oggin Op-code Listing --------------------- Group 1 Op-codes: Group 2 Op-codes: Group 3a Op-codes: 00xxxx -> Group 2 000000 stp 100xxx beq 01mxxx lda 000001 rts 102xxx bne 02mxxx sta 000002 asr 104xxx bgt 03mxxx ldi 000003 asl 106xxx bge 04mxxx add 000004 neg Group 3b Op-codes: 05mxxx sub 000005 psh 170xxx blt 06mxxx cmp 000006 pul 172xxx ble 07mxxx and 000007 clr 174xxx bcs 10xxxx -> Group 3a 000010 inc 176xxx bcc 11mxxx ora 000011 trp 12mxxx jsr 000012 rtt 000020 13mxxx jmp 000013 sti to unassigned 14mxxx unassigned 000014 rir 007777 15mxxx unassigned 000015 spi 16mxxx unassigned 000016 lsr Modes: 17xxxx -> Group 3b 000017 lsl 0:# 2:d 4:i 6:x