Date : Sun, 24 May 1992 00:47:00 GMT
From : Alan Ralph <aralph@...>
Subject: A bit about me and my kit.
At the moment I've got a Master 128, with a Turbo Co-processor Board, and
Morley AA ROMboard inside. Outside there's a Morley Smart Cartridge, a
switchable 40/80T disk drive, a Hi-Tec EC2400 modem, a Music 5000, a
Morley Hard Disk, and a Star LC-200 printer. Oh, and a monitor currently
on it's last legs.
I'd love to have an Archie if I could afford one, but as I'm currently
unemployed that's a bit of a problem! So I'm stuck with the Master for
Believe it or not, I actually read Usenet OFF-LINE, on my Master, with a
little help from the EDIT command of the View word-processor.
I'm co-moderator of the BBC conference on CIX, the Compulink Information
eXchange, which is pretty quiet these days. I also read, and occasionally
contribute to, the BBC Echo on FidoNet (still going strong, just) via the
World of Cryton BBS.
Amongst the mountain of software in my possession is a PD package called
ATerm, which does a pretty good ANSI emulation coupled with up/download
capability up to Ymodem-G (sorry Gerben, but you're not the only one to
have had that idea.) I have Gerben's Arc and UUencode here, so I could
post it if anyone want me too.
I'll spread the word, and see if I can rattle up some more support.