LL'QUEST2.1A(C) AUCBE 1984H & Rh(`HHz 0 x Lhhh(`HH] )  ֱ.ЩLHH п  LPآX π 0 mL  ف $50 "L  ȩȥ`n !<<`5Ȅ/7 ȹȹ Ń e`~ LW$<0`lr  KEY3 020)3 |M   33 ж`  6)6; '/)/ii8zLe%//6` {{{{ {{\{{{^{]{`$<0 L  l$/` ̃ =Ln LF h,l,lj j An Information Retrieval&jj QUEST jPackage for&jj jSmall Data Files.&j*,.,.Copyright (c) AUCBE 1984,,Ver 2.1A, Type HELP or some other command. For a list of commands type: COMMANDS #7A=GK0 Archive your data?NJR,& `0 0 `H h(`20 )L%// : LLI08y$00 0 0 ˥ 0L+Ȅ+` 愰9ȱ 愰+HH&&hehe&)e`Lɏ:0)`8`  0 9 (`l'd $<lp $7 L*w3Ƚ20Q #203L )Q ȱ : ܄)83 ׆ e Ll L ::  ߆57 L` : 7 7`L̃77 ׆   Ń   ̃L$7 L LD 0 냦0 0 냦0 hhLȱ 6`{)_ " ,םȱ "ȱƩ+`$5hh` |9` not recognised.e2 ~'  E 7  ̃ ) )ˠ ̃ 4ڠ ̃ 4蠈 ̃ 4 ̃$/ ̃L 4  냢{ ̃  냢2$/ʊ { ̃\{ ̃ )$/P ̃@ ̃ 4 냩  Ń X ̃/ / eL>;0-, 1-ȱȄ-,1 냢 L,i (1,0`2L̃'L̃  0 )L$/ 냩 VLL烆Infile:Format:Query:Print: Fieldnames:Space: Max.Recs:Records:Fields:Go:MaxExactNearly out of room  L J{@ File not found mm 38(..i 0 s3 x " 8. . <66Le>0 ȑȄ0.ʽ Ȧ.8e .`L㌰.ʽ8e ..`L  & e e ȑ  `   `L 劦.ʽ|0 ȩ0e .. x X .`hh H e-0)$0Iie-,h,,+`+,Ȅ,-`h8`-+``+ : ,/`hh8`$6p`$#z #z$@ʆ$#@@L5@@L `!z"  $"I$$@`l0 #! +,   #z2z# + ,  i zi @ SM  I M 5 00*ȱ0A 0 000)00 ȱ)0 `` 0 0ڐ 0Аȱ )à0ȱȘe i` 0)`z0#`0 ȱ0Qɀ)0 00L̛#! #z z  Lz $/P`ȱ ȱ `0) a{0`$0 `#z0#` JLD J-LD J3- q33- q`ȱȄ2ȱȄ1ɀ+821-`hhLGe i Q ɀ 1hh`V+ NRHȱ ȱ h  `8`  `` J ; ʅȹ{ { ʅ !mm ! !2  ȑ ʅ ! 2  " ; ʅ 劮2 ܞ2 x X#ץЩ  LeL`|, 08ee `,, ՠ 愰 8e`L㌩ 9    L  M @LX LǠ ̃ ̟L  8(L Ѡ " ( G  ^`+ + 愰  ` 0 ԃ  Ơ: 愰L$58`L  ̃ A? 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L Hhh0` L] J ̃ ̒ p LSorting & &@ -GL'%`% LH ' hSHRH` ת&&`  e`ȱ0 愐 +-ȱ0 愐`) 愰 `) 愐8` ת 80&0``'3HL+ -hH h0(LwhLg .L33Too long0 ' 00` ȱȱ`ȱ00`` s ) @' Z 7 S 8 Le b 080`$0`//` No room.Ǫ$ Justifying 21, 兢5 421$72, 21` 2 sN127ڢ  냦, , 2 ؿٿL̃( ̃ : @77` ̃ ΃ L}Can't help with (Press SPACE to continue)HELP gives you help with the commands available in QUEST. To see a list of these type:COMMANDS To get help with the command GO type:HELP GO For help with all commands type:HELP ALL You can get started with: 1.INFILE(to say which file) 2.PRINT (& then some fieldnames) 3.QUERY (to select some records) 4.GO (to carry out the search).Gives a list of the commands you can use. You can use capital or small letters and need not use more than the first three.This is the correct way to leave QUEST.Takes you back to the beginning of QUEST.GO causes the search to be carried out. GO MAX means carry on to the end. GO 5 means wait for an instruction to continue after each five matches. You can interrupt at any time by typing a colon (:). In format 2 QUEST pauses when a page is full: press the SHIFT key to continue.Allows you to say which fields are to be printed for matching records. The options are: 1.PRINT ALL 2.PRINT NAME,AGE,ADDRESS In format 1 (headed columns) you will be told how many spaces are needed. More than 40 will spoil readability. In such circumstances use: PRINT NAME(8),AGE,ADDRESS to shorten names to their first eight letters.Allows conditions to be specified using EQ (equals), LT (less than) GT (greater than), IDENT (identical