5 Command syntax Some conventions are followed in the descriptions of the command syntax given. The syntactic elements in the descriptions are: dsp This is a directory specification. For DNFS directories, a directory specification is an optional drive specification followed by a single character directory name. If the drive specification is present, it should be separated from the directory name by the directory separator character (default '.'). An HDFS directory specification is an optional drive specification followed by a series of directory names, each separated by the directory separator character (default '.'). HDFS directory names are similar to filenames, but can be between 2 and 7 characters long. The drive specification refers to the root directory of the drive, and the directory names are relative to that point (or the current directory if no drive specification is given). The root directory character (default '$') can be used to refer to the root directory of the current drive. The parent directory character (default '^') indicates the parent of the current directory. A sequence of parent directory characters separated by directory separator characters can be used to refer to a directory much higher in the hierarchy. In both cases, if a drive specification is given, it must be immediately preceded by a drive prefix character (default ':'). The maximum length of a directory specification (including separator characters) is 31. fsp This is a file specification. It consists of an optional directory specification, followed by a file name. The file name can be between 1 and 7 characters long, and should be separated from the directory specification by a directory separator character (default '.') if one is present. The maximum length of a file specification (including separator characters) is 31. In some cases, a file specification can also refer to a directory; the descriptions of the commands below state when this is possible. afsp This is an ambiguous file specification. An ambiguous file specification is the same as a file specification, but includes at least one wild card character. The wild card characters are the glob character (default '*') which matches any number of characters, and the query character (default '?') which matches any one character. drv This is a drive specification. A drive specification is merely a number indicating which disc drive to use. Up to four surfaces are supported by HDFS, and the drive numbers for these are between 0 and 3. With double sided drives, drive number 2 and 3 refer to the reverse sides of drives 0 and 1. These drive numbers are not generally used with HDFS, which can treat both sides of a double-sided drive as one disc. If a drive specification appears in an optional context, it must by prefixed by the drive prefix character (default ':'). load, exec, addr These are hexadecimal memory addresses. A nominal 32-bit address- ing range is used; if the top 16 bits are &FFFF, the bottom 16 bits are used to address the I/O processor memory. If there is no second processor, all addresses always refer to I/O processor memory. I/O processor addresses in the range &8000 to &BFFF refer to sideways ROM sockets; the ROM socket accessed by these addresses can be set with *OPT 3. Only 18 bits of the load and execution addresses are stored in HDFS format directories, so many addresses above the stored range will produce the same results. len This is a hexadecimal file length. HDFS stores 19 bits of the file length, whereas DNFS stores 18 bits. start, (+) (+) These are hexadecimal addresses, usually of disc sectors, but sometimes memory addresses. If the optional plus signs are used for the end or of fset sectors, they are treated as of fsets from the start address. Sector addresses in HDFS are 11 bits long, DNFS sector addresses are 10 bits long. LXWR This is a permissions specification; any combination of the characters L, X, W, and R (including none of them) can appear. string Strings are delimited by double quotes '"'. Any printing character can appear in a string, and the normal operating system escape sequences can be used to insert non-printing characters. The vertical bar '|' is used to make a control character from the character that follows it, the sequence '|!' sets the high bit of the character or control character that follows, and the sequence '|?' is used to represent the DELETE character (&7F). The length of the string accepted is dependent on the context in which it appears. hex Hexadecimal numbers are accepted by some commands, usually in a sequence of numbers. These can be 1, 2, 3, or 4 byte numbers. dec Decimal numbers are accepted by some commands. These numbers should be positive, and less than 65536 (2 bytes). skew This a hexadecimal number which is used to set the track skew when formatting discs. It should have a value between 0 and 9. :$^.*? This specification is only used once, for the *WILD command. Six characters are required, none of which are the same as any of the others. Any other numbers or single characters appearing in the syntax are literals, and should be specified exactly as shown. Note that some file specifications may be valid for DNFS and HDFS, whereas others (which include directories) are valid only for DNFS or HDFS. There are several 'Meta-characters' which modify the syntactic elements: { . . . } Curly braces indicate that the part of the description between the braces may be repeated as many times as necessary . There are limits on the maximum number of repetitions possible, which depend on the context in which it appears. < . . . > Angle brackets are used to group alternatives (see the forward slash, below) which are not optional (i.e. at least one of the alternatives must appear). ( . . . ) The part of the description between the parentheses is optional, and may be omitted entirely. / . . . / The parts separated by forward slashes are alternatives; one and only one of them should be specified.