Residential Property Counts in Whitby
Based on 2011 electoral register, census and ground survey
Electoral Area General Area Name Population estimate Electors Occupied properties Unoccupied properties Electors / property People / property Total properties Occupancy rate Retail properties
MA: Mayfield Mayfield 929 735 372 9 1.98 2.50 381 97.6%
MB: Ruswarp Ruswarp 647 512 261 15 1.96 2.48 276 94.6%
MC: Stakesby Stakesby 3218 2547 1407 18 1.81 2.29 1425 98.7%
4793 3794 2040 42 1.86 2.35 2082 98.0%
VA: Abbey No.1 East Side 1239 981 559 334 1.75 2.22 893 62.6%
VB: Abbey No.2 Helredale 2351 1861 962 42 1.93 2.44 1004 95.8%
VC: Town South Railway 1003 794 418 87 1.90 2.40 505 82.8%
4594 3636 1939 463 1.88 2.37 2402 80.7%
XA: West Cliff No.1 Town Centre 1406 1113 675 279 1.65 2.08 954 70.8%
XB: West Cliff No.2 White Leys 354 280 153 5 1.83 2.31 158 96.8%
XC: West Cliff No.3 West Cliff 2423 1918 1132 195 1.69 2.14 1327 85.3%
4183 3311 1960 479 1.69 2.13 2439 80.4%
Whitby 13570 10741 5939 984 1.81 2.28 6923 85.8% 1204
1.26 people per elector
Unoccupied properties will include empty properties between occupiers as well as properties used as holiday lets. This figure has been determined
by examining maps and walking up and down streets counting physical properties and subtracting those listed as occupied on the Electoral Register.
These figures are for each electoral area in aggregate, so the occupancy figures are averaged out. If individual streets are examined, the figures
can be wildly divergent. For eample:
Church Street 437 346 223 180 1.55 1.96 403 55.3%
Cliff Street 38 30 23 35 1.30 1.65 58 39.7%