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Date   : Wed, 12 May 1993 17:30:16 +1200
From   : David Andrew Sainty <David.Sainty@...>
Subject: A new thing...

After reviving an old project, I hit upon the solution (made easier by the
fact I now have a master with shadow ram, and didn't before). I've successfully
doubled the vertical resolution of the bitmapped screen modes, giving a
maximum of 640x512 in mode 0.

Having done this, I haven't any idea what to do with it! :-)

The refresh rate is effectively halved, which seems to be too slow to stop a
certain amount of flicker under the wrong conditions (isolated pixels
flicker). But it's not bad. Text looks good.

Anyone got any ideas for this?

On a different subject, a new version of unzip should be ready soon which
handles the new zip algorithm, has some extra features, and fixes the bug
that selective unzip NEVER works on the old version! (Anyone notice that
_slight_ bug? :-)

After unzip, my next job is working on tequilacomm, on which I intend to
support V.42bis and MNP2 in software, and support V.42 error correction with
some additional hardware (The circuit for which will be reasonably simple
so not too dificult to build, and will probably sit on the 1MHz bus).

If you already have an error correcting modem, V.42bis should sit happilly
on top of that without requiring the additional hardware.

Feedback on any of the above will be appreciated (especially how many people
would actually find the error correction/compression modem protocol stuff
useful, so I know I'm not just doing it for myself! :-)

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