Date : Fri, 05 Aug 1994 13:11:36 +0000
From : lamcw <lamcw@...>
Subject: Re: benchmarks
hi there,
;On a similar note - how much more than just the 6502 instruction set do I
;have to emulate to get BBC BASIC running? I'm going to jump for joy when
;I finally see the ">" I've missed for so long but I'd like to have a
;rough idea of when it's going to happen!
all you need to get BASIC going is your 6502 emulator. trap OSWRCH ( ithink)
to print a char. you don't even need the BCD options for the ADC/SBC opcodes
and all the maths routines still work. beware, even when you get BASIC
going it doesn't mean it's correct... i got it working and discovered later
that i had completely messed up the AND opcodes. but it still bloody worked!!!
chris lam,
aston univ.