BBC BASIC for the PDP11 ======================= J.G.Harston, 70 Camm Street, Walkley, Sheffield, S6 3TR Date: 02-Aug-2023 This is a PDP11 implementation of the BBC BASIC programming language. It implements BBC BASIC IV, with a few additions from BBC BASIC V. Communication with the host system is via Unix TRAP, RT11/RSTS EMT or Tube EMT instructions. BBC BASIC is started with 'bbcbasic', 'RUN BASIC' or 'BASIC'. *QUIT will return to the calling process, *HELP will report the current host interface version. A filename may be passed on the command line, where it is loaded and run as though CHAINed. If the first byte of a loaded file is '#' any following bytes up to a control character are ignored, and any following data is loaded as untokenised program code. This allows a text file to start with, for example: #! bbcbasic On Unix you can pipe the output through a supplied 'ansi' command which will translate output sequences to ANSI terminal control sequences, for example: bbcbasic | ansi Calls to BBC MOS entries at &FF00-&FFFF are translated to appropriate host calls. [NOP] assembles a &A0 to identify the CPU as a PDP11.