L$DFS 1.41(C) 1983 A.C.Bray`H iHȑhh` ʂz 0 P!éx LLЪL Lz -  `@ ز `LLFHHH 0 hhh`HL RWatford Electronics DFS 1.41  H ƃ -Hhʝ8 |ȹȥ솯JL 4 0, m`@褐8  h`A m |ID$EG_FH XBONP h5X !)0"HW ) dh RFile not found `JiMiLL.!BOOT R.!BOOT E.!BOOT `If you are reading this, you shouldn't be - Andy{״,!HHHHHHhhh`hhhhh`LHHHHH͢hh u u豴0DL Disk Bad File hhHH u0 Lahhl`L ʂH |H  hh LHH hh`H )h`l,0,0`HjhI Ƀ`H) h`H} ԃh Ƀ`HHz ԃh hL䃩l ԃ  Ņ)` ʂ,B0 CB` ʂ #@ 0WH hH) ̹HȹȄͨh  h ą) H h 4 `ι `HH)0ƤƥƦhh@)H0 Lh0L% JNUN  F)C H ΊhL:` D ȩ A00*  ԃ 䃥 䃩 8Ʌ̥̐ ` $0WL: L]LJJJJJ`HHϨJ ?xJ#  *$  ~ EscapeHhhh` ʂ ʅ ;i ԃ  2read only Data CRC error   ID CRC errorLe Sector not foundLeH ) 2fault ؆  Drive fault ؆   at / ` Ƀ ʂ,B C B` |)0 ƅJeΨ5 ݃ 䃢i  5 ݃ 䃩 䃩 䃢` ȅΠ% DI΅)JJJJL; u ʅ ]L ʂSʩ ʂKʩ ʂSʩH ʂKʩ@ )J @ u ʅ # A @ ԃ L ʂ_ʩ u ʅ ]L Ƀ)` ʂϽ=)?,5) Ψ  H@ i ԃ Υ h ` ʂϽ H@ i ԃ h ` j 0+ ',~\#*` Ambiguous filename Illegal character #ȩ #`L~X)F  ɢ:0 80 2 . =drive . 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L ` Ŝ R Syntax: 6 1L ` Syntax: 6L 0 ȹ (:.) <afsp> (L)`hh&� u0 ( L(ƶl�` ß   > R Gap sizes on disc  R: � ! o )H� !hH)h� R Total space free = R sectors `` ]mmm8媅)嫅 :eeL` ß @ R # FILE PTR EXT TYP � Wi ` R No files open `h`& ʂH h R : R.� ӎ ) RR/WL1ɀ RWOL1 RROL1 ʂ ` R Disc system not active 8`  � L:ACCESSBACKUPCOMPACT)@COPYIDELETE DESTROYDIR#DRIVEs@ENABLE�FORMnn@INFOLIB*MLOADMOVEEMRUN{RENAMETITLEVERIFY@WIPEWORKU )�DISK�BUILDx DISC�DUMP EDIT�LIST- TIDY�TYPE) "�DFS�FILES�SPACE�UTILS�x� ��ȩ�ȥ�X�� �� �� � @ɪ�  $'� #  �  � � צ LQ � L    L� ȭ�\LϢ � �� � L  L #  O O `LL # �   J +RM0 # �C +)$0 L �L #' ŧ  +0p-L L� 8 �ʆ i ` #8 ' . � צ # " '  L_' LLL)ɉ̩ � צ �  ة LɈ  L_ɉк Ю #J � �" +0pLL L�� �� Y)_  L� �ɪ0��File not found��  )  #   � ' ŧ �V     9 9 � JJJJ  � ʊ) : �  П�()*  ) e i8 (� +L-4ɋ *Х(8(Ɋ*(i(ɇа L ((�((L(�)i:*  i8* L )i: צ L  ((ɉɈ ((L-Ɋ*(i(гɋ*(8(L-ɇН L-(�) e)i*  `�� L~ ��Escape�HH�   hh`  `NNN LLɦ  �0f _ X0: 80Ld)_AG 87Hj hU)ULh U)Ul � �@,`@ɉ 0 L+Ɉ L+`�*&*&ei�&&ei�`j JJJJ ) `i0:iL L.L(JJJJ*())`�G ` 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 2 4 6 8 A C E�SLK  �! � &�HH   hh `�Fatal disc error - 10 attempts made���������������������P����������P����Watford Electronics DFS Disc-FixOS command:Track 00 Sector 0 Absolute sector 000 File name $. Disc 0TAB between the various input fields, enter data; 'RETURN' registers dataP��@���@�0��@�Edit text or Hex; TAB between text and HEX; COPY to disc; ESCAPE from editing=` �HH #hh 2� u? u ׇ`}HH ׀hhF ( H� !hmؠ�` �ȭȭ)ȩ�`n �)i� `o ׀} ` ׀ H*�ȱ( %L )hi HH` Ǭo|Zc ѭ Gnot found� L] ѭhh�` �� #Ʊ`} ӫ  㫠 � 8 L , Ȣ�` ٫ 8L ٫ ۋL ٫ L ٫ L ٫ L ٫ a�) )  ``  # �8� 㫢 � L ` �� ز ӫ  㫥L � ȅ¥Ʌî�  ` l� ׀  HHJ`)) ʂ�wL` ʂ,N0ӭNN`R d?8$0 H 2$pG d$$0 EF$p 2` ѭ =command� ) } ]%, ReRi�S D Ll�� 0)�LE.:0.