BNAMEb UNIMG - extract files from a disk image BSYNOPSISb BCHAINb "unimg Iinfilei [B-dsd -e -s -i -q -Xb] [B-db Ioutdiri] [B-fsb Itypei] [B-quitb Iquitcmdi]" or B*unimgb Iinfilei [B-dsd -e -s -i -q -X -Zb] [B-db Ioutdiri] [B-fsb Itypei] [B-quitb Iquitcmdi] BDESCRIPTIONb Iunimgi is a utility for extracting files from DFS, ADFS and HADFS disk image files. It runs on any platform that will run BBC BASIC, such as BBCs, Master, RISC OS, Windows, Unix, etc. The default behaviour (with no options) is to extract into the current directory (and subdirectories below it) all files from the specified image file. BARGUMENTSb Iinfilei Path of the disk archive. If the file specification contains wildcards it will use the first matching file. On the Master and RISC OS the filename can have a I-fsname-i or Ifsname:i prefix to specify the filing system the image file is on. [B-db Ioutdiri] An optional directory into which files will be extracted. By default, all files and subdirectories are created in the current directory; the B-db option allows extraction in an arbitrary directory (always assuming one has permission to write to the directory). BOPTIONSb Options supplied to unimg must each be specified singly. B-?b Display the unimg command line syntax. B-qb Quiet mode. All output messages disabled. [B-fsb Ifstypei] Optionally specify the disk image filesystem. If this is not given the disk image is examined to try and work out what filesystem it contains. If it cannot be recognised, a IFilesystem not recognisedi error is returned. B-quitb Iquitcmdi Command to execute on termination. This allows unimg to be called and then continue to a specified program. If Iquitcmdi starts with a '*' it is called as a *command, otherwise it is CHAINed. BMODIFIERSb B-dsdb Treat the source file as an interleaved image. ADFS images are treated as 16*256 bytes per track, all other images are treated as 10*256 bytes per track. B-sb Extract DFS files to subdirectories. B-eb Extract DFS files with extensions. If neither of these options are uses, DFS files are extracted with the filename prefixed with the DFS directory character, eg T.ReadMe -> T/ReadMe on Acorn systems, T.ReadMe on non-Acorn systems. DFS directory '$' and ' ' (space) are extracted with no directory character. B-ib On non-Acorn systems .inf files are created containing the Acorn metadata (load/exec addresses, etc.) This option forces the creation of .inf files on Acorn systems. B-Xb By default, .inf files are created with only the load, exec and length fields. With this option the attributes and any other metadata is output. BNOTESb There is a bug in the CmdLine library used by Iunimgi where any hyphen is seen as introducing an option, for example Bunimg -disk-inb or Bunimg new-datab is seen as the B-db option. To work around this use upper case for the file name, eg I-DISK-ini or INEW-DATAi or a colon filing system prefix, eg Idisk:ini. BSEE ALSOb MkImg(1), Metadata(9), INFfile(9). BAUTHORb J.G.Harston