>Printer 1.31 EPSON M80  (C)J.G.Harston  B/B+/E/M/C/A/T (: 2&83: -P>5000 &80 <: F, Settings for EPSON compatible printers P> xxxx0$ is to turn an effect off, xxxx1$ is to turn it on ZEreset$=27+64 : reset printer, LF=>CR+LF d7nlq0$=27+"x0":nlq1$=27+"x1" : NLQ off/on n8bold0$=27+"F":bold1$=27+"E" : bold off/on x>comp0$=18:comp1$=15 : compressed off/on Adoubl0$=27+"H":doubl1$=27+"G" : double strike off/on ?super0$=27+"T":super1$=27+"S0" : superscript off/on =sub0$=27+"T":sub1$=27+"S1" : subscript off/on wide0$=20:wide1$=14 :high0$=27+"w0":high1$=27+"w1" : d/high off/on ?dwi0$=27+"h0":dwi1$=27+"h1" : d/high&wide off/on 8quad0$=27+"h0":quad1$=27+"h2" : quad off/on ;ital0$=27+"5":ital1$=27+"4" : italics off/on LiFlg%= : Use codes/Add 128 for italics Bcharsel$=27+"R" : char set selection ?USchar$=charsel$+0 : select US chars ?UKchar$=charsel$+3 : select UK chars @pound$=UKchar$+"#"+USchar$:Ipound$=UKchar$+(35+128)+USchar$ =under0$=27+"-0":under1$=27+"-1" : underline off/on 9font0$="" : Font 0 9font1$="" : Font 1 "9font2$="" : Font 2 ,9font3$="" : Font 3 6Jlf%=0 : change this to lf%=1 if @J : your printer doesn't do JH : automatic LF after CR T: ^5high%=:prn%=:reset%=:pl%=66:l%=60:ff%=:ffl%= h8rr%=82:ds%=1:nlq%=:pound%=:pound2%=:code%=:op%= r: | err C%=0:under%=0:bold%=0::*. ""Press SHIFT-Escape to exit." O:: (-4)<63 ;63-(-4);" bytes in printer buffer. ";(-4);" bytes free." !"File: "F$: F$,1)="*" F$ (F$,1)<>"*" F$<>"") )C%=(F$): C%=0 "Can't open '"F$"'"' #C%<>0:prn%=yn("Printer",prn%) :"First page (1) "sp% *"Last page (255) "ep%: ep%<1 ep%=255  ep%>=sp% ;op% options:op%= yn("Change options",) options %: prn% 2: reset% prn(reset$) prn% prn(USchar$) prn% nlq% prn(nlq1$) Acode% 23,128,0,0,8,4,254,4,8,0,23,129,0,0,&F8,8,&2A,&1C,8,0  sp%>1 3 &3line%=0:page%=0:it%=0:prn(ll%," ")): B%=#C% 00B%>31 B%<127 B%<>96:B%+it% char(B%) :2(B%=32 >rr%+ll%)(>78 rr%<80) char(13) D"line%=l% ep% page%=ep%-1 3 Nline%=l% 0,32: 1279,32:cls:prn(ll%," ")):line%=0:page%=page%+1:sp%page%=sp%-1 :"Printing from page ";sp%:2:sp%=0 X#C%:#C%:C%=0 bprn% cls:3 l#line%=0 line%=l%:page%=page%-1 vR'"'"+F$+"' printed. ";page%+1;" pages with ";line%;" lines on the last page." 0  options :high%=yn("Use VIEW highlight 2 as escape char",high%) ,prn% reset%=yn("Reset printer",reset%) @:"Printer page length (";pl%;:") "pl2%: pl2%<>0 pl%=pl2% pl%<40 "Too short"  pl%>39 8:"Text page length (";l%;:") "l2%: l2%<>0 l%=l2% l%<4 "Too short"  l%>3 *ff%=yn("Force FF at end of page",ff%) F ff% l%<>pl% ffl%=yn("Send LFs to advance to next page",ffl%) C"Lefthand margin (RETURN for non, 79=max): "ll%: ll%>30 ll%=0 T"Righthand margin (RETURN for non, ";79+ll%;: "=max): "rr%: rr%<30 rr%=82+ll%  7"Line spacing (";ds%;:") "ds2%: ds2%<>0 ds%=ds2% nlq%=yn("Set NLQ",nlq%)  >pound%=yn("Convert CHR$96 (`) into pound symbols",pound%) *Apound2%=yn("Convert CHR$163 () into pound symbols",pound2%) 4!code%=yn("Show codes",code%) >"eol$=13+10,lf%+1)+ll%," ") H R!char(B%):z%=0: B%=221 B%=9 \B%=10:B%=13 fB%=13 code%:vdu(129+8) pB%=13 prn%:prn(eol$) z0B%=13 prn% ds%>1:z%=1 ds%:prn(eol$): (B%=13:line%=line%+1:vdu(13+10): 0B%=12 prn%:cls:prn(ll%," ")):line%=l%: B%=12:line%=l%: B%=9 code%:vdu(128+8) (B%=9 prn%=0:8-((+1) 8),9);: B%=9:(8-((+1) 8));: 159 code% prn%=0:9,8:129:0:B-128:1:128: .MB%>126 code% prn%=0:9,9,9,9,9,8,8,8,8,8:129:0:"[";B;"]";:1:128: 80prn%=0 9,9,8,8:129:0:94,B%+64:1:128: B L cls V pl%