LɀLkDISK SERVANTA1.07(C) 1983 SUPERIOR SYSTEMS LIMITED 178 WEST STREET SHEFFIELD Author Bob ClaytonH LHH) hhh(`hH LɀH    hLXɍ  Ȣ   8 Disk Servantө 8 (c) Superior Systems Ltd 1983 1. Read (track/sector) 2. Write (track/sector) 3. Copy (track/sector) 4. Memory dump 5. Disassembler 6. String search 7. Byte search 8. Format 40 track 9. Format 80 track A. Editor B. Memory move C. Fill memory with selected value D. Ram test E. Return to Basic * Operating system commands 8 Please make your selection 1L2L3LӇ4L5L6L7L8(Lb9PLbALBLCLDLELf*LIL瀅XhYhZHYZY) (YZhXlYw V c n w! ,'9'a 8Disc formatter 8Disc formatter   '  w( P  L瀢5ʈ $%  橥 Ȣ 8 Which drive ? d i0 0 8 Bad drive LQ4 8 Is the right disc in drive ) 8 ? ~ 8 EscapeL)_Y N L 8Y Formatting drive =  4 48 K'9 K999  8 Formatting errorL  4 8 Verify errorL4  5L'aa6g7h! 8 Disc formatted 8- repeat (Y/N) ? Lӄ)_Y N L LQHJJJJ =h) ii0 ` `9c*_*iaK"(P  (''''''''''  t 0Ƞ ԋ ԋ u ԋ%o ԋ ԋ$0WLH000U 2 JLهL7 0YYЏLm n0  ԋRxo  ԋ`Ȣ 8 Enter address : i  늭  늭 ,] i "n  늭 ,  L΍ ƀдƁL΍~ Ȣ ` ԋ ( ی ) `HHHoH 8 OK to proceed ?  hohhh`L7 8 Read/write completed` 8 Do you want a printout ? [` oUo8o `` ~ ` `Z0F nZ Zʽ0``S!K! Have you inserted the source disc. Which drive is it in ? Is the destination disc to be in the same drive ? Command ? Track number ? Sector number ? to Read/write error at track sector Is the correct disc in drive Start from what address (must be a pageboundary) ? How many pages/sectors long ? Insert destination disc and hit a key Enter the string followed by RETURN Enter end address (hex) ? Enter the byte value : 8 Repeat Y/N ? `lY 8 Hit any key to return to menu L7 8 Am I connected to a forty track drive (Y/N) ? Pe`(e` `  8 Track/sector Write  `  '  `  8 Byte editor `  8 Memory dump `  8 Track/sector Read `  8 Track/sector Copy `  8Byte search 8 Enter value in hex :  ~p LZ Lb  轀 ͓H hL~ L瀩 8 Input error 8 Press any key to return to menu LZL:80hhLbhhLb `:80hhLbhhLbm` `)JJJJ ) ` ii0 ` Ȣ  8String search  '  8 Enter the string followed by RETURN  ~ ݀ɀ LyHHHHHH݀ hhhhhhLƔ Ȣ  8Block move 8 Now the destination address :  \  \  8 Move completedL&8倪偨ň剰 Lʕ ˕``ee Ɓƃ` Ȣ  8Ram test  8 Ram fault at : & lL& 8 Ram test completedL& YNo `e s `w' ~ w wʽ0`~ L瀩 8 Input error  8 Press any key to return to menu LL:80hhLhhL `:80hhLhhLm`:`A0`hhLQ L EU > 7 Oт&J름т J` `` O Oтт` ```ei8` | | `)JJJJ ) ` ii0 `  '  8 Enter the start address followed by RETURN :  \  \ L 8 Enter the end address :  \ i \ hi h L#h8倅i偅L` 8 Ok to continue (Y/N) ? L&` Ȣ  8Byte filler hi 1   \ w w恦䈐L& Enter the byte value : *  ~  L&  8 Disassembler  '  8 Enter start address :  \  \  pZ 8 Enter the end address :  \ i \ hi hih L& 8 Do you need a printout ~` ` ` ݋@ l | 8... 恭~Lǜƃк hhL&#S l |恩 |禆  -ȹS Lޛ L䛪 | ԥeȄе # ~ L. ĆL`i0 LhhL&h0LԜ DNACDALSAKRBLPBIMBQEBENBCVBSVBCCBSCBTIBYPCXPCPMCDLCILCCLCVLCROEYEDXEDCEDYNICNIXNIPMJRSJADLXDLYDLRSLPONAROAHPALPPHPPLPRORLORSTRITRCBSXTSYTSATSCESIESDESXATAXTYATAYTXSTSXT  !$%&()*,-.015689=>@AEFHIJLMNPQUVXY]^`aefhijlmnpquvxy}~C1C@)C 1C@)C C1C@)C C1C@9)C 1CC)#CC 1CC)#CC 1CC)C 1CC)C ii ri i ii 9ii W'{u{'{{{??cl?cT?c??c6??c~xoxTxxxB!`Z]`Z]Z`Z]$Z`Z]