Date : Tue, 12 Jan 1993 15:06:51 GMT
From : "Mik Davis" <davism@...>
Subject: Re: Real Time Clock (and other stuff)?
> Hi y'all!
> There hasn't been much traffic on here recently, but there
> are a few bits that I thought were worth throwing about.
> Does anyone have a design for an Acorn compatable real time
> clock? I remember discussing this with Mathew last summer. Could we
> put together a production run? (How about it Richard?).
> (I'm gona get my hard disc REAL SOON. honest!)
Would the one used by the old level 3 econet server provide a starting point?
It would have to be compatible (at least command-wise) with the BBC master one.
> Is anyone interested in using their BBC as a graphics
> terminal? I've been developing an objective C based graphics library
> recently. It currently runs under X, but I've been keeping in mind
> that it should be easily addapted to drive BBC VDU codes?
How about a system to allow a BBC to run as a terminal to an archimedes
such that the arch. acted as a "second processor" kind of arrangement
(probably over the serial port). The arrangement would have to be a piece
of software running both ends such that any i/o requirements were processed
by the beeb but the number crunching bits were done by the arch....
> Has anyone got any good mouse based software? I'd realy love
> to get hold of something like AMX framemaker. Also does anyone have a
> commercial (ie good quality) C compiler?
> Finaly remember that just 'cause the BBC is old, it doesn't
> mean that it can't do everything it could when you bought it. I
> recently wrote a package to analyse some Scanning Electron Microscope
> data (for my girlfriend - it would have taken her MONTHS). The BBC
> did the job just as quick as anything else could have.
Mik (currently trying to write a decent version of tetris for the beeb)
Mik Davis at Aston University. E-Mail davism@...
Some people in this department wouldn't recognize subtlety if it hit
them on the head.