Title : My Favorite Things Original : My Favorite Things Group : ? Traditional Author : Intro : Song : My Favorite Things (to the tune of My Favorite Things) by J. Benson & J. Doll Card reader managers, output addresses, Drum operations and other such messes, Job names consisting of character strings -- These are a few of my favorite things -- Input drum managers, functions external, Signals and waits in a quite busy kernel; All of the heartbreaks that debugging brings, These are a few of my favorite things -- Chorus: Run-time errors, Missing modules, Sleep I haven't had. I simply remember my favorite things And then I still feel real bad! Five job descriptors and processes blocking, Go see Ray Hookway with both my knees knocking; Red eyes encircled by darkening rings, These are a few of my favorite things-- (Chorus) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@