L4LEdit1.20(C)1984 AcorndB~ $$      ضL   ` ꢦ Shift f5 D for info ꢦ Press ESCAPE to continue ۶ ~ rLB  `"  Z z ` 5 TIDE Zڢ.) !z`LXآ![d\ & #\[~ & t & @  &,"  dB?轠    BB   3 ddVd4  0 0~Ý~88~<<~B: L3 Ljd$ lȅ ҹL=[`[\`d`0: 7 ````)``` Z 鸩 z_`8' ( !ɋ 4 Bȅ[\`Z"# ;Ҡz Ҡ0 >Ȅ[ No name found\` [ȱ[ [! ȀLG"#  Z- ) z` 5 )Loading  gh/'e(f%] ^d_d`da ee ef`File too big ? )Saving to t] к- )  m L [` [`)`./0.%/%0ޢ)L    ȹ ii ` = C  $  dBLͶ$0` 1    Z uz`%&%&1&8%8   8   `# 黥 黥 黥 黦 ҥ"#`!hh`8e8 hh l ` E33Z z`$3` "#d4 pd$ Ω= S Z qϩ= $ЪnɰjBf3)QMEH de   Ȁ 6 Ȁ Z ̼LN| ռLNj  . 7ϰd?L H .? ? h?  &?@ d? = S=L3  = S=L3 Ld? .ϰ[ d F??? . B =L3б I8 Ƚ Ƚ d? FυI L( 7ϐ?I`I?=8? = 3e?i ?X0 pYGjVӤduH*0#   8  `  prog Descriptive Mode Control: text startTAB performs tabulation controlled by shift TAB. Shift: word l/r COPY deletes the character above the cursor. Control: shift COPY provides normal soft keys and cursor l/r of line copying (ESCAPE to leave this mode). Shift: screen down control COPY deletes the current line (to next RETURN) Control: text end `f0 The cursor can be moved to a new line. For this operation lines are character sequences ended by RETURN (|M). shf-f0 The ends of lines can be shown as a special character so that they can be seen clearly. This alters with each press of shf-f0. f1 Commands to the computer's operating system can be given. The result is seen at once. Extra commands can be entered until RETURN by itself is typed. shf-f1 Changes between Insert and Over. In Insert mode the text typed is inserted causing the existing text to move. In Over mode the text is typed over old text. f2 A text file will be loaded, erasing the current text. RETURN uses the name at the start of text after a '>' COPY, RETURN to use the current file name. shf-f2 A text file will be loaded at the current cursor. RETURN uses the name at the start of text after a '>' COPY, RETURN to use the current file name. f3 All or 'mark to cursor' text will be saved to a file. RETURN uses the name at the start of text after a '>' COPY, RETURN to use the current file name. shf-f3 The top and bottom scroll margins have been removed. Set Top scroll margin to cursor line with ctrl-f6 Set Bottom scroll margin to cursor line with ctrl-f7 f4:- Interactive Find and Replace Function. RETURN to use last f4. Special search characters are: # digit, $ RETURN, . any, [ ] set of char, a-z a to z ~ not, * many, ^ many, | control, @ alpha, \ literal. shf-f4 Return to specified language. The text in the buffer will be 'transferred' into the language. f5:- Global replace. All, or marked text. RETURN to use last f5. Special replace characters are: / to begin the replace section; & is the found string %n found wild section n. See f4 for find characters. shf-f5 The screen mode may be set to a specific mode. Also Descriptive (D), or Key legend (K) modes may be set. D and K use mode 0. f6 The current position of the cursor (_) is remembered. The