10 REM > Beers 20 : 30 FOR B%=9 TO 1 STEP -1 40 IF B%=1:PRINT"Just "; 50 PRINT ;B%;" bottle";LEFT$("s",B%-1);" of beer on the wall" 60 IF B%=1:PRINT"Just "; 70 PRINT ;B%;" bottle";LEFT$("s",B%-1);" of beer" 80 PRINT"Take one down and pass it around" 90 IF B%=2:PRINT"Just "; 100 IF B%=1:PRINT"No more"; ELSE PRINT ;B%-1; 110 PRINT " bottle";LEFT$("s",B%-2);" of beer on the wall" 120 A%=INKEY(50):PRINT 130 NEXT B%