Whitby Yards Map Browser 

 Central grid square:
  NZ 899 111

 Map scale:
   1:500 1:1,000 1:2,500

 Map year:
   1768 1828 1852 1891
   1960 1986 1990 2009
   2020 PRofW Submission
   2020 PRofW outskirts of town

 Shadow layer:
   1768 1828 1852 1891
   1960 1986 1990 2009
   2020 PRofW Submission

Move grid:
W  E

Maps and Documents

New Way Ghaut
Argument's Yard
Brewster Lane
Bruce's Lane
Woodwark's Yard
Benson's Yard
Smith's Yard
Meeting Yard
Lee's Yard
Blackburn's Yard
Borough Place
Sander's Yard
Black Horse Yard