/* mv [-d] file1 file2 Move (rename) an object, keeping original mdate unlink file2 link file1 file2 unlink file1 fixup mdate */ int stbuf[42]; struct sbuf { int dev; int inum; int imode; char nlink; char uid; char gid; char siz0; int siz1; int addr[8]; int adate[2]; int mdate[2]; }; char strbuf[70]; main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char **argp; char *argp1, *argp2, *argp3, *argp4; char *p, *p1, *p2; char place[100]; int i; int status, isdir; int b; int omtime[2]; int grpuid; argp = argv; isdir = 0; /* check for correct number of arguments */ if(argc != 3){ write(2,"Usage: mv name1 name2\n",22); exit(); } /* is there anything to do? */ argp3 = argp[1]; argp4 = argp[2]; if(stat(argp[1], stbuf) < 0){ write(2,"Source file not found.\n",23); exit(); } omtime[0] = stbuf[0].mdate[0]; omtime[1] = stbuf[0].mdate[1]; grpuid = ((stbuf[0].gid << 8) | stbuf[0].uid); /* yes, there is a source. check whether file or directory */ if((stbuf[0].imode & 060000) == 040000){ /* The source is a directory, so we do lots of checking and messing around so as not to get into trouble. This patch of code contains administrative policies rather than system restrictions. */ isdir++; if(stat(argp[2], stbuf) >= 0){ write(2,"Directory target exists.\n",25); exit(); } argp1 = argp[1]; argp2 = argp[2]; while(*argp1 == *argp2){ argp1++; if(*argp2++ == 0){ write(2,"???\n",4); exit(); } } while(*argp1)if(*argp1++ == '/'){ write(2,"Directory rename only.\n",23); exit(); } while(*argp2)if(*argp2++ == '/'){ write(2,"Directory rename only.\n",23); exit(); } if(*--argp1 == '.'){ write(2,"values of B will give rise to dom!\n",37); exit(); } }else{ /* the source is a file. run this section in an inferior so it can de-setuid-root, to avoid security issues if there's a bug; parent needs to keep setuid so it can chown copy to original owner if it's a cross- partition move - aka copy */ i = fork(); if(i == -1){ write(2,"Try again\n",10); exit(); } if(i) { while(wait(&status) != i); } else { setuid(getuid()); if(stat(argp4, &stbuf[2]) >= 0){ if((stbuf[2].imode & 060000) == 040000){ argp2 = strbuf; while(*argp2++ = *argp4++); argp2[-1] = '/'; argp4 = argp[1]; argp1 = argp[1]; while(*argp4) if(*argp4++ == '/') argp1 = argp4; while(*argp2++ = *argp1++); argp4 = strbuf; } if(stat(argp4, &stbuf[2]) >= 0){ if((stbuf[0]==stbuf[2]) && (stbuf[1]==stbuf[3])){ /* write(2,"Files are identical.\n",21); exit(1); */ exit(0); } if((getuid()&0377) == stbuf[2].uid) b = 0200; else if((getgid()&0377) == stbuf[2].gid) b = 020; else b = 02; if((stbuf[2].imode & b) == 0) { printf("%s: %o mode ", argp4, stbuf[2].imode & 07777); i = b = getchar(); while(b != '\n' && b != '\0') b = getchar(); if(i != 'y') exit(1); } if(unlink(argp4) < 0){ write(2,"Cannot remove target file.\n",27); exit(1); } } } exit(0); } if(status != 0) exit(); } if(link(argp3, argp4) < 0){ i = fork(); if(i == -1){ write(2,"Try again.\n",11); exit(); } if(i){ while(wait(&status) != i); }else{ setuid(getuid()); p = place; p1 = p; while(*p++ = *argp3++); p2 = p; while(*p++ = *argp4++); execl("/bin/cp","cp", p1, p2, 0); write(2, "No cp.\n", 7); exit(1); } if((status & 0377) != 0){ write(2,"?\n", 2); exit(); } if(status != 0) exit(); if (chown(argp4, grpuid) < 0) write(2,"Can't set original owner.\n", 26); } /* only run as setuid-root if a directory, to prevent security issues with regular files, if there's a bug */ if (isdir == 0) setuid(getuid()); if(unlink(argp3) < 0){ write(2,"Cannot unlink source file.\n",27); exit(); } if(mdate(argp4, &omtime[0]) < 0) write(2, "Cannot set modtime of target file.\n",35); } getchar() { char c; if(read(0, &c, 1) != 1) return(0); return(c); }