to) SUB (contains the substring), LSUB & RSUB (left & right substrings), PRE & SUC (Preceding & succeeding alpha- betically). You can put an N in front to mean the opposite eg: NEQ (for not equal to). Examples: 1.QUERY AGE LT 5 2.QUERY NAME IDENT "SMITH" 3.QUERY ADDRESS NSUB "Avenue" 4.QUERY AGE LT 15 AND SEX IDENT "F"Invites you to say which file you wish to interrogate. Only data which has been created especially for QUEST can be used. To load a file from a disc use: egINFILE DSK:DATCH1Says where your results are to go to. The options areOUTFILE CON:for the screen (console) andOUTFILE LST:for a listing on the printer. Note that each alternative ends with a colon(:). QUEST will obey any *commands so that *DISCetc. will work. If a printer is to be used it can be setup first using *FX5, *FX6 and *FX8.Allows you to make a new copy of the data with only selected fields & records. Later, you can INFILE this data and interrogate it. Leave the PRINT blank or type PRINT ALL to select all the fields and leave the QUERY blank to ARCHIVE all records. SORTed data is written in the new order. You can use disks by typing: ARCHIVE DSK:FILENAME and change drives with *DRIVE.Displays a summary of your decisions.Allows you to amend, insert or delete a record. Type EDIT 6 (eg) to edit the sixth record. To insert a new first record use EDIT 0 and for a new last record follow EDIT by a large number. To set up a new data file type: RESET EDIT FRED 31 (called FRED, max fieldwidth 31).In FORMAT 2 results are printed thus: NAME :Nick Radcliffe ADDRESS :Station Road, HATFIELD _______________________________________ FORMAT 1 is like this: NAME ADDRESS _____________________________________ Nick RadcliffeStation Road, HATFIELD Alun Hinder AUCBE, HatfieldAllows the order of the records to be changed. They are sorted alphabetically by one field, e.g. SORT NAME You must JUSTIFY numeric data before sorting it.Arranges for numeric results to line up with the units digits underneath each other. Numeric SORTing requires justified fields, though QUEST still cannot sort signed numbers properly.When setting up new data you give an explanation of each field. This message is displayed by typing EXPLAIN followed by the fieldname.Anything following the HEADING command is sent immediately to the printer and underlined.Gives a catalogue of files. (To change disk drives use *DRIVE).In alphabetic comparisons there is normally no distinction between cases so that "Health" and "health" are equivalent for QUERY and SORT. Precise comparisons are made after EXACT Y. The normal state is EXACT N.Sets the printer to a specific mode. The code for any key pressed on the keyboard will go straight to the printer without modification. The first character you press will be used as your terminating character. eg To set an Epson FX80 to print in condensed mode press the following keys when prompted: aڡ̟.m/s=J0sI4A (̃HELCOMMANDFINISRESEGPRINQUERINFILOUTFILARCHIVVALUEEDIFORMASORJUSTIFEXPLAIHEADINCATALOGUEXACSPRINTECONTINUhPnɐN!F"oy[W}H.Vn:`~P 1