Title : Magtapes Roasting Original : Chestnuts Roasting Group : ? Author : Albert Corda, Richard Holmes & David Kinder Intro : Song : Magtapes Roasting (to Chestnuts Roasting) by Albert Corda, Richard Holmes & David Kinder Magtapes roasting on an open fire. DECtapes lying on the floor. All nasty files being thrown on a pyre. And ops.sav's around no more. Everybody knew a tape search would be drawing near, Tried to get their tapes from W.A.C.C.C. But big EGP, with a smile ear to ear, Refused to give the DECtapes back. They knew that doom was on its way. They're losing "test" and other goodies on this day. And every UFD that isn't nice Will be deleted once...or maybe even twice. So we're offering this simple song To all kids who like to hack. Only do what's right...don't get caught doing wrong. Merry Christmas from W.A.C.C.C. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@