L4L|SCDUMPV2.Mark David(C) MDM Software 1983 * E P . `LB. ɻ`HH hh` `HHH k cHHH F J QN DpHqHpqp' H h  qhqhp8hhh` F J ` )? .?`?8`SCDUMPL (` Watford Electronics Screen Software SCDUMP HELP SCDUMP *SCDUMP V2. (C)1983 MDM software *SCDUMP V2. (C)1983 MDM software Graphics/Text screen dump. The screen will be reproduced including 'TELETEXT' graphics but ignoring TELETEXT colours MODE 1 reproduction uses a shading routine which enables full reproduction of graphics with a four tone dump but text characters do NOT appear as normal ! Use MODE 4 if you wish text character reprodution. Use MODE 2 for a 7 tone dump. *** Press any key *** *SCDUMP V2. (C)1983 MDM software *SCDUMP V2. (C)1983 MDM software and hold it down to stop a screen dump. Entry into the 'SCDUMP ROM' can be made without using a '*' command by using OSWORD &BB. ie. LDA #&BB JSR &FFF1 This means that any machine code program can be made to perform a screen dump. *** Press any key *** *SCDUMP V2. (C)1983 MDM software *SCDUMP V2. (C)1983 MDM software e.g. With a machine-code games program there is usually an OSBYTE &7E , to acknowlege and clear an . See Page 429. USER GUIDE The machine-code for this LDA #&7E JSR &FFF4 . Therefore simply find this code and change to OSWORD &BB LDA #&BB JSR &FFF1 .     @ (r~  q ߉ DPrpq q p qqr  qppΩ L L@ A    L  W W W W ۥi懥вЬ 8Ɖ0%L `hh |  2  F   L≥88傅ƃ uL Li`H hL em0 Le` A    *    uj.(.8ͭ m懥ХП 8Ɖ0LL)L物LQ Qpur{zv vivLvzz{iz{pp)`  Q  B B B BLW yqx詇ws{{{ q(Lq  q p  sy sȹs{9{s * s⠌{Šsɍvpu uzz{ s{{ { sȱ5sюю숱{ȥs8{qtt l s{ {LqtL8逍{ Р{ {{{{{{{{{{ʈvi{{ &{漏 揥Lt iki{LetȱJJ){Əݭ{{){{{{L[_{~   ## ?[^_~! A 5;A*@H hLsɁɈ`ɑɘ)`8`  L   `0~~0``lbb  ~~ <~Z~~``bfjfffffff~~~~~~~60|00~66666 (8$4 ,<"2 *:&6.>0!1 )9%5 -=#3 +;'7/!1 )9%5 -=#3 +;'7/0000~`|f<0`|ff<  8`<|f>|ff|`` > > > > >SA."BGT1" >*MAKE >*LO.C.BOOT 6000 >*LO.C.VER1 66AB >*LO.C.MODE7 69DF >*LO.MESSAGE 7200 >*LO.MESSAGE 7300 >*LO.MESSAGE 7400 >*SA.SCRNROM 6000 +2000