Changes to the JSW48 game engine to allow exit from intro screen ---------------------------------------------------------------- J.G.Harston, 15 March 1985 This allows you to exit from Jet Set Willy at the intro screen by pressing SymbolShift-Space. It does a NEW with the top of memory set to &7FFF, so keeping the JSW code intact. Original code: Change to: 8401 8401 31 00 5C LD SP,&5C00 ; Initial stack 8404 8404 C3 CA 87 JP &87CA ; Jump to start 8407 8407 3E 7F LD A,&7F ; keys 'b'-'spc' 8409 8409 DB FE IN A,(&FE) 840B 840B E6 03 AND 3 ; SS-SPC pressed? 840D 840D C2 C9 96 JP NZ,&96C9 ; no, check Enter 8410 8410 11 FF 7F LD DE,&7FFF ; top of memory 8413 8413 C3 05 00 JP &0005 ; jump to NEW_ETC 8416 8416 00 00 00 spare 8419 8419 00 00 00 841C 841C 00 00 00 841F 841F 00 88E3 01 FE AF LD BC,&AFFE 88E3 CD 07 84 CALL &8407 ; check keypress 88E6 ED 78 IN A,(C) 88E6 00 00 NOP:NOP 88E8 E6 01 AND &01 88E8 00 00 NOP:NOP 88EA FE 01 CP &01 88EA 00 00 NOP:NOP 96C2 CD C9 96 CALL &96C9 96C2 CD 07 84 CALL &8407 ; check keypress This can be applied with the following hex patch file: :1584010031005CC3CA873E7FDBFEE603C2C99611FF7FC30500CE :0988E300CD078400000000000034 :0396C200CD07844D :0000000000