Identifying Archive Files ========================= Archive files can usually be identified by examining the first few bytes of the file: 00 nn cc cc ... -> Black v1.xx Archive 00 00 40 FF nn mm lo -> Black v2.xx Archive 40 00 nn mm lo -> CJR Archive 50 4B 03 04 xx xx xx -> ZIP Archive ch cc ... 0D -> GetBack Archive, ch>32, cc=13 OR >32 !word%=first_four_bytes IF ?word%=0 AND word%?1>0 AND word%?2>33 THEN archive=Black1 IF !word%=&FF400000 THEN archive=Black2 IF !word%=&04034B45 THEN archive=ZIP IF ?word%=&40 AND word%?1=0 THEN archive=CJR IF ?word%>32 AND (word%?1>32 OR word?1=13) THEN archive=GetBack