ô > ErrorTrap ô Source for error trap ROM : (OSBYTE=&FFF4 2mcode%=¸P+&1800:Ó=mcode% < ã P=0 ¸ 1 FO%=mcode%:P%=&8000 P[OPT P*3+4 ZBRK:BRK:BRK d JMP serv n EQUB &C2 xEQUB copy-&8000 ‚ EQUB 10 Œ3EQUS "Error Trap":BRK:EQUS "0.00 (13 Aug 1987)" – .copy  !BRK:EQUS "(C)J.G.Harston":BRK ª\ ´ .serv ¾CMP #6:BEQ errors:RTS È\ Ò .errors Ü TYA:PHA æLDA &FD:STA &F6 ðLDA &FE:STA &F7 ú'LDX #0:LDY #255:LDA #186:JSR OSBYTE TXA:TAY:JSR &FFB9 \ A has error number LDY #0:STA &A8 "LDA #table € 255:STA &A9 ,LDA #table 256:STA &AA 6 .loop @LDA (&A9),Y:BEQ exit JCMP &A8:BEQ found T .loop2 ^INY:LDA (&A9),Y:BNE loop2 hTYA:SEC:ADC &A9:STA &A9 rLDA #0:ADC &AA:STA &AA |LDY #0:BEQ loop † JMP exit  .found š LDY #1 ¤ .loop3 ®LDA (&A9),Y:STA &101,Y ¸INY:CMP #0:BNE loop3 ÂLDA #1:STA &FD:STA &FE Ì .exit ÖPLA:TAY:LDX &F4:LDA #6:RTS à .table ê/EQUB 17:EQUS "That was the ESCAPE key!":BRK ôLEQUB 214:EQUS "You must be crazy if you're trying to find that file":BRK þEQUB 21:EQUS "-ve root - you know they are impossible":BRK :REQUB 25:EQUS "Bad MODE - don't do it in a PROC, or when there's no memory":BRK DEEQUB 26:EQUS "No such variable - You probably spelt it wrong":BRK N%EQUB 247:EQUS "Sigma OS 4.00":BRK X: b: lBRK v]í €"ñ"SAVE ROM ";~mcode%;" ";~O%+1 ÿ