Date : Mon, 18 Jul 1994 09:31:02 +0100 (BST)
From : amh15@... (Alan Hart)
Subject: Re: Teletext graphics question...
> Anyone know for sure what the hold and release graphics teletext controls
> do ?
Oh wow! I remember this, I think!
As I remember, 'hold' causes all colour-change characters to appear as the
previous graphics character [i.e. the one to the left] whilst still changing
the colour. The purpose of this is to give continuous blocks of graphics
which change colour, e.g. a narrow line changing colour along its
[horizontal] length with no breaks. There was a game that used this on the
scores page!
Release reverts to normal mode.
I may be slightly wrong in detail, but this is the gist of what it does.
> Also, there's a "conceal" display, which I assumes makes all characters
> from that position onwards appear blank, but how is it turned off ?
I think you press the 'reveal' button on your remote control [oh dear, I
don't seem to have one] :)
Alan Hart - amh15@... - University of Cambridge, UK