number at the bottom indicates how many (0,1,2) marks () are being used. shf-f6 All place marks are cleared. f7 The text between two marked places is copied to the current cursor position. The marks are NOT cleared. shf-f7 The text between two marked places is moved to the current cursor position. The marks are then cleared. f8 The whole text is printed out to the screen or printer using the built-in formatter/paginator. shf-f8 The text between the cursor and the marked place is deleted. The mark is then cleared. f9 The old text in the buffer is recovered after a BREAK or immediately after a Clear Text (by shf-f9). shf-f9 All text in the buffer is deleted. Use shf-f9 twice to remove the text beyond hope of a recovery by f9. shf-TAB The TAB key may be used to move to zones of eight characters across the screen, or to position under the first character of the line immediately above. shf-COPY Cursor editing can be used with and COPY. User defined soft keys are available as normal. All characters except ESCAPE are put into text.  ۢ 㢠 ⢐ Lۢ  "#`Iee` 8`%&8%&#L `3)'#,3) H  [ h G υ: Ϫ82 Ed>` 89 99`3) : 8 LLJKdJ` L>44 `E3 d= ` [ . Insert Over B Cursor EditinggX!: One mark 1 Two marks"%3 TAB cols TAB words4 Original Modified.%/%0 Date Exec G9ȩL )Type filename 9 9 eѢ [hh  G8:93l?@9Ȣ L х8L;88 05885`6ȱ 85 Ѱ6`8ee !`6;"#.88  e6Ȋ`9 Ѧ 8  %&% & %&%&"&e e   `9 Ѧ    8eeeeL| e?i HI ӦI@ eѩ ?LZ8?I`5eHiHڠ UϠ56hhX086`$3??)?80d?, ޤ?8   8 ?d=` )Type language name:   @= :)Not enough space to return to language$ d     ! q  ϥdL Format commands:- {initial values} .afrn assign format n to register r {0} .anrn assign number to register r {0} .bl bold line .bp begin page .cc c control character is c {.} .ce centre line .ch*c chain in next file .co comment line .dmcc define macro to .en .ds double space lines .ef even page foot title to .en .eh even page head title to .en .en end of .at, .ix or .ef etc .ep begin even page .ff form feed the printer, wait if paged mode .fo even and odd foot title to .en .he even and odd head title to .en .ic close indexfile .ig ignore input until .en .in+- indent left margin n places {0} .io*c open indexfile for output .ix send text to indexfile until .en .ju justify right margin of lines {on} .ll+- line length including indent {76} .ls+- line spacing is n {1} .lv n leave n blank lines (by .ne n and .sp n) .ne n needs n output lines, .bp if necessary .nj no justification of lines .nn no new line after this line .of odd page foot title to .en .oh odd page head title to .en .op begin odd page .os*c call operating system with this string .pl+- text area length is n lines {58} .po+- page offset is n {0} .rf right flush this line .sp n insert n blank lines .ss single space lines .ta define tabs {8,16,24,...,96} .tcc define tab character as c {ctrl I} .ti+- temporary indent n .trcc translate {ctrl J is space} .ul underline line n represents a decimal number, 0 is used if