Intel SDK-51 8051 development system monitor E000 POWERON Reset entry E003 BREAK Entry for INT0 E006 CO Console output R2=character to display E009 CI Console input A=keypress, waits for keypress E00C CSTS Console status CY set if input pending, CY clear otherwise E00F NEWLINE CR,LF to console output E012 TIME Time delay (R3+256*R2 * 100us) = delay time E015 LSTBYT Display hex byte R2=byte to display E018 LSTWRD Display hex word R3+256*R2=16-bit word to display E01B ASCII_TO_HEX Hex char to bin In: R2=character, Out: A=$00-$0F or undefined E01E PRINT_STRING R3+256*R2=>len,string E021 reserved E024 reserved E027 reserved E02A reserved E02D reserved E030 COPYRIGHT Copyright string " (C) yyyy name...." E046 DATECODE DB BCD(day),BCD(month),BCD(year-1900) eg $08,$12,$81 E049 CHECKSUM DB 0 E04A FETCH E04D STORE E050 GETNUM E053 GETEOL E056 GETOKE E059 DISPLAY_TOKEN E05C SAVE_AND_DISPLAY E05F ERROR E062 WAIT_FOR_USER E065 GET_PART E068 CONTINUATION_LINE E06B GET_COMMA E06E EOL_CHECK Monitor memory use: xx08 stack xx24 line buffer xx3C string buffer xx40 workspace, 3 bytes xx43 variables ... xx5A variables xx5B more variables ... xx65 more variables 0003 must be LJMP E003 as system uses INT0 0013 optionally used for keyboard INTR key