be loaded anywhere without modification. CODE This area contains code (and is therefore read only). DATA This area contains read-write data. READONLY This area may not be written. COMDEF Common area definition COMMON A common area The last two are required by Fortran. ARM assembler 87 Chapter 9 AL I Gft=expression The expression should be between 2 and 12. This specifies a power of two, that is a 2 would give an alignment to a 4-byte (word) boundary; a 3 would give an alignment to an 8-byte boundary and so on. The ALIGN parameter may benccdcd to make sure the area maintains a sound alignment when it becomes attached to other areas during linking. The default alignment is 2, that is word alignment. 9.1.2 IMPORT Syntax: IMPORT symbol IMPORT is followed by a symbol which is treated as a program address. It provides the assembler with a name which may be referred to but which is not defined within this assembly. It must therefore be imported at link time from another piece of the AOF code, when its value will be ascertained and used. 9.1.3 EXPORT Syntax: EXPORT symbol EXPORT is also followed by a symbol. This time the symbol is being declared for use by other AOF files at link time. 9.1.4 ENTRY Syntax: ENTRY If the file contains the directive ENTRY it is signalling to the whole program (contained in the various AOF files) that the address computed for ENTRY (that is the value of the program location counter when ENTRY is assembled) is the execute address for the entire program. 88 ARM assembler I Appendix D 9.1.5 KEEP Syntax: KEEP symbol The linker will not normally keep track of symbols it does not need, and when operating in -adf s mode it keeps no symbols at all. However, when -adf s is not specified for the link operation, a table of all required external symbols is maintained. To force the linker to retain symbols it would otherwise consider unnecessary, a -keep is added to the link operation. ObjAsm's own directive KEEP has the function of declaring a symbol which is not needed by the AOF, but which can be maintained in the AOF symbol table. In this way (provided -adf s mode is 'off and -keep mode is 'on* when the link is performed), symbols of use to a symbolic debugger can be stored and will not be lost. 9.1.6 DCD DCD in ObjAsm will accept program-relative expressions and imported symbols for its operands, as well as the numeric expressions as used by AAsm. 9.1.7 Literals Program-relative expressions and imported symbols are also valid literals in ObjAsm. 9.1.8 Branch destinations Imported symbols and program-relative symbols not defined in the current area are valid operands to the branch and branch and link instructions. Note that imported symbols, and program-relative symbols not defined in the current area are not valid in general expressions. ARM assembler 89 Chapter 9 9.1.9 ObjAsm error messages Objasm has 12 error messages of its own, in addition to those of AAsm. (appendix B contains the full list of AAsm and ObjAsm error messages, explained in more detail.) Area directive missing Area name missing Bad area attribute or alignment Bad exported name Bad exported symbol type Bad imported name Code generated in data area Entry address already set External area relocatable symbol used Externals not valid in expressions Imported name already exists Undefined exported symbol 90 ARM assembler I 10. Appendix E ;-* Modes and registers The ARM has four modes of operation, user mode, supervisor mode, interrupt mode and fast interrupt mode. The mode in which the processor runs is determined by the state of bits 0 and 1 in the Processor Status Register. The processor has 25 physical registers, but the state of the mode bits determine which 16 registers, RO-R15, will be seen by the programmer. The four