HADFS and GoMMC/GoSDC --------------------- You can use HADFS with the GoMMC and its successor the GoSDC. The program MMCHADFS will help you install an HADFS ROM image into the GoMMC/GoSDC and create a blank HADFS disk image. The disk on the GoMMC/GoSDC will appear as drive M in HADFS. You need the MMCHADFS program and an HADFS ROM image for version 5.30 or later. CHAIN "MMCHADFS" and follow the prompts, for example: 1: Add HADFS ROM image Pathname to HADFS image: HADFS600 2: Add empty HADFS disk image Disk image size: 16383K 3: Reset GoMMC Press SPACE to reset computer After the computer has reset, enter: *MMCCONFIG FSNR 0 *MMCDISC To install a blank HADFS filesystem on the GoMMC disk, use, for example: *HADFS *INSTALL M $ D16383K The maximum disk size you can use is 4194302K - just under 4G. You can use the HUtils program to set drive M's boot options to make it the default disk on startup. Use option 4, select drive M and set all options to 'Yes'.