Changes to MOS 1.23 ------------------- * All code assumes 32K main memory, never tests OSBYTE 254 for 16K, no "16K" message. * Reset memory wipe simply wipes from &0400 to &7FFF, setting OSBYTE 254 to &80. * OSFILE/*OPT1,2/*RUN bugs fixed in CFS/RFS. * OSFILE fills full control block on return, attributes returned holding RFS link address. * Added *X command, writes to Tube I/O at &FEE8 then hangs, hardware would react to this and do something, such as change hardware Tube configuration. This is the same command as in the Master MOS. * *HELP and OSBYTE 0,0 reports OS 1.23 * POINT() does not corrupt the last graphics position by preserving it over the call. This means that Plot Triangle will work with POINT between the PLOT calls. Optimisation: * Some VDU code moved to allow optimisation and some shared code. * Some STA xx/LDA xx replaced with PHA/PLA * Some superflous code removed - STY &DC:LDY &DC removed LDY &DC - a superflous LDA #" " removed * Multiple STX &DB:JSR xxxx moved the STX into the subroutine * Multiple JSR xxxx:LDA #xx:BIT &D0 moved to the test to the end of the subroutine