OSWORD &B0 ========== XY+0 : Input control block length XY+1 : Output control block length XY+2 : Command XY+3 : Subcommand XY+4 : Return byte - Set to &01 on entry. Supported calls will return &00. Unsupported calls will return &01 or leave left set to &01. XY+5 : Extra return byte XY+6... : Returned data Command &00 ----------- Does nothing, returns XY+4=&01 Command &01 - GoMMC status -------------------------- Subcommand &01 - return GoMMC ROM number in XY+6 Subcommand &02 - return GoMMC card size in XY+6..XY+9 Command &02 ----------- Returns data in XY+5 Subcommand &09 Subcommand &0A Command &03 - Read/Write data ----------------------------- XY+6..9 : Address XY+10..13 : Disk byte address XY+14..17 : Number of bytes Returns data in XY+5 Subcommand &00 Read within current disk Subcommand &01 Write within current disk Subcommand &40 Read absolute sector Subcommand &41 Write absolute sector Command &04 - Read/Write within current disk -------------------------------------------- XY+6..9 : Address XY+10..13 : Disk byte address XY+14..17 : Number of bytes Returns data in XY+5 Subcommand &00,&01 - As for Command &03