7 Utility Commands These commands are available all the time, even when HDFS is not the current filing system. All of these commands may be prefixed by 'H' to distinguish them from similar commands in other ROMs. 7.1 *CLOSE This command will close all open files on the current filing system. 7.2 *DISC , *DISK These commands have the same action, which is to select the HDFS as the current filing system. 7.3 *GOIO addr This command is similar to the second processor command *GO, which starts execution at an address in the second processor, except that *GOIO starts execution in the I/O processor. It is used from the second processor to run programs downloaded into the I/O processor. 7.4 *KEYS This command lists the current definitions for active function keys, in a form suitable for use with the operating system *KEY command. 7.5 *MEDIT start (+) ((+) (R) This command invokes the disc, file, and memory editor on the section of memory specified by the start address, up to but not including the end address. If an offset is supplied, the cursor will be placed at that point initially. The R flag invokes the editor in read-only mode, which can be used to view the data but not change it. 7.6 *MFIND start (+) Data in memory can be searched for with this command. The memory address of each occurrence of the data is displayed. The search performed by this command is optimal. The data to search for is specified by a string or a sequence of hex numbers. The maximum length of the string or sequence of hex numbers is 31 bytes. The area of the memory to search is delimited by the start and end addresses. 7.7 *MODE dec The display mode is changed by this command. It is equivalent to the BASIC command MODE. 7.8 *MOVE start (+) addr This command moves a block of memory from one address to another. The block of memory to be moved is delimited by the start and end addresses, and is moved to the other address given. Overlapping source and destination blocks are detected, and handled correctly. The source and/or destination address may be in I/O or second processor memory. 7.9 *ROMS The ROMS installed in the sideways ROM sockets may be listed with this command. The ROM socket number, ROM version number, entry points, and title string are displayed for all sockets. The flags S, L, and R are used to indicate that the ROM has service, language, and/or relocation entries. 7.10 *VDU This command is used to send a string or sequences of bytes to the operating system OSWRCH entry for display. The syntax of this command may look complicated, but is exactly the same as BASIC's VDU command. A string may be displayed, or a sequence of bytes and words. The numbers in the sequence are positive or negative decimals; a semi-colon after a number indicates that it to be treated as a word (2 bytes). Commas or spaces may be used to separate individual bytes. The maximum length of string or sequence which can be displayed is 31 bytes.