CUBE MOS OSWORDS ================ 0 - Read input line 1 - Read TIME 2 - Write TIME 3 - Read interval timer 4 - Write interval timer 5 - Read I/O memory 6 - Write to I/O memory 7 - Unsupported by MOS (SOUND) 8 - Unsupported by MOS (ENVELOPE) 9 - POINT 10 - Unsupported by MOS (Read character definition) 11 - Unsupported by MOS (Read palette) 12 - Unsupported by MOS (Write palette) 13 - Unsupported by MOS (Read graphics position) 14 - Read from M3002 Real Time Clock 15 - Write to M3002 Real Time Clock 16 - Enable/Disable VIA Timer1 IRQs 17 - Read enable/disable status of VIA Timer1 18 - ? 19 - Specify buffer location and size 20 - ? OSWORD 14 - Read M3002 RTC, OSWORD 15 - Write M3002 RTC data ------------------------------------------------------------ On exit from OSWORD 14: XY+0: 16 bytes of RTC data On entry to OSWORD 15: XY+0: 16 bytes of RTC data XY+0 : clock seconds &00-&59 XY+1 : clock minutes &00-&59 XY+2 : clock hours &00-&23 XY+3 : clock date &01-&31 XY+4 : clock month &01-&12 XY+5 : clock year &00-&99 XY+6 : clock day of week XY+7 : clock week of year XY+8 : alarm seconds &00-&59 or &FF for any XY+9 : alarm minutes &00-&59 or &FF for any XY+10: alarm hours &00-&23 or &FF for any XY+11: alarm date &01-&31 or &FF for any XY+12: timer seconds &00-&59 XY+13: timer minutes &00-&59 XY+14: timer hours &00-&23 XY+15: status OSWORD 19 - Define a buffer --------------------------- On entry: XY+0: buffer number 0-15 XY+1-2: start address to user for buffer XY+3: length of buffer Any contents of the previous buffer are abandoned, and the new empty buffer is created.