LgAdvanced Ram Utils(C) Sandy & Andy Productions 1985 Version 1.6 By Sandy Nelson & Andy JamespHHHpL' hhh(`  p L  LL  Ls ȁ  Lƀ t st ȁ LƀL Lsiv L `  Lp)@ Lpqrswq pwQuRvluwwps sȁ LnqLHLȁ( $ `.ȁ ` `ӱ ` `ȁ LCOMMANDSADVANCED RAM UTILS RAMCLR RAMCOPY RAMLOAD RAMMOVE RAMSAVE RAMSTAT CLRALL GETRAM MEMCLR STORERAMROMDOWN ROMUP Ղ؂ނۂ  ]]J].Version 1.6 () () <+Len> LLLL LLLL̃LLLL#3 J te0hhh(`p > 8 :AG L`80LN87L^LPb`ŁL^ L`OK-Press BREAKNot Ram! `  ` A k L    w  i0Li7 st L3 Lt(Lp stLpsLptL3L  ݄L  ݄L  Ň L̅`LH  hLx  (x  xL` L~ Lɤ ` ` ( L.`  ` Rom & Ram Status reported in banksBank Loaded with: ............ FreeSideways Ram:Roms:L5 Version 1.6 By Sandy Nelson & Andy James" "romtitle$="ADVANCED RAM UTILS"  cmdlist$="COMMANDS" *drivecall=&A00 4 cmdno=12 >driveno=("0") H Rcmd1$="RAMCLR " \cmd2$="RAMCOPY " fcmd3$="RAMLOAD " pcmd4$="RAMMOVE " zcmd5$="RAMSAVE " cmd6$="RAMSTAT " cmd7$="CLRALL " cmd8$="GEȢ x0 1 2 3 LPL_LsL" S` ' L ' L ' L ɀiLчHHhhL # އL` ` * LALL숩    .@ H h   #i? 8 k L숩 1 6 k LL q LB `  Ȣ L  ͠8A .  b:G Lu80L87` )    L((L { ` )L4  `H & `Rom Cat.& Ram Bank loader by A & SLoad which Rom ?Which Bank (8-F) ?Loaded..Press Break!No Roms present on this discs surface!  `p 8wx Lp 8 wx LL pR rq ovts ou rq oxts ow `w8uwxvxL*L` $`Lqt0qrsLqsrt0qrLstrsqr0qL +cLLcL若ƋLLSqrstp Bp +.  tLOsLOrLOqL ` `LLS y  y`80 `L k LȌ k LKL内`[Lb`{zyxuyvzz`L{{Ňb{`zL܌8L{x{ uȄv xʆxLxʆxL{{ŇL+L b` 愤 Ly憥L`p pz0 oz  nLҍlLuw v@xx  Lz uȄvxʆx`rq z ("A {q5 L+ q`L}` ` L zL^LLLǍp p pz0 ozp p p0 o k Ňb`uwv@xL  L Bad AddressInsufficient SWRNo SWR fittedBad hex numberBad rom/ram bankNo rom in bankNo ram in bank  0hhh(`BEQ p2  JSR oswrch  INY  BNE p1 .p2  Ȣ  L٩Ȣ LU THIS PROG LOADS ROMS TO ( SIDEWAYS RAM. 2 < version (22:21) 8/10/85 F P Z# COPYRITE SANDY NELSON 1985 d n x oscli=&FFF7 osbyte=&FFF4 osword=&FFF1 osasci=&FFE3 oswrch=&FFEE osp x 3x Li0xL &rB ` LDRIVE 0 get=&FFD7 osfile=&FFDD gsinit=&FFC2 gsread=&FFC5  stop=&8FA1 temp=&70 temp1=&71 temp2=&72 temp3=&73 temp4=&74  temp5=&75  temp6=&76  temp7= Pzuw v@xx L Pzbz`uwv@x x Lp p p0LoLǍP% J[ T kY 6": LC LK LS [ `L LDY #&FF v JSR osbyte |.ramload1 LDA temp8  CMP #&30  BEQ readr0  CMP #&31  BEQ readr1  CMP #&32  BEQ readr2  CMP #&33  BEQ readr3 .readr0 JMP read0 .readr1 JMP read1 .readr2 JMP read2 .readr3 JMP read3     .commsetup LDA #&00 & STA &1500 0 STA &1501 : STA &1503 D STA &1504 N _ . .j . L _ = . . .j . L = _ . .n .j . L = _ .܅ .[ .j . L = _ .텀 .F .j . L = _ . .j . L = _L `  `Ȣ  `  ` Press SPACE for next page. Advanced Ram Utilities RAMCLR : This command clears a specified ram bank; if none is specified then all of sideways ram is cleared. RAMSTAT : This command tabulates all the Roms fitted / loaded into sideways ram. RAMSAVE : This command saves a specified rom/ram bank to the current drive. RAMMOVE : This command moves a ram bank from its current position to the specified bank position, leaving the source bank empty! RAMCOPY : This command copies a ram bank from its current position to the specified bank position, leaving the source bank as is! GETRAM : This command copies data in ram banks 'E/F' dependant on length to the source address specified. CLRALL : This command caries out a Power Reset causing memory to be cleared. STORERAM: This command copies data to ram banks 'E/F' dependant on length starting from the source address n.b. the maximum length is 64k. MEMCLR : This command clears memory from location &00 to &7FFF. ROMUP: This command copies data from location &2000 to the specified ram bank. ROMDOWN: This command copies data from the specified ram bank to location &2000. STA &1300,Y 2 PLA < TAX F PLA P INY Z JMP incfil d.endstoroffset n x!.nomore JSR prntheader $ JSR chckromsthere  CPX  + L ADVANCE COMMANDS128k64k32k16k Sideways Ramrtlp LDA &1300,X  CMP #&00  BEQ none  LDX #&FF  RTS  .none INX  CPX #32  BNE crtlp  LDX #00  RTS " ,.getout LDX #&00 6 .golp LDA msg5,X @ JSR osasci J INX T CPX #42 ^ BNE golp h JSR osnewl r JMP stop | .main_loop  LDA #0  STA &39F  LDA #&41  STA &3A0  .ml1 LDX &39F  LDY &1300,X