modes available are shown in the diagram which follows. value of mode bits 0 1 2 3 user/normal FIQ IRQ SVC/abort/undefined RO RO RO RO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RIO R10_FIQ RIO RIO Rll R11_FIQ Rll Rll R12 R12_FIQ R12 R12 R13 R13_FIQ R13_IRQ R13_SVC R14 R14_FIQ R14_IRQ R14_SVC R15 R15 R15 R15 In each mode the conceptual registers RO-R9 and R15 correspond to the physical registers RO-R9 and R15. b" 10.1 Mode 0: User mode is the normal program execution state; registers RO-15 exist directly and in this mode only the N, Z, C and V bits of the PSR may be changed. ARM assembler 91 Chapter JO 10.2 Mode 1: The FIQ processing state has five private registers mapped to RlO-14 (R10_FIQ-R14_FIQ) and a fast interrupt will not destroy anything in RIO-R14. Most FIQ programs, particularly those used for dala transfer, will nol need to use RO-R9, but if they do, then RO-R9 can be saved in memory using a single instruction. 10.3 Mode 2: The IRQ processing state has two private registers mapped to R13, R14 (R13_IRQ, R14_IRQ). If other registers are needed, their contents should be saved in memory using the single instruction available for this purpose. 10.4 Mode 3: Supervisor mode (entered on SVC calls and oiher traps) also has two private " I registers mapped to R13, R14 (R13_SVC, R14_SVC). If other registers are f j needed, they too must be saved in memory. * I Non-user modes are privileged and allow trusted software to take control in *-* a suitably protected system. | 92 ARM assembler I Appendix E 10.5 Changing modes. In the assembler, the action of {P} is used to change the PSR; this enables the TEQ instruction to change the ARM's mode, for example: TEQP R15,f2 changes to IRQ mode TEQP R15,IO changes to user mode The action is to exclusive OR the first operand with a supplied immediate field. R15 is being used as the first operand. Whenever R15 is presented to the processor as the first operand, 24 bits are presented; the PSR bits are supplied as zero. The TEQ causes the immediate field value to be written into the register, and the P causes the PSR bits (now altered by the immediate field value) to be written back into R15. Since two of the PSR bits are the mode-control bits, the processor assumes its new mode. As the mode control bits cannot be set in user mode, this technique will not work in user mode. The only way to pass from user mode to other modes are either to receive an external interrupt, or to make use of the swi instruction. ARM assembler 93 11. Appendix F Source code examples The following examples show ways in which the basic ARM instructions can combine to give efficient code. None of these methods saves a great deal of execution time (although they all save some), mostly they just save code. 11.1 Using the conditional instructions (1) Using conditionals for logical OR CMP Rn,tp ;IF Rn=p OR Rm=q THEN GOTO Label BEQ Label CMP Rm,Iq BEQ Label can be replaced by CMP Rn,lp CMPNE Rm,tq ;if condition not satisfied try BEQ Label /another test (2) Absolute value TEQ Rn,tO ;test sign RSBMI Rn,Rn,#0 ;and 2's complement if necessary 94 ARM assembler Appendix F (3) Unsigned 32-bit multiply ;enter with numbers in Ra, Kb MOV Rm,I0 ;result register Loop MOVS Ra,Ra,LSR tl ADDCS Rm,Rm,Rb ADD Rb,Rb,Rb BNE Loop ;stops when Ra becomes zero ;Rm contains Ra*Rb ;(Ra set to zero, Rb junk) (4) Combining discrete and range tests TEQ Re,#127 CMPNE Rc,#" "-1 MOVLS Rc,#"." ;discrete test ;range test ;IF Rc< " " OR Rc-CHR$127 ;THEN Re:-"." (5) Division and remainder ;enter with numbers in Ra and Rb MOV Rcnt,#l ;bit to control the division Divl CMP Rb,Ra MOVCC Rb,Rb,ASL fl MOVCC Rent,Rent,ASL #1 BCC Divl MOV Rc,#0 Div2 CMP Ra,Rb ;test for possible subtraction SUBCS Ra,Ra,Rb ;subtract if ok ADDCS Re,Re,Rent ;put relevant bit into result MOVS Rent,Rent,LSR II;shift control bit MOVNE Rb,Rb,LSR #1 ;halve unless finished BNE Div2 ;divide result in Re ;remainder in Ra ARM assembler 95 Chapter 11 11.2 Pseudo-random binary sequence generator It is often necessary to generate (pseudo-) random numbers and the most I efficient algorithms are based on shift generators with exclusive or feedback I rather like a cyclic redundancy check generator. Unfortunately the sequence -I of a 32-bit generator needs more than one feedback tap to be maximal ^"" j length (that is 2A32-1 cycles before repetition). A 33-bit shift generator with i--1 taps at bits 20 and 33 is required. The basic algorithm is newbit:=bit33 eor - • bit20, shift left the 33 bit number and put in newbit at the bottom. Then do ^-| this for all the newbits needed, that is 32 of them. Luckily this can all be • ••^•M^ done in five S cycles: k-I ;enter with seed in Ra (32 bits),Rb (1 bit in Rb Isb) ;uses Re I TST Rb,Rb,LSR fl ;top bit into carry ^ • MOVS Rc,Ra,RRX ;33 bit rotate right | ADC Rb,Rb,Rb /carry into Isb of Rb ". • EOR Rc,Rc,Ra,LSL#12 /(involved!) J EOR Ra,Rc,Rc,LSR#20 /(similarly involved!) /new seed in Ra, Rb as before 11.3 Multiplication by a constant (1) Multiplication by 2An (1,2,4,8,16,32..): MOV Ra,Ra,LSL tn (2) Multiplication by 2An+l (3,5,9,17..): ADD Ra,Ra,Ra,LSL #n 96 ARM assembler ~^m Appendix F (3) Multiplication by 2An-l (3,7,15..): RSB Ra,Ra,Ra,LSL in (4) Multiplication by 6: ADD Ra,Ra,Ra,LSL tl .-multiply by 3 MOV Ra,Ra,LSL #1 ;and then by 2 (5) Multiply by 10 and add in extra number: ADD Ra,Ra,Ra,LSL 12 ;multiply by 5 ADD Ra,Rc,Ra,LSL tl /multiply by 2 ;and add in next digit (6) General recursive method for Rb := Ra*C, C a constant: (a) If C even, say C = 2An*D, D odd: D=l : MOV Rb,Ra,LSL fn D01: {Rb :- Ra*D) MOV Rb,Rb,LSL fn (b) If C MOD 4 = 1, say C = 2*n*D+l, D odd, n>l: D-l : ADD Rb,Ra,Ra,LSL fn DOl: {Rb := Ra*D} ADD Rb,Ra,Rb,LSL fn ARM assembler 97 Chapter 11 (c) If C MOD 4 = 3, say C = 2An*D-l, D odd, n>l: D=l : RSB Rb,Ra,Ra,LSL #n D01: {Rb := Ra*D) RSB Rb,Ra,Rb,LSL tn This is not quite optimal, but close. An example of its non-optimality is I multiply by 45 which is done by: ^-! _l RSB Rb,Ra,Ra,LSL 12 /multiply by 3 RSB Rb,Ra,Rb,LSL #2 ,-multiply by 4*3-1 - 11 ADD Rb,Ra,Rb,LSL #2 /multiply by 4*11+1 - 45 rather than by: ADD Rb,Ra,Ra,LSL 13 /multiply by 9 ADD Rb,Rb,Rb,LSL #2 /multiply by 5*9 - 45 98 ARM assembler Appendix F 11.4 Loading a word from an unknown alignment There is no instruction to load a word from an unknown alignment To do this requires some code (which can be a macro) along the following lines: ;enter with 32-bit address in Ra ;uses Rb, Re; result in Rd ;Note d must be less than c BIG Rb,Ra,#3 ;get word-aligned address LDMIA Rb,{Rd,Rc} ; get 64 bits containing answer AND Rb,Ra,l3 ;correction factor in bytes MOVS Rb,Rb,LSL #3 ; in bits and test if aligned MOVNE Rd,Rd,LSR Rb ;produce bottom of result word ;if not aligned RSBNE Rb,Rb, 132 ;get other shift amount ORRNE Rd,Rd,Rc,LSL Rb /combine two halves to get result 11.5 Sign/zero extension of a half word MOV Ra,Ra,LSL 116 ;move to top MOV Ra,Ra,LSR #16 ;and back to bottom ;use ASR to get ;sign extended version ARM assembler 99 _J Chapter II *~'j 11.6 Return setting condition codes * j ^ j CFLAG * &20000000 --j BICS PC,R14,fCFLAG ;returns clearing C flag I ;from link register ^ \ ORRCCS PC,R14,ICFLAG ;conditionally returns I /setting C flag ^-\ ;This code should not be used except in User mode | ;since it will reset the interrupt mode to the state * " ;which existed when the R14 was set up. J /This generally applies to non-user mode programming: <^ • / e.g. MOVS PC,R14. MOV PC,R14 is safer! ^ | 100 ARM assembler ••. - •^•H J Acorn | The choice of experience