Date : Tue, 23 Mar 1993 10:51:39 +0100
From : stjohn@... (Chris StJohn)
Subject: ANSI-C??
I know a lot of you out there read Usenet too, but I thought I'd
include this pointer....
comp.os.cpm, article 3917 (remember I posted an earlier article recently)
is about a possible ANSI-C compiler for C64. Should generate 6502 code....
Well it's from the same guy as is doing the low cost parallel network, so
maybe someone ought to mail him and ask about it. They expect to release
the compiler in the Public Domain this summer.
,--, Chris StJohn, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128
/ /_ __' _ Palaiseau, Cedex, FRANCE. (+33)
(____/ (_/ (_/_).
Don't mean they're not after you" -- Nirvana
PS: After having to reformat my HD I found that I'd badly backed up
edit6502-bbc. Can someone tell me what the load & exec address of the file
is please (I think the load address is 2900 after disassembling it).
A million thanks to the first person to mail me the correct answer!!