$.ABCDEFG ʂ =option��O`H�F !h vM)0M `膵* 浠�`  > !  o ! ii��e؅ejJJ��� R ( R) Drive  \ ROption Ņ)H R (h e  R) Directo� u \ RLibra u R Work file _) . �X _ R (incrementing) R L " ME))_) ީ�  L 1Lر�) )_覾 . 8 ) )_( 䌐 $0F )ſ R  \ ӎƫ R L \LL `off�LOADRUN�EXEC Rry :F R.E ` 80` �`_%^) i) 0^]i�) 0]`� R files of  R62L R31 R on ) ȅ� R tracks R double stepL1 eL߷` Glocked� ` ʂW YH vLI-I)2 )    ) ܶ h`w .8 Lⲹ� d ] `LX ׀) ʂL{ %$p ѭ .$1P(�` g� @@ L ](p e 뷐0($0$ ! Too many files open� Gopen�*Ȱ8�ji u I��� i i�i�(p H�  h ąiL8/+ u o"L v` ʂ ą8-` Channel�@  � `9` Gread only� ʂHL ׀ ʂH Yܹ0׹�Lӵ GB ! o*)HH� !hhM)M � !�8)H@ Can't extend� |ʊ u Ǡ�� `�   o��h �   � L EOF� ׀ Y ) 8L o��H�  hL) ) ܶ�  Ҷ` � L2yy L ` LHH Y hh` H ಐ {hI` ׀ ʂ� ) #F R�S``H YhJvm���`� Y �  �  � дL{�� yYy L ʂ 뷐L`8 `M-℻�Y) 8`L ׀ ʂ {HzH �`c-d Dư)a �t`%]`;>w鹑i`Lx`� i HL]ee`,t0Lٸ -H  h` ɸH e-f-g-hIh`hhhLP``,t0L -LHab�h` `  LB `` ` ״ ٸ LP eF� ! 븠��   Ņ) 븭F `�e  븦F 0 븩 븦E `e e�*f Fj  ! oi�ijjOE* ME)) ͌i*  ɸ ɸ 븹 ƲȌi`L` eNfjJJe8LS e  븭_ 븩� 븦X 氥LPH � y�ưe(h` .    ąI-I Bad sum - file disconnected�IM� Bad sum - all files disconnected�� ! o û)H� !hH)h� ` ㌩y y  Ņ(y)8庅)廅ŹŸLûDFS 1.41 S/N 34562. The end of DFS mesage is again in evidence. This time, we are vaguely hopeful of a review from Acorn User, now that Acorn are close to the wall. But maybe that is still too much to hope for. Even if it was reveiwed, they would probably review the version given to them nearly two years ago. Things have changed since then! There have been allegations that *HELP SPACE is ripped off from Acorn User May 1984. Our feature appeared some months earlier in DFS 1.2, so if anyone has ripped anyone off, it's the other way around. Personally, I never read the gutter press. There are now enough commands in DFS, anything else we can think of adding has either limited use, or does not really belong in a DFS (ie not disc related). With respect to upgrades, as most know WE charge for upgrades, so I reccomend you do not upgrade unless you have a problem with your current version. Regrettably bugs are still showing up, but most new bugs are noticed by very few owners. TTFN Andy. (c) 1983