> Inlay  Cassette Inlay Printer  *** Mervyn Jackson *** ( **** BBC Computer **** 2 *** Epson Printer *** <7 F *|FX5,4 P*|PS BLANK Z report dinit:menu n x init 23;8202;0;0;0; A$(38)  title$(2)  detail$(2)  dolby$(2) C$=""  cass side=1 input$="type of cassette" input(11) in$="" C$=C$ C$=in$   menu  report  " *FX21,0 ,*2,2)131"CASSETTE INDEX LABEL MENU"; 6C$<>"" " FOR" @14);131C$ J"3,5);133"S";135"ave data"' T 3);133"L";135"oad data"' ^,3);133"P";135"rint full index card"' h,3);133"T";135"itle only to printer"' r(3);133"E";135"nter new details"' |23);133"V";135"iew/Amend existing details"' $3);133"Q";135"uit program"'' #2)130"PLEASE SELECT OPTION" x$=  to abort[" &x$= 0 side=x$ :%side<>0 side<>1 side<>2 T\B Dside=0 menu Nside=1 beg=1 beg=20 X b title lti=1 v 0input$="new Title (max 26 chars)":input(26) 9in$="" title$(side)=title$(side) title$(side)=in$ Cinput$="Details for SIDE "+(side)+" (max 65 chars)":input(65) \length=31 0,5)"SIDE ";side;" TRACK ";(track+asc);" existing Text is"''A$(track)'' HOlength=3 0,5)"SIDE ";side;" existing DOLBY detail is"''dolby$(side)'' R0length=11 0,5)"Existing type is"''C$'' \2"Enter ";input$''"or press if OK"''' fz$= p z$=13 z. z$=127 in$=in$,in$-1) in$=in$+z$ ( in$>length in$=in$,length):7 0,16);in$;" ";8;  DfC   screenprint  X title$(side);31,0);"DOLBY ";dolby$(side);0,1);detail$(side);31,2);"SIDE ";side' side=1 beg=1 beg=20 side=1 asc=64 asc=45 track=beg beg+18 track+asc; " ";A$(track)   check   check $ti=0 .>"Enter track to amend- for Title"'"or if OK"; 8x= Bx=84 x=116 title Lx>90 x=x-32 V x=13 `%side=1 track=x-64 track=x-45 j#track<1 track>side*19 tRD tti=1 tRD ~+input$="Text (max 31 chars)":input(31) 1in$="" A$(track)=A$(track) A$(track)=in$ screenprint   pad track=138 +A$(track)=A$(track)+32-A$(track)," ")   side=12 4title$(side)=title$(side)+26-title$(side)," ") 7detail$(side)=detail$(side)+65-detail$(side)," ")    pprint  ^datacheck:datalen=0 7:2,20);129"You have not entered any data yet!":wait=16000:: online: buffer= 42,20);129"PRINTING IN PROGRESS - PLEASE WAIT" (pad 2 *FX3,10 <27,64: Reset to default F!27,51,14: 14/216 line space P27,15: Condensed print Z27,85,1: unidir print dA"SIDE 1 DOLBY ";dolby$(1);34);"SIDE 2 DOLBY ";dolby$(2) n!27,51,18: 18/216 line space x 65,"-");" |" !27,51,27: 27/216 line space track=119 & A$(track);"| ";A$(track+19);" |"   65,"-");" |" "SIDE 1: "; 227,14: Enlarged print with self cancellation 27,71: Double strike title$(1)  18: Cancel Condensed print !27,72: Cancel Double strike  38- C$);C$ 27,15: Condensed print "SIDE 2: "; 227,14: Enlarged print with self cancellation 27,71: Double strike "title$(2) ,!27,72: Cancel Double strike 6 65,"-");" |" @J"SIDE 1:";67)"|"'detail$(1);" |"'"SIDE 2:";67)"|"'detail$(2);" |" J 67);"|" Tst=13: 65,"*");" |": ^ h *FX3,0 r | save ^datacheck:datalen=0 7:2,20);129"You have not entered any data yet!":wait=16000::  report #"ENTER FILE NAME TO SAVE : "x$ ""Save "+x$+" 0+800":ch%=(x$)  x=138 #ch%,A$(x)   x=12 (#ch%,title$(x),detail$(x),dolby$(x)   #ch%,C$  #ch%   load  report #"ENTER FILE NAME TO LOAD : "x$ & ch%=(x$) 0 x=138 :#ch%,A$(x) D N x=12 X(#ch%,title$(x),detail$(x),dolby$(x) b l #ch%,C$ v #ch%   report  #0:*FX3,0  1'"Error code number ";;" at Line number "; 7"PRESS TO STOP PROGRAM"'"PRESS FOR MENU" x$=  x$="M" x$="m":menu  thG   tprint datalen=0:Z%=12:datalen=datalen+(title$(Z%))::datalen=0 7:2,20);129"You have not entered a title yet!":wait=16000:: online: buffer=  C2,20);129"PRINTING IN PROGRESS - PLEASE WAIT":wait=11000:  *FX3,10  27,64: Reset to default *27,15: Condensed Print 427,85,1: unidir print > 27,50: line space 1/6 inch H"SIDE 1: "; R227,14: Enlarged print with self cancellation \27,71: Double strike ftitle$(1) p!27,72: Cancel Double strike z"SIDE 2: "; 227,14: Enlarged print with self cancellation 27,71: Double strike title$(2) !27,72: Cancel Double strike  *FX3,0   online  *FX21,3  *FX3,10 2,1:W%=1500::3  *FX3,0 } (-4)<>63 buffer=:7:2,20);129"Printer is busy or not on line"'21)129" - please check.":wait=16000:: buffer=  *FX21,3   quit :datacheck $ datalen=0 133"END";:: 0,6)"You have entered data."''"Press";:130"RETURN";:135"to return to the Menu."''"Any other key will END the program and may lose the data." .x$= 8# x$=13 menu 133"END";: B L datacheck V datalen=0 `(Z%=138:datalen=datalen+(A$(Z%)): j+Z%=12:datalen=datalen+(title$(Z%)): t,Z%=12:datalen=datalen+(detail$(Z%)): ~+Z%=12:datalen=datalen+(dolby$(Z%)): datalen=datalen+(C$)  % osc: A$:"*"A$:A$:A$="":