Title : My Program Lies in the DEC-20 Original : My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean Group : Traditional Author : Sherna Burley Intro : Song : My Program Lies in the DEC-20 (to My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean) by Sherna Burley My program lies in the DEC-20. It's screwed up as screwed up can be. It's bugs, they have bugs which are buggered. Oh, give back my program to me. Give back... My program was pure, sweet, and simple. An op'rator using a line Played pimp for a rogue name of Hasp and With him she was sharing her time. Give back... He showed her the lights of DEC-20. He showed her a bit of the core. Now my program will run on the nine months And the output crawls over the floor. Give back... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@