LLR#Tape to Disc 'TD' ROM1.00(C) 1985 Vine Micros Written by R.P.D. MallettLc L LHI?$0) c }  1 Ih`h`HI E & ΡΠΟ #HH 0)GL hh HH #hhh`桥 栭 H@ Nx ,0h X` ! `: # )y `Hh, HJhJJJJ)`H) h`,0 @HJhI`) L)魁)`hh c }L:@AB@` HGABh`Pirate ! `~ Lш W) `$ hhhhhhL: , e , ep, e,0`y 0` Now transferring to RAM.... ۂ`)  Searching ` !pq)pq) ۂ I*  e e e e e e e   I  ?? L! O O H h   ΅ )@ e) e)@)JM  e  L ͋ ͊ eL., Li}i}ݧ"͌- e  Block ? L. e  File ? L.))  Loading   ,  ·ΆL L ͋I ͊Ai}L߄ ΅ ,0q͔LLL e Data ? ꭗ)  epqL     ΅  ` HJJJJ h) ii0rrs`Lc W) W)` څsمr`h}}~~~#K~~6^}~E~m~}}i}|t} I,0 ppqH $h``M*II..``H ΅h LwJXr`DISC hh l '`  '`Ȣ    Filename that program will be saved under ? ͊`|| z Number of files in tape program ? 능rV.    i} I,+ START TAPE..PressSPACEto loadL START TAPE..Now transferring to RAM h STOP TAPE..Now transfering to discꭑrsr 4rrsrpץsqѭLΘ0=L Was that the last program (Y/N) ? NLtuvwt       ȠL L  z`M &L ( is` d 8` ` S! 򉬘  ) 8 ΚLՉ`H h ` Disc error...8` Ar` ss )V4sisrA$ ...... No programs on this disc`  (r r )s)  LT V.Ƞ ` 栊 r``r ( % "ererr80 errL Bad input... re_enter ?LDISC DRIVE HHHT<ȱD5ȱ 80V ыhhh`hhh`   m '` [i0 Programs on drive ꭜ)i0 are .  TD Rom Utilities : (?)Help page (1)Transfer program(2)Change options(3)Change drive(4)Recatalogue disc to exitPlease select $`1 Lы2 ֑Lы3 Lы? Lы4LыrAL L Drive number (0 to 3) ? 0 4)`  Bad drive number... re-enter ?L" H h `LbCHAIN "" *RUN ) LH),ȱh @ c } Lb Ŧ L` *$ Disc loading error.Ȣ xL  ) X$pL` $pP  5)  L Ƥƣ  ,0L፦ LʎX   8 0$p`Lc@ Nx`,0 m N))筄EM*Y`H h``L``LLM @L΍ΡΠ桥 ` Q YLIH0h`H0h` Q LI Il Q LI Q LI;@@Zir` `` c } u`  P΁΀   ͟H 0h `H,0 uh`L)  ``     LX`r  )Vrr@ iLы) V.      H )h Options not valid Lы hJJJJ) Lr Ȣ ) ^L ` ` File could not be opened. Press a keyhhL Program name ? ͊   s Current options are : ꭛)L Loading instruction꭛) *RUNLf CHAIN Type of loading꭛) FastLߒ Slow Current workspace at &s z zs)ɀ in ROM &꭛JJJJ z L No options yet set Press :C to CHAIN R to *RUN ?$L RC, Press :F for fast loading S for slow loading ?$L SF뭛 L Workspace to be used (256 bytes) ? ;s)ɀ( Sideways RAM number ? ;  tuvwt  s `` rȈrrrr80  rrLK Bad hex digit, please re_enter... ? L; Ɍ`Lr{{  ` Tape/Disc ROM by Vine Micros HHH ʔhhh` T D L This is theTD ROMhelp page. Please select the required information (1)Transferring programs to disc (2)Changing the options for a program (3)Exit 3`1Lؕ2Lș$`L Transferring programs.... Enter a (max. 7 letter) disc program filename that the program being transfered is to be saved under. Then enter the number of files in the program (in decimal), or just RETURN if you want to supervise transfer. Rewind the tape to the first file and pressPLAY. PressSPACEwhen the tape is in the correct position for loading. If a loading error occurs then the 'last block loaded'message will give the block to rewind to. If the program is exceptionally long then the computer will stop loading, save the data loaded to disc, and then resume loading. Note that if a motor control is not being used then the user should be ready to start/stop the tape as requested. When each program has been loaded, the user will (if supervising transfer) be asked'Was that the last file ?'to which a Y/N answer is required. The program must be saved complete withall files in their correct order. L Changing options... The default options for a transfered program areCHAIN & FAST. However, some require to be *RUN and very few to be SLOW loaded. In these the'change options'routine should be used to select the required options. In the case ofSLOWloading, a workspace page needs to be entered. In most cases a value of9will work (thismeans use &900 to &9FF), although some experimentation will be required. Thosewithsideways RAMcan use that, in which case asideways RAM number needs to be entered. L PRESS ANY KEY L  TAPE/DISC ROM from Vine Micros TAPE/DISC ROM from Vine Micros (c) 1985 Written by R.P.D. Mallett 5 Disc prog filename5 5 5 Last block loaded 5 5 5 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Load address : Run address : Block length : Block byte : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ACIA error File locked Bad header Last block Bad data 2400 Hz Wrong block Data found Rewind cassette ! Empty block ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,` The Tape to Disc (TD) ROM is copyright Vine Micros 1985, written by Richard Mallett. This version completed 29/1/1985 This space is reserved for any expansion necessary when converting to different disc interfaces.Thanks to :- Paddy & Peter,Simon,Mike,Brian,and Tim.Plus:- Sue & Billy.This ROM is dedicated to Christopher & Claire.************