> StnSetup TA%=@%:@%=5 messline%=530 7 @%=TA%: =17:abort:tB@:: :" At Line ":  7 ( init FK%=0 P STATE$(8,2) Z Z%=1 7: Y%=0 1 d STATE$(Z%,Y%) n x } display   K$=: "12345678",K$)  K$="7":default:0  K$="8":abort:0 K%=(K$) 28,0,24,39,15,12,26 0,15);(131);"Option "K$ - (messline%+K%*10): mess$:0,16);mess$ ) 5,23);(131);"Change setting Y/N"; K$= ! "Yy",K$):S%(K%)=S%(K%) 1 display 0   display  28,0,24,39,15,12,26 (STN$=(STN%):STN$=9-STN$," ")+STN$ 0FS$=(FS%): FSNET%<>0:FS$=(FSNET%)+"."+FS$ FS$=9-FS$," ")+FS$ 0PS$=(PS%): PSNET%<>0:PS$=(PSNET%)+"."+PS$ PS$=9-PS$," ")+PS$ "& 3,1);134;"Station number "STN$ ,% 3,2);134;"File Server "FS$ 6% 3,3);134;"Printer Server "PS$ @& 3,4);134;"PAGE = ",~ JQ%=0 T Z%=1 6 ^ W%=S%(Z%) hQ%=Q%+W%*2^(Z%-1) r@ 0,Z%+5);130;Z%;") ";STATE$(Z%,W%);(36-(STATE$(Z%,W%))) | -Z%=7: Q%=&0E:W%=0: Q%=&11:W%=1: W%=2 @ 0,Z%+5);130;Z%;") ";STATE$(Z%,W%);(36-(STATE$(Z%,W%))) . 0,8+5);130;8;") Exit or Abort program" ( 3,16);131;"Select option number"  (messline%): mess$  0,18);mess$   / "Station unprotected","Station Protected" L "Pages B and C for Econet Workspace","Pages B and C program Workspace" ; "Display version numbers","No Version number display" F "Pages E and F not reserved","Pages E and F Transient workspace" 1 "No use of Findlib","Call Findlib on Logon" 7 "Station does not auto boot","Station auto boots" : "BBC compatible settings","Prefered MASTER settings"  "Each of the above options can be set in the non-volatile memory of the station and will be used each time the computer is switched on. The two most usual settings can be selected by option 7." "The station can be protected to prevent other stations from viewing what is on the screen or takeing remote control of the station." &"Pages B00 and C00 are usualy used as network workspace on the Master series. some programs you purchase may require this area to be available for use. If this option is selected PAGE will rise by &200." 0"Some network commands are actualy loadedas programs from the file server when these commands are used they can displaythe version number of the program if this option is enabled." :"Pages E00 and F00 are used by some olderEconet utility programs. Selecting this option will raise PAGE by &200 and make this area available for these programs. The Findlib option should enabled if these pages are not enabled" D"Econet command files for use on the MASTER series computer are stored in a second library. This option if enabledwill automaticaly select this library when you log on." N"The station can be made to automaticaly start up and load programs from the net when it is switched on. The auto boot option must be selected, and the networkmust be the default filing system." X init bFSNET%=B(2):FS%=B(1) lPSNET%=B(4):PS%=B(3) vSTN%=B(0)  S%(8)  B%=B(17) S%(1)=(B% 64) 64 S%(2)=(B% 4) 4 S%(3)=(B% 128) 128 S%(4)=(B% 1) S%(5)=(B% 2) 2 !B%=B(16):S%(6)=(B% 16) 16    6 B(X%):A%=161:Y%=0:=(&FF0000 (&FFF4)) &10000 * 4! WB(Y%,X%):A%=162: &FFF4: >  set B%=&38 B(17)  S%(1):B%=B%+64  S%(2):B%=B%+4  S%(3):B%=B%+128  S%(4):B%=B%+1  S%(5):B%=B%+2 WB(B%,17) B%=&F7 B(16)  S%(6):B%=B%+16 WB(B%,16)    abort  28,0,24,39,15,12,26 . 3,18);"A) Abort program and do not set" # 3,19);"S) Set these options" % 3,20);"R) Return to main menu" ( K$=: "SARsar",K$):K$=(K$&DF) $ K$="A":''"ENDED": . K$="S":set:display: 8 K$="R":display: L V default ` 28,0,24,39,15,12,26 j. 3,18);"M) Set prefered master settings" t- 3,19);"B) Set BBC Compatible settings" y% 3,20);"R) Return to main menu" ~( K$=: "BMRbmr",K$):K$=(K$&DF) ! K$="B":fix(&0E):display: ! K$="M":fix(&11):display:  K$="R":display:   fix(N%)  Z%=1 6 " (N% 1):S%(Z%)=1: S%(Z%)=0  N%=N%/2