not present Spaces are allowed before n. c represents any character +- allows n, +n or -n: .in+2 sets an indent 2 more than current .ti+2 is a temporary indent of 2 more than the current indent Formatting commands which can appear anywhere .bb begin bold .bu begin underline .eb end bold .eu end underline .oc n output CHR$(n) to printer counted as 1 char .on n output CHR$(n) to printer without being counted .r0-9 contents of register e.g. .r0 Nԅ  9LBL 12M )Screen, Printer, Help ? Lhspd2 )Continuous, Paged ? Lcpd1 "# .N芝  W:id$:dTdVddRddCdQd:LL  $20  $10 $2 3;О/ddDPROF y$2 ;Print done. 9  L? I eވ .N (8 . ݰNK݇ 'H HNHeNef  8hNh hM D8DEdFdSY o RW&HhHESdF FE o W FFd6$2 I@2H ,h$P @2 Id$0  Md e  .Lܱ `NIȱb or&e3ȱbu'Ȁȱnc fȱ0 : pو`ȱNȱb#o>rWeȱb udddRdȱbuпPROȱncР f ȱ0: pڦe Lީ| f) ) f ` f) HH fh+-'=7)`eeei`ee`) )e)e`O`N`d` "#  5 L܅а&0e1fZe gezۥg``` e N 0 1G` 6 *     .H  hNen`hh` yJ`102 T L LTZ z` 8` .  V  `T .MHM ?hMdT`dC` 8` 8` fMH yhL fMMBC`` yJ` . L(L 8 LMM`Q 8Q`d` f Z MM z``dS fSS e,`W`D 8D` ȱ ȝ`P`e ` e-+ fe` fh8` eވ0:)H e heȀ`JM LM`H HNHHHDHHRHOHHHPHCHHHHHddCdRdd N . hhhhhChPhhhOhRhhDhhhNh h`[ 鸩 L$Z <\J\\$ $mZ  z`Z) )JJJJ(AH0jkl0e8ehe)zh8e`H HH 8S樥` mHn Hheh)e e8i[eʀ (2ZdI IVV IXX XLL XCC CDD DMM afNannblbpycccechco(dmGdskefehenepfffoheicigin ioix6juLllOlsWlv_nepnj}nnofpoh|oposplporfspsstatctitrul).he .en .fo .ce Page .r0 .ff.en FυI8== uϥ>==d>= ϥ=>@ х@:<0  R= ;9<@ R =>d=` `ѩ 3293 EХ9  9232 EЩJK8`;Ll6; eѩ* 2; ;9` ?L $3$ @H3)h [h   L ` .ϐ?b?^8? .ϰU 4ҥY@@F@ @op=`?   Sd?hh` S?С u SI?d=`?8? 7ϰd? 7ϰ ҥ@Z@dp89Z ѥ6op=`I?? ? [? [ ? [? [ꐆ I??8`0:)A[`"#dBdJdX "# ;d?`Z@ L?3I LCЩ 3) E)ҩ 3) L ꩃ  !i"i# ! ϥ98ZY`@Y @ZdY9Zd=` )Clear text [Y (dated),shf-f9 (exec)]ꩁ >LE h y Ⱥ L94' )Overwrite text [Y,f2]: ɂ)Yо )Type filename to load: ⺠ ҹL= $ to save: ^d4qr L? for MARK TO CURSOR save:  ɋ[\ aqr L?Bad use of stored name to insert: ⺥   3Ц ;Lrѩ$  )Command line * 좻    ~   LBB LCOnly 0,1,3,4,6,7,D or K )New Mode: >8/)DKЦH3h3   Z@d?LBQ!MHA  8  (" # Z |he"he#L? No roomNo old text foundd7dTdU7 0:}/y5 HeTeUeh:e5TWU7`TdU"# TU )At line , new line: G Bad numberLine not found 8TTUU TU Ѱť5 TUTY@LdOdidMdPdQdfdN N5N ` dWdhdg5 L/F^g*W ~ [7f S P5]fOS i ODi]` Pg hM MQ(W PQLPP dQToo many find multiples f5 T&\ ࢇ% 80M Râ RBad replace field numberOfA{[a O hO`Syntax incorrect5~ Error with ~\ f Error with \ f`. @# L R5-f R f` RL d6501| 5!6 $| ? )@ H h6 `Error with |dCqr%e Remqnr8` >Ɍɀl C#Ю 8`g} }  CНgɋ ȦCЊCCCȘ  Le(`mnɁȹ0y{ɂwɊ0Ƀ8ɋɄHɅɆLȹSUȲHGACȲ 57_1A{%[%a0:S S(`Sh)` R4DAVAACɌɇɈA0CA05y y(ФNo room)    ee |L` $ `L )Global replace:  ddddd dTdUde .TUi ަ ; r S 1 1 found`No previous string )Find and replace:  ɹd Q ҥT?qre .w R ?Z@ S= )R(eplace), C(ontinue) or ESCAPE Z q Lcr i )Replace by:   DO LB rѩ= S EТ 1 Not found` [d8TUTU 0 d` d' IdHX0H8EF`8EF` I #XXGdX EХG`XMark(s) setqrGUH ;Ҧqr` Q W;HT?h`  mn` W HH:`Bad marking ҦX rXLE WLr W ˆ 3 rѥ?` 8H8 Uϥ    fҢ4X ELr H      mn8 % &m n %&%&%&+ &e e 8m%mn&n &= rL3Х   &%& ?TI??`Roger Wilson