Title : My Favorite Hacks Original : My Favorite Things Group : Rodgers and Hammerstein (?) Author : Guy L. Steele Jr. Intro : Song : My Favorite Hacks [to be sung to the tune of My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music] Circular MAPCAR and ANDCA'd negation, Indirect JMP auto-incrementation, Tangled spaghetti embroidered in stacks: These are a few of my favorite hacks. Mismatched DEFINE-TERMIN pairs with .QUOTEing, Misbalanced brackets for macroed remoting, PDP-6's with chess tourney plaques: These are a few of my favorite hacks. LAMBDAs as GO TOs and spooling on TPLs, Flip-flops and bit drops and TRCE's in triples, Crufty heuristics that prune minimax: These are a few of my favorite hacks. When the bugs strike, When the disks crash, When I read this verse, I simply remember my favorite hacks And then I feel even worse! -- The Great Quux (with apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@