Select Graphics Rendition
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The ANSI sequence <esc>[<parameters>m is "Select Graphics Rendition" which selects display attributes and colours.

0+n attribute on   20+n attribute off   30+n foreground colour 40+n background colour 90+n bright foregnd 100+n bright backgnd
0 reset all        20                   30 black foreground    40 black background    90 bright black     100 bright black
1 bold on          21 bold off          31 red foreground      41 red background      91 bright red       101 bright red
2 faint on         22 faint off         32 green foreground    42 green background    92 bright green     102 bright green
3 italics on       23 italics off       33 yellow foreground   43 yellow background   93 bright yellow    103 bright yellow
4 underline on     24 underline off     34 blue foreground     44 blue background     94 bright blue      104 bright blue
5 blink on (slow)  25 blink off         35 magenta foreground  45 magenta background  95 bright magenta   105 bright magenta
6 blink on (rapid) 26 blink off         36 cyan foreground     46 cyan background     96 bright cyan      106 bright cyan
7 invert on        27 invert off        37 white foreground    47 white background    97 bright white     107 bright white
8 conceal on       28 conceal off       38 extended foreground 48 extended background 98                  108
9 strikethrough on 29 strikethrough off 39 default foreground  49 default background  99                  109
The actual implementation depends on the terminal/console actually used. These are some samples.

CentOS Terminal - the closest to a full implementation

PuTTY terminal

Windows XP Console

Windows 7 Console with ansicom

Windows 8 Console

Windows 10 Console

E11 console

Authored by J.G.Harston
Last updated: 26-Dec-2018