Date : Tue, 28 Sep 1993 12:03:04 EDT
From : Bonfield "James./Staden" <jkb@...>
Subject: DES, RFS maker, UIM editor
I've got a few bits and pieces of software I've knocked up in the past
that I thought I'd share with the list. If someone has a better home (ftp
site) for them then that'd be nice.
Currently they reside on
Let me know how you find them. The programs currently there are:
DES encryption package using CBC or ECB cipher methods. It does
decrypt what it encrypts (useful that bit!), but I haven't yet checked
to see whether it encrypts to the same as proper DES does. I trust
it reasonably though. Remember that when removing the original
unencrypted file you should blank it with *SAVE or something first.
Editor for UIM (naff game in my opinion) saved game position. It's
amusing to cheat and finish it if only to see how bad the perspective
is on the finish screen.
Makes ROMs suitable for the *ROM filesystem. Handy as a hacky way of
converting tape games to